Present: Todd Allen; Nacho Alvarado; Donna Daymude; Larry Brillhart; Shirley Webber; Jim Dodds; Sherri Raddle
Absent: Rick Williams; Stan Ponstien
Invited guest: Terry Reed; Rodney Martin; Daryl Anderson; Mike Swenson; Debi Lee; Diane Krupski
Meeting called to order, President Todd Allen, 8:17am.
Secretary read the minutes from the 2004 Board meeting. Motion: “accept the minutes as read” MSC
Treasure: Written report submitted to Todd Allen attached
Funds down $5,000.00 from last year
Large savings was from not doing drug testing at the last championship.
Motion: “to accept the treasure’s report of the 2004-2005 season and to move the proposed 2005-2006 budget to new business”
Membership: Written report sent from Karen (report attached)
Total membership is down from 286 in 2003-2004 season to 257 this season. The membership consists of:
2-Lifetime Memberships
120 Family
135 Individual
Motion: “accept the submitted report”
Judges Report: Written report submitted from Jim Dodds (report attached)
50 total judges
39 renewals
11 new judges
3 are valid for the 05/06 season
DQ’s from the judges reports;
2- Stepping over the line (Section 5: C: 2)
5- Calling the dog before crossing the finish line (Section 5: C: 2)
5- Touching dog before the cart crossed the finish line (Section 5: C: 2)
3- Tangles (Section 5: C: 13)
1- False Start (Section 5: C: 13)
1- Sling shot (Section 5: C: 5)
2- Unsportsmanlike conducts (Section 4: B)
Motion: “accept the report submitted”
Championship Report: Todd Allen, verbal report submitted
Rick Williams and Todd Allen, due to the conflict of interest, decided to take a vote from the board with the 2 proposals for the championship locations; one from Michigan and one from Colorado.
130 +/- dogs attended the championships, having 2 tracks definitely helped expedite the event.
Letter received by the championship organizer will be published in the newsletter.
The recommendation is to still have the board put together an out line for future championship organizers.
Motion: “accept the report as submitted”
Drug Testing: Todd Allen, verbal report submitted
No drug testing was conducted at this years at the championship; the facility used for the drug testing was in the process of moving and didn’t get up and running in time to conduct the testing this year. There was not enough time to find another facility for testing this year. Next year the facility will be available for testing, next years price will be about $40-42 per dog.
Final decision of whether or not to test will be left up to the drug chairperson, same as this year; this was a good idea. The only board members that knew whether or not there would be drug testing this year was Todd Allen; Shirley Weber, and Jim Dodds.
Motion: “accept the report as submitted.”
Sanctioning: Donna Daymude, verbal report submitted
Same amount of pulls were sanctioned as last year, 104- However, the number of dogs competing during the season was down.
Expenses were saved by Donna doing copies at work; toner will need to be purchased this year. Another expense savings was instead of mailing, she faxed reports to the statistician. Overall, there were more forms mailed than sent electronically. Only a couple deviations in the money received this year. Donna Collins and Chris Thompson are not members in good standing; both still owe the club money.
Motion: “accept the report as submitted”
Elections Chair: Larry Brillhart, report attached
Vote counts:
301 ballots mailed
42 Single / 83 Families ballots received
Board Member votes:
Jim Dodds 95
Debbie Lee 103
Rodney Martin 84
Terry Reed 90
False Start Rule Change
Yes to Change 69
No to Change 55
Junior Member amendment
Yes to add 94
No to add 29
List of the Championship judges were posted in the newsletter and the report is attached to the minutes.
Motion: “accept the report as submitted.”
Medals: Shirley Webber for Donna Libby, written report submitted (report attached)
All certificate and backings were mailed a month ago. If anyone knows of anyone that hasn’t received theirs yet, have them contact Donna Libby.
International medals that remaining for next year:
7- Gold on Blue Ribbons
7-Silver on Red Ribbons
9-Bronze on White Ribbons
Regional Medals remaining for next year
No new supplies are needed for the working dog certificates.
Motion: “accept the report submitted”
Motion: “add a copy of the working dog certificate to the championship packet as an example”
Regional Coordinator: Shirley Webber, verbal report submitted
Received several emails; several of the emails have lead to some of those to become members. Shirley usually sends them articles to read, samples are; St. Bernard clud; Pull doggie site, the articles on the IWPA website on pulling. Emails from 5 or 6 different countries have been received wanting information on pulling and how to form a club, rules, etc.
There has not been any reply from the Region 11 Rep all year; one of the regional reps doesn’t have email and Shirley can’t do contacts by mail. It must be stressed that the regional reps job is to have a regional meeting; very few do. Regional reps can be selected by the region or appointed by the Regional Coordinator.
Motion: “accept the report as submitted”
Statistician: Jim Dodds
Website renew 6/23 $119.40
Hosting company: APlus
60 hours to rebuild the website this year
Database ready for the new season; took about 3 days to get ready
Pulls from last season are down form 104 from 109
All regions memberships are down except region 9
Anyone wanting to add information to the website; sent to Jim, with board approval it will be added.
Motion: “accept the report as submitted”
Insurance: Donna Daymude, verbal report
Sportsman insurance is the best price and easy to work with.
$365.00 for last year; not yet received new bill yet.
To add a sponsor on a rider policy; a one time fee of $15.00 will be charged.
Motion: “accept the report as submitted”
Unfinished business:
False Start rule: Vote was on what was written on the ballot.
Motion: “accept the memberships vote with regards to the false start rule as presented to the membership on the ballot.”
Ballot read: “A false start is defined as the handler stopping in route to the finish line and/or making contact with the dog after the dog has started forward motion with the cart. A false start will not be called even though the dog may have already started moving the cart as long as the handler leaves the dog and proceeds directly to cross the finish line without stopping or touching his/her dog.”
Old Business:
Bring to new business; Purina Farms
Motion: “accept and close old Business”
New Business:
Welcome new board members: Debi Lee; Mike Swenson; Terry Reed; Rodney Martin; Jim Dodds.
An invitation was extended to guest Daryl Anderson and Diane Krupski.
Nominations for offices:
President: Todd Allen
Nominations; Todd Allen; Terry Reed
Vice President: Donna Daymude
Nominations: Donna Daymude; Terry Reed
Treasure: Stan Ponstien
Nominations: Stan Ponstien
Secretary: Kitty Alvarado
Nominations: Kitty Alvarado
Todd would like to thank the outgoing board members for the work and contributions and all their hard work during their term. The success of the club is valued upon the time spend from those who volunteer their time and put forth the effort to support this great orginaization. Due to all the hard work of the board this was an awesome year; no big issues raised and the board all worked together as a team, nice job and thank you.
Todd would like to have a picture of the board members in the newsletter and on the website. Photos will be taken tomorrow.
Motion: “Break for lunch” MSC
1:35 PM Meeting called to order.
Drug Testing: Todd Allen
Membership: Rodney Martin
Sanctioning: Donna Daymude
Judges: Jim Dodds
Elections: Larry Brillhart
Standing Rules: Donna Daymude
Medals: Donna Libby
Grievance Committee: Sherri Raddle, Daryl Anderson, Robbie Reed
Personal: Nacho Alvarado, Larry Brillhart
Championship Chair: Terry Reed
Promotions: Debi Lee
Regional Rep Coordinator: Debi Lee
Statistician: Jim Dodds
Insurance: Donna Daymude
Public Relations: Shirley Webber
Historian: Kitty Alvarado
Motion: Add to membership form: “an option to receive the IWPA either electronically or by hardcopy” MSC
Received two bids; one from Bull and Terrier and one from Greeley Printers, Inc.
Motion: “accept the bid from Bull and Terrier Enterprises” MSC
Ideas and/or updates for the newsletter:
· Updates of the board seats should be posted in the newsletter.
· Membership Chair will email the electronic addresses for the Newsletter; Bull and Terrier Publishers will email the newsletters to the members that elected to receive the newsletters electronically.
· Jim will update the membership password annually for the membership to access from the website.
· Post tentative pulls in the newsletter, but organizers must still follow the timelines for santitioning. The tentative pulls will be listed separate from the events calendar.
Motion: “Accept a list from the membership to list tentative pulls in the newsletter” MSC
Debi Lee will be the contact; Debi will send the information to Jim and the Newsletter
· Cover clarification: List Board members on left side of the inside cover page and list committee’s on the separate page to the right
· Contact Amy with regards to adding photos to the cover page (board officers)
· List of working dog titles earned will now be listed in the newsletter- start with March to current-Shirley will gather and email information to Amy.
· Jim will flag the members that are not in good standing for the board to track.
· Print graph/chart of what date sanctioning forms need to be submitted-Donna Daymude will create the chart and submit to the newsletter.
· Monthly Spotlights; Debi will do a write up to solicit stories. Debi will start with a story about Yep Yep.
· Todd Allen will start an article on “Getting Started”; the board will start an article each board member will write how they got started and solicit the same stories from the membership.
Motion: “accept the recommendation/changes to the newsletter listed above” MSC
Motion: By-Laws, Section 4 “After the 30 day grace period, delinquent members will be published as a member not in good standing” MSC
For short pay or no pay, Statistician and/or Treasure will notify board; secretary will pend for 30 days at the 30 days deadline the secretary will notify the board if resolved or not. An email will be sent from the secretary to inform webmaster and to be published in the newsletter.
Motion “change and copyright the IWPA logo to the drawing from Debi Lee
of Bogie” MSC
Copyright paperwork will be filed by Todd Allen. Debi will do the first story on Bogie instead Yep Yep; Yep Yep will be the second story.
List to prioritize from information of topics from the membership:
False Start Rule-Done
Minimum start weight
Cart Marshal Qualifications-Discussed
Status of taxes
Regions alignments
Medal Backs
Slingshot starts
Setting your Dog
Talking to dog before crossing
Vet at championships
False Start wording
Working dog Degrees
2-Jr. Membership
Setting of cart
Deleting handicap rule
New fax for sanctioning Director
Adding – deliberate tangles
3 pt cart hook up for different weight classes
Drug testing
Set Calendar for items that regularly come up
Outline for championship organization
Entry form applications include “Drug Testing info added”
Standing rule artic 3 sect 7 line E
Standing Article 3 section 4
International contacts
Rules/ available
Nathan Sellers’ email
George Ferrier’s email
Leaded leashes
Stacking classes
Medals to 5th place
Championship judges
Motion: “Create a Certificate for 4 and 5 places in the regional standings” Motion rescinded.
Motion: Article 7 Standing rules: “adapt ASPCA guidelines as a reference for judges to use when determine the health and well being of the dog” MSC
Motion: “adjourn until 7:00 tomorrow morning” MSC. 3:34pm
Board Meeting
June 19, 2005
Milwaukee, MI
Call to Order, 7:15am, extend invite to Brandt Hunger, Daryl Anderson, Diane Krupski, Larry Brillhart
Motion: Change Standing Rules,Article XIII, Section 3 to read: “Any appointed non-board member position is a non-voting position”
Budget- Proposed 2005-2006 budgets,
Motion: “accept the proposed 2005-2006 budget as submitted”
Prioritized list form the membership
Motion: Change Section 5, c, 7 in the rule booklet “All competitors must begin completion at or below the set start weight” M
Amend: “all competitors can begin competition at or below the maximum start weight.” M
Amend: “Each dog can begin at their own start weight up to the maximum start weight. MS
Amend: “Each dog may enter any round at or below the max weight in that class”
MSC 1 apposed
Motion “Section 5, c #5 add “a define stop in the forward motion of the dog must be achieved” MSC
Rescind motion.
Motion: change Section 5, C 2 last line to read “Once the handler has crossed finish line the handler shall not touch the dog, equipment between or pulling surface between the start or finish line until the sled/cart crosses the finish line” M
Motion: change Section 5,C,2 to read: “During the pull the handler may not be in contact with the dog or equipment any further forward than the front of the sled/cart when driving the dog, or their feet shall be behind the designated 16 foot line when calling the dog. The handler shall not touch or communicate with the dog, equipment or pulling surface between the start and finish line until the sled/cart crossed the 16 foot line.”MSC
Motion: Section 5, c 12 “The whole statement needs to be removed and replace with the false start wording”.MSC 1 undecided, 1 abstained.
Motion: Change Section 5,c, #2 Handlers shall set the dog and process directly across the finish line if calling or behind the front of the cart if driving; there shall not be any communication or contact with the dog or equipment once the handler is more than an arms length away from the dog. Once the handler has crossed the 16 foot line, they may not make contact with the dog, pulling surface or equipment between the start and finish line.
Motion: add “dog” to last sentence above. MSC
Motion: Add sentence: Section 5, c#2 “the handler cannot touch the dog until the pull is complete”MSC
Motion: Section 5, c, #10 rule booklet, change the wording to state: “the dog attempts or starts to pull” MSC 1- apposed
Old wording was: “The time will start once the handler is in the proper position and instructs the dog to pull or the dog starts to pull.”
New wording: “The time will start once the handler is in the proper position and instructs the dog to pull or the dog attempts or starts to pull.”
Motion: Delete section 5, c, and #12 completely. MSC
Section 5, c, #12 read: “Two false starts on any one round by the dog shall
Constitutes the dog's removal from the competition. A false start is defined as any time the dog makes a forward progress with the sled/cart before the handler’s feet are either across the 16-foot finish line if calling or behind the start line if driving the dog.”
Motion: “Eliminate the word False Start from Section 5c3” MSC
Rescind: motion
Motion: Amend the working dog certification form: “eliminate the max number of working dog certificates a dog can earn in a season”. MSC
Motion: “add the Jr. Membership to January Ballots.” MSC
Amend, “approve to purchase a new fax machine for the Sanctioning director, max $200.00.” MSC
Motion: Add “deliberate tangles will be immediate disqualification.” MSC
Motion: Adjourn, MSC
12:30 pm
Last updated: 8/29/08
Address further questions to: (Shirley Webber)
or Membership questions to: (Nathan Sellers)
or Web site questions/comments to