Last Updated: 07:36:40 on 04-17-2022

IWPA Standings for the 2021-2022 Season
Numbers in parenthesis are the pull number with the score for that pull to the left
These pull numbers are also links to the individual pulls
Qualifications and Standings are NOT Final
They are just an indication of the standings at this time
Region 2 -- Wheels
40 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 2
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 2 Outside
18.0 Cinder Sue Ferrari 6(12) 8(2) 4(3)
8.0 Camas Wendy Gaiser 5(13) 3(12 )
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
80 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 2
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 2 Outside
5.0 Skoohum Ellie Gull 5(12)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
100 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 2
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 2 Outside
8.0 Chase Joey Prater 5(13) 3(12 )
6.0 Olaf Ellie Gull 6(12)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
125 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 2
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 2 Outside
6.5 Tornado George Ferrari 5(12) 1(2) 0.5(3)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
150 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 2
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 2 Outside
5.0 Russo Trisha Porter 5(12)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
Unlimited Class -- Wheels -- Region 2
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 2 Outside
5.0 Hannibal Joey Prater 5(12)
Region 3 -- Wheels
60 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 3
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 3 Outside
33.0 Baby Darwin Lumbattis 7(62) 7(63 ) 11(36) 8(56)
23.0 Fleur Janilee Benell 6(18) 6(34 ) 6(35) 5(19)
23.0 Sasha Tina King 6(10) 6(11 ) 4(62) 4(63) 3(9)
14.0 Chloe Tina King 6(9) 3(10 ) 3(11) 1(62) 1(63)
12.0 Kali Anissa Shotbolt 6(67) 6(68 )
12.0 Rue Anissa Shotbolt 3(34) 3(35 ) 3(67) 3(68)
3.0 Sushi Ashley Bradbury 3(18) 0(19 )
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
80 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 3
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 3 Outside
33.0 Elliott Michalla Warwaruk 8(19) 7(34 ) 7(35) 7(67) 4(68)
30.0 Capone Rita Hendriksen 10(18) 7(68 ) 5(19) 4(35) 4(67)
27.0 Scout Darwin Lumbattis 6(62) 6(63 ) 5(9) 5(10) 5(11)
7.5 Junior Ashley Bradbury 7(18) 0.5(19 )
7.0 Woodsie Anissa Shotbolt 4(34) 1(35 ) 1(67) 1(68)
6.0 Bentley Melissa Cayer 4(18) 2(19 )
1.0 Rasta Amanda Flynn 1(18)
0.5 Jada Ashley Bradbury 0.5(18) 0(19 )
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
100 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 3
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 3 Outside
38.0 Crunch Melissa Waters 8(18) 8(19 ) 8(35) 7(34) 7(67)
25.0 Lunatic Brittany Speakman 5(9) 5(10 ) 5(11) 5(62) 5(63)
16.0 Capone Melissa Waters 5(18) 5(35 ) 4(68) 1(34) 1(67)
13.0 Evolution's Draken Amanda Poluck 4(34) 4(67 ) 2(19) 2(35) 1(68)
7.5 Kelo Carla Bartholow 5(19) 2(18 ) 0.5(35) 0(34)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
125 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 3
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 3 Outside
29.0 Ripley Mickey Hays 6(18) 6(19 ) 6(35) 6(68) 5(34)
18.0 Freyja Ashley Sletten 6(67) 3(18 ) 3(19) 3(35) 3(68)
6.0 Bear Darwin Lumbattis 3(62) 3(63 )
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
Unlimited Class -- Wheels -- Region 3
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 3 Outside
25.0 Tank Darwin Lumbattis 5(9) 5(10 ) 5(11) 5(62) 5(36)
Region 4 -- Wheels
60 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 4
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 4 Outside
0.5 Sally Debby Jahnke 0.5(2) 0(3)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
80 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 4
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 4 Outside
10.0 Kitanna Alida Swat 5(6) 5(7)
8.0 Steamer Debby Jahnke 6(3) 2(2)
7.0 Heidi Debby Jahnke 5(2) 2(3)
0.0 Pax Debby Jahnke 0(2) 0(3)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
100 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 4
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 4 Outside
8.0 McLaren Michael Leititis 7(7) 1(6)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
125 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 4
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 4 Outside
10.0 Cammy Michael Leititis 8(6) 2(7)
Region 5 -- Wheels
40 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 5
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 5 Outside
9.0 Raven Timothy Goodell 6(26) 3(25 )
9.0 Pack Ur Bags &Bounce Lonna Goodell 6(25) 3(26 )
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
80 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 5
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 5 Outside
10.0 Broadway Show Timothy Goodell 5(25) 5(26 )
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
100 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 5
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 5 Outside
10.0 Xander Timothy Goodell 5(25) 5(26 )
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
125 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 5
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 5 Outside
10.0 Cry Me a River Lonna Goodell 5(25) 5(26 )
Region 6 -- Wheels
10 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 6
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 6 Outside
15.0 Bug Diane Krupski 5(6) 5(7 ) 5(16) 0(17)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
20 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 6
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 6 Outside
22.0 Ripper Diane Krupski 8(6) 8(7 ) 6(16) 0(17)
20.0 Sprite Donna Libbey 5(17) 5(69 ) 5(70) 3(16) 2(6)
10.0 Yetta Diane Krupski 5(6) 5(7 ) 0(16) 0(17)
1.0 Vicky Shirley Webber 0.5(6) 0.5(7 )
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
40 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 6
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 6 Outside
18.0 Piper Wendy Lake 5(16) 5(17 ) 4(60) 4(61)
12.0 Anushka Stephanie Stoll 5(69) 5(70 ) 1(60) 1(61)
11.0 Ivy Courtnee Townsend 7(59) 4(58 )
2.0 Vala Courtnee Townsend 1(58) 1(59 )
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
60 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 6
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 6 Outside
50.0 Magillacudie Randolf Gerke 11(60) 11(61 ) 10(69) 10(70) 8(24)
37.0 Hurricane Clyde Carol Gerke 8(23) 8(60 ) 8(61) 7(70) 6(6)
16.0 Xombee Lynzie Bacchus 5(60) 5(61 ) 4(70) 2(69)
16.0 Tir Destinee Kiel 7(69) 5(24 ) 2(23) 2(70)
8.0 Physh Lynzie Bacchus 3(60) 3(61 ) 1(69) 0.5(23) 0.5(70)
3.0 Taki Mary Wolf 1(60) 1(70 ) 0.5(61) 0.5(69)
0.5 Trix Destinee Kiel 0.5(24) 0(23 )
0.0 Rabi Mary Wolf 0(60)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
80 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 6
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 6 Outside
27.0 Tank CK Lynzie Bacchus 6(23) 6(24 ) 5(16) 5(17) 5(60)
6.0 Zeus Jason Wilson 3(23) 3(24 )
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
100 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 6
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 6 Outside
32.0 Duke Ted Gerke 7(6) 7(60 ) 6(16) 6(61) 6(69)
20.0 Bell Paige Pitz 5(17) 4(6 ) 4(7) 4(60) 3(16)
1.0 Zuri Kim Diekevers 1(60)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
125 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 6
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 6 Outside
31.0 Madd Maxx Barry Wilson 8(7) 6(60 ) 6(69) 6(70) 5(6)
17.0 Reilly Stephanie Stoll 5(7) 4(16 ) 3(69) 3(70) 2(6)
15.0 Sage Stephanie Stoll 7(16) 7(17 ) 0.5(6) 0.5(7)
3.0 Kayden Kim Diekevers 3(60)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
150 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 6
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 6 Outside
27.0 Rocky Jean Wilson 6(69) 6(70 ) 5(6) 5(7) 5(16)
6.0 Sage Stephanie Stoll 3(69) 3(70 )
Region 7 -- Wheels
10 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 7
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 7 Outside
12.0 Kenshin Rhapsody Rhodes 6(31) 6(32 )
6.0 Ricky Rhapsody Rhodes 3(31) 3(32 )
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
20 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 7
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 7 Outside
23.0 Barney Rhapsody Rhodes 8(71) 5(31 ) 5(32) 5(72)
17.0 Felix Melissa Kehler 6(1) 6(22 ) 4(29) 1(49)
14.0 Rebel Rose Melissa Kehler 7(29) 7(49 )
13.0 Kenshin Rhapsody Rhodes 8(72) 5(71 )
11.0 Tinker Melissa Kehler 4(49) 3(1 ) 3(22) 1(29)
4.0 Ricky Rhapsody Rhodes 2(71) 2(72 )
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
40 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 7
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 7 Outside
26.0 Deuce Melissa Kehler 7(1) 6(22 ) 5(29) 5(30) 3(49)
15.0 Esmerelda Melissa Kehler 6(49) 5(75 ) 4(1)
5.0 Kisch Ami Insley 5(8) 0(22 ) 0(75)
4.0 Rebel Rose Melissa Kehler 3(22) 1(1 )
0.0 Arya Joe Crowder 0(1)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
60 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 7
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 7 Outside
26.0 Fuego Ami Insley 7(49) 7(75 ) 6(8) 6(22)
5.0 Q Ami Insley 4(49) 1(75 )
5.0 Hudson Reagan Hart 4(75) 1(49 )
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
80 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 7
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 7 Outside
23.0 Rafael Abigail Maxwell 9(22) 6(30 ) 6(66) 2(8)
20.0 Ronin Abigail Maxwell 8(8) 6(22 ) 3(30) 3(66)
13.0 Lilly Amber Harris 5(71) 5(72 ) 3(15)
9.0 Phoebe David Heffelfinger 5(8) 3(22 ) 1(1)
7.0 Loki Megan Mills 7(1)
4.0 Sansa Joe Crowder 4(1)
1.5 Q Ami Insley 1(22) 0.5(8 )
0.5 Balto Ian Kiser 0.5(22)
0.0 Riggs Megan Mills 0(1)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
100 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 7
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 7 Outside
32.0 Yahtzee David Heffelfinger 7(8) 7(29 ) 7(49) 6(22) 5(1)
25.0 Phoebe David Heffelfinger 8(75) 7(66 ) 6(30) 4(29)
11.0 Ursula David Heffelfinger 4(49) 3(30 ) 2(75) 1(29) 1(66)
10.0 Thunder Ami Insley 5(75) 3(22 ) 1(8) 1(49)
7.5 Sirus Debbie Lee 3(15) 2(14 ) 1(5) 1(32) 0.5(31)
4.0 Balto Ian Kiser 4(8)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
125 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 7
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 7 Outside
37.0 Yeti Debbie Lee 9(71) 7(4 ) 7(5) 7(14) 7(15)
21.0 Binks Amber Harris 6(71) 4(4 ) 4(5) 4(14) 3(32)
13.0 Lego Melissa Kehler 5(49) 5(75 ) 3(66)
6.0 Big Woo Melissa Kehler 6(66)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
150 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 7
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 7 Outside
26.0 Magnus Sheryl Franklin 7(49) 6(66 ) 5(33) 4(1) 4(22)
21.0 Jolene Debbie Lee 6(32) 5(14 ) 5(15) 5(31)
19.0 Tank Tanya Garrett 7(22) 6(8 ) 6(29)
12.0 Block Melissa Kehler 5(75) 4(49 ) 3(66)
9.0 Big Woo Melissa Kehler 7(1) 1(22 ) 1(49)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
Unlimited Class -- Wheels -- Region 7
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 7 Outside
25.0 Aubryne Sheryl Franklin 5(1) 5(8 ) 5(29) 5(33) 5(49)
Region 8 -- Wheels
20 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 8
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 8 Outside
10.0 Magic Mike Clay Fonvielle 5(58) 5(59)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
40 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 8
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 8 Outside
11.0 Amara Clay Fonvielle 7(58) 4(59)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
60 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 8
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 8 Outside
10.0 A.I.D.E.W. Clay Fonvielle 5(58) 5(59)
Region 9 -- Wheels
10 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 9
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 9 Outside
18.0 Monarch Joseph Robbie Reed 5(3) 5(21 ) 5(74) 3(36) 0(65)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
20 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 9
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 9 Outside
28.0 Baron Benjamin Robbie Reed 6(36) 6(65 ) 6(74) 5(3) 5(21)
22.0 Magnus Mary Felice 6(73) 5(56 ) 5(64) 3(36) 3(65)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
40 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 9
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 9 Outside
33.0 Lily Rodney Martin 11(56) 7(3 ) 7(65) 5(2) 3(64)
18.0 Peony Cheryl Martin 6(64) 5(56 ) 4(65) 2(2) 1(3)
13.0 Charity Savannah Martin 5(73) 5(74 ) 2(56) 1(65)
13.0 Stevie Bob Sencenbaugh 6(21) 6(36 ) 1(56) 0(64)
8.0 Jitterbug Jim Walters 8(56)
6.5 Willow Bob Sencenbaugh 3(21) 3(36 ) 0.5(56) 0(64)
3.0 Radar Jim Walters 3(56)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
60 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 9
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 9 Outside
49.0 Midus Mary Felice 12(3) 10(65 ) 9(2) 9(20) 9(73)
28.0 Tek Cheryl Martin 9(74) 6(20 ) 6(73) 4(21) 3(2)
27.0 Dexter Jacob Hernandez 9(3) 7(21 ) 6(2) 3(20) 2(65)
22.0 Molly Rochelle Wacker 10(21) 5(64 ) 4(65) 2(56) 1(20)
16.0 Duchess Jacob Hernandez 8(36) 3(73 ) 3(74) 1(21) 1(65)
10.0 Mars Deziray Howard 7(65) 3(36 )
1.5 Rainie Carlyn Martin 1(3) 0.5(21 )
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
80 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 9
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 9 Outside
49.0 GrimmLoc Richard Sr Felice 12(3) 11(2 ) 10(36) 8(21) 8(74)
17.0 Princess Mary Terence Reed 5(21) 3(65 ) 3(73) 3(62) 3(63)
11.0 Duchess Jacob Hernandez 8(2) 3(3 )
9.5 Bella Cheryl Jelinek 5(74) 4(36 ) 0.5(21)
7.0 Bonzai Matt Friedman 7(36)
5.0 Nicklaus Cheryl Jelinek 2(21) 2(74 ) 1(36)
0.0 Hazzard Elizabeth Hirtler 0(36)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
100 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 9
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 9 Outside
21.0 Dahteste Marlo Wacker 6(20) 5(21 ) 5(36) 5(74)
6.0 Cache Mary Hernandez 3(20) 2(2 ) 1(3) 0(21)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
125 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 9
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 9 Outside
43.0 Hope Mary Felice 9(2) 9(3 ) 9(21) 8(20) 8(36)
30.0 Lacy Richard Sr Felice 7(56) 7(73 ) 6(2) 5(20) 5(36)
21.0 Princess Rahab Terence Reed 4(56) 3(21 ) 2(36) 6(62) 6(63)
19.0 Draco Mary Hernandez 6(3) 6(21 ) 3(2) 2(20) 2(74)
2.5 Big Head Rochelle Wacker 1(21) 1(56 ) 0.5(20)
0.0 Countess Keturah Terence Reed 0(2) 0(3 ) 0(21) 0(36)
Region 11 -- Wheels
20 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 11
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 11 Outside
10.0 Patrick Henry Brian Weldin 5(4) 5(5)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
40 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 11
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 11 Outside
0.0 Wybie Tiffenie Branch 0(4) 0(5)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
60 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 11
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 11 Outside
11.0 Padfoot Taylor Jones 6(31) 5(4)
8.0 Toya Taylor Jones 4(14) 4(15)
5.0 Sebastian Janira Roldan 5(72)
0.0 Banuk Taylor Jones 0(14) 0(15)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
80 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 11
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 11 Outside
15.0 JoJo Jenna Starr 8(32) 7(31)
11.0 Lilith Taylor Jones 6(15) 5(4)
6.0 Pearl Jenna Starr 4(31) 2(32)
0.5 Hellga Charles Collins 0.5(32)
0.0 Lily Leslie Wemhoff 0(14) 0(15)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
100 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 11
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 11 Outside
18.0 Xela Jenna Starr 9(31) 9(32)
18.0 Pepper Potts Valarie Thawley 9(5) 9(15)
12.0 Han Solo Valarie Thawley 6(5) 6(15)
5.0 Bridges Leslie Wemhoff 3(5) 2(4)
1.5 Georgia Leslie Wemhoff 1(15) 0.5(14)
1.0 Yoko Taylor Jones 0.5(4) 0.5(5)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
125 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 11
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 11 Outside
18.0 Dezzy Jenna Starr 9(31) 9(32)
8.0 Trekker Leslie Wemhoff 4(15) 4(72)
4.0 Lamara Jenna Starr 3(31) 1(32)
3.5 Mysty Jenna Starr 3(71) 0.5(32)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
150 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 11
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 11 Outside
8.0 Logan Jenna Starr 5(71) 3(32)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
Unlimited Class -- Wheels -- Region 11
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 11 Outside
10.0 Puddin Brian Weldin 5(4) 5(15)

Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home