2006 IWPA Board Meeting Minutes
Reno, NV
June 10, 2006

Present: Todd Allen, Sherri Allen, Shirley Webber, Terry Reed, Rodney Martin, Donna Daymude, Stan Ponstien, Kitty Alvarado

Absent: Debi Lee, Jim Dodds, Mike Swenson


Invited Guest: Robbie Reed; Bob Daymude, Nacho Alvarado

Meeting called to order, President Todd Allen, 8:07 am.

Secretary read the minutes from the 2005 board meeting.

Motion: “accept the minutes as read”. MSC

According to Standing Rules 13 sections 2; there is no need for the secretary to read the minutes from the previous meetings. Motion: “not have secretary read the minutes from the last meeting.” MSC


Treasure: Stan Ponstien-attached

This report has budget information through 6/7/05

Shirley explained Working Dog expenses

Final budget will be mailed for approval

Motion: Accept report as submitted. MSC

Membership: Rodney Martin

216 total Memberships for 2006

2 Lifetime Members

204 as of 3/01/06

10 will carry over from last year (after 3/1/06)

257 members for the 04-05 season

325 members for the 03-04 season

24 members used PDF for newsletter

2 memberships that upgraded to family membership during the season


Motion: accept report as submitted. MSC


Judges: report from Todd Allen for Jim Dodds

45 judges to date; 5 less then last year

38 renewals

7 new judges


6- Stepping over the ling

19 -calling the dog

8 touching the dog

1-Sling shot

Jim would like someone to take over for the judge’s chair for the 06-07 season.

Motion: accept report as submitted. MSC

Championship-Terry Reed
Awaiting the report from organizer, overall the event went good. Over a 3 year period, there was an average of 125 dogs in 2 day event. Items will be submitted under new business. At the general membership meeting it was brought up that the IWPA didn’t do enough for the Championship organizers; the board has always supported the Championship organizers. Terry offered to help financially but the offer was declined.

Motion: accept report as submitted. MSC

Drug Testing: Todd Allen

There was not drug testing this year; this money was allocated for other items this year. This is also why there were only 8 judges instead of 10; the extra 2 judges were not needed for the testing. The board and/or drug testing chair will determine future drug test schedule. Drug test run $35.00 per dog and an average number of 40 dogs is usually tested per day. Testing is either done on top dogs or on a lottery system. For testing a 30 days notification is needed to receive the drug kits.

Motion: accept report as submitted. MSC

Sanctioning- verbal report submitted

111 pulls this year were sanctioned

Dog count same as last year. Trying to keep expenses down as much as possible; reports went well; faster to fax the reports to Jim for the database/website. Donna has changed phone service to decrease the fax expenses more.

Only one situation with paperwork from one organizer; everything has been finalized now. No outstanding monies due. Donna did not purchase a fax machine, as approved by the board last year.

Motion: accept the report as submitted. MSC

Elections: Larry Brillhart, paper report submitted to Todd Allen

New board member positions: March newsletter listed the results; 85 ballots received. Voting for the Jr. Membership was not added to the ballot.

The membership needs to be informed and encouraged to vote. Voting results were: Board member votes:

Donna Daymude: 74

Sherri Radle-Allen: 55

Robbie Reed: 60

Shirley Webber: 76

Motion: accept report as submitted. MSC

Medals: Donna Libby

Working dog medals sent out for the 05-06 season -62 totals

29- Working Dog certificates sent out for the 05-06 season

9- Working Dog Excellent certificates sent out for the 05-06 season

24-Working Dog Superior certificates sent out for the 05-06 season

Regional medals -243 total

99- Gold



Championship medals 47 total

16- Gold



Price breakdown for Regional medals 25@$8.11 each; 50@ $4.94 each; 75@ $3.85 each; 1000@$1.61

Motion: accept report as submitted. MSC


Regional Coordinator: Debi Lee written report submittedDebi has contacted all regional representatives by phone twice this year. Region 2 will have a representative chance this next season from Susan Fararri to Carol Parsons. Debi’s main contact in NY is Rob Wilson; Debi believes he will be a large asset to the IWPA. Debi has a contact at Purina to see if they would be a sponsor for the IWPA.


Motion: accept report as submitted. MSC

Statistician: Jim Dodds, written report submitted

6/26/06 renewal date for website $ 119.40.

Motion: accept the report as submitted. MSC


Insurance: Donna Daymude

Donna has not yet received the renewal fees; should be the same as last year.

Motion: accept report as submitted. MSC

Unfinished business

Todd Allen received information that a handler pulled a dog knowing the dog was pregnant, handlers dog and other dogs pulled by this handler were DQ’d and points were pulled. The handler understood why the points were removed. Since Todd’s recommendation is for the board give the handler 6 month probation. This information is covered in the rules; there is nothing that needs to be done with his membership. There was not a grievance so membership can not be removed; but his judge’s license can be removed and he must complete the apprenticeship program to renew his judge’s license. The board needs to review this process under new business.

Motion: “Due to Danny Bessant’s violation of article 1 section 4, A-6 of the standing rules in accordance with article 7 section 4 his judges privilege be suspended of the 06-07 pulling season; and for the 07-08 season he can re apply and go through the apprenticeship program.” MSC

JR. Membership

Motion: Add: “Jr. Membership issue that should have been on the 05-06 ballot be added to the 06-07 ballots.” MSC

New Business

President Todd Allen would like to welcome new board members:

Robbie Reed first year 1st term

Sherri Allen first year 1st term

Shirley Webber first year, 2nd term

Donna Daymude, first year 2nd term

Nomination of officers:

President: Robbie Reed

Nominations: Robbie Reed; Donna Daymude-declined nomination; Todd Allen

Vice President: Donna Daymude

Nominations: Donna Daymude; Todd Allen;

Secretary: Kitty Alvarado

Nominations: Kitty Alvarado

Treasure: TBD

Nominations: Stan Ponstien-declined; Todd Allen-decline, Shirley Weber-declined

Stan will stay as interim until September 1, 2006. If no one comes forward he will reconsider and may accept the nomination.

Discussion was that Mike’s appointment is over for the year; this should have been on the ballot and needs to be on future ballots. Discussed whether or not this position should be filled by the old or new board.

Todd turned the meeting over to Robbie; Robbie thanked Todd to his years of service and his leadership for the past 2 years.

New Business:

Meeting called to order by new President Robbie Reed 12:35pm

Board members present: Robbie Reed; Sherri Allen, Shirley Webber, Terry Reed, Rodney Martin, Donna Daymude.

Board members absent: Debi Lee, Jim Dodds

Invited guests: Todd Allen, Jim Webber, Nacho Alvarado, Stan Ponstien; Bob Daymude

All board members must complete their memberships and pay appropriate fees. All fees and forms received from all board members present.

President Robbie Reed reviewed what her view of the board is: the end of old business according to Roberts Rules of order, Constitution and By-laws of the IWPA; that any positions being vacated will end with the old business. It was up to the past elections chair to have put that on the ballot; this information was passed on to the elections chair to add to the ballot, that didn’t happen. Everyone that holds a positions on the board or holds a chair; “you will be responsible for your positions, we don’t want to have things fall throw the cracks.” Robbie trusts that everyone is capable of doing their position and thanked everyone for a good job on the committees they’ve served.

Nominations for the open board seat: Kitty Alvarado, Nathan Sellers, Mike Swenson.

Motion: “Take a break to contact Nathan Seller and Mike Swenson to see if they will accept the nominations.” Messages were left for the candidates, table for later vote.


Drug Testing: Robbie Reed

Membership: Rodney Martin

Sanctioning: Donna Daymude

Judges: Nacho Alvarado

Elections: Stephanie Pitz

Animal Welfare and Education: Debi Lee

Standing Rules: Donna Daymude

Medals: Donna Libby

Grievance Committee: Sherri Allen; Bob Daymude; Stan Ponstien

Personnel: Todd Allen

Championship Chair: Terry Reed

Promotions/International Promotions: Debi Lee

Regional/International Coordinator: Shirley Webber

Statistician: Jim Dodds

Insurance: Donna Daymude

Public Relations: Ron Wilson

Historian: Kitty Alvarado

Budget- Proposed:

This needs to be our top priority. We need to review line by line; there was not any travel money for the board members this year. Income: membership has a good chance of staying flat; hold the numbers same as last year and build the budget from there. Sanctioning will remain the same; $3.00 per dog; judges the same. Promo’s – we need to determine what is considered an ad? What are some ideas to get advertisements, should members try to support and get advertisements from sponsors? The average cost of the newsletter per membership is $69.05 for the year.

Motion: The definition of an ad is: “Any advertisement/s added to the newsletter that pertain to promotion of events, selling of services or promotes merchandise will be subject to advertisement fees”. MSC

Expenses: Newsletter $14,000.00 for the year including postage; we need to look at ways to reduce the price. Several options were. Currently we are paying $78.00 double sided paper for set up; $39.00 per single page and $0.15 per page to copy. The bid from Bull and Terrier for 06-07 seasons:

150-199 -$35.



300-349- $49



0-50 – NC

50-99- $10 per page

100-149- $14 per page

150-199-$18 per page

Todd had a bid from an IWPA member:

$100 per month electronic;

$3.00 hard copy plus postage

Not enough information: what will the quality of paper? Is the PDF sent or does it have to be retrieved?

Motion: “To accept the Newsletter bid from Amy Morris, from Bull and Terrier.” MSC

Newsletter fees will be same as last year; Sanctioning fees-Donna is willing to cut the stipend about received in half.

Motion: “Accept to change Donna’s stipend fee to $100.00 per month for

12 months”. MSC


Board meeting travel: Averages about $1000.00 per board member personally; this year the board was not reimbursed for travel to the meeting. Stan would like to move the budgeted amount down to $1500.00.

Elections: $300.00

Championship travel/Drug Testing will remain the same

Championship Judges; keep same

Statistician/Internet: leave it the same

Medals and awards will be the wildcard; it hard to determine what number to use.

Stan will send out the proposed budget along with the final budget.

Proposed revenue would be around $25,775.00 for the 06-07 season, proposed expenses should be about $31,000.

Robbie thanked Stan for his years of service.

It was noted that a few of the board members did not have a committee to handle; committee’s were reassigned and show correct above.


Terry received a letter from Mark Johnson giving the IWPA rights to the logo. Mark commissioned the drawing in 1983 from an artist in Arlee, MT. Mark is giving the IWPA use as needed for promotions of the IWPA organization and its events. Terry will contact Mark to get a copy of the copyright. Kent Frazer in Billings, Mt is the lawyer that worked with Mark.

Motion: “given we have a letter from the owner of the original drawing for the logo, rescinds the motion of last year, 04-05 June 19th meeting in WI, for the logo change.” Amend and add “*Upon receipt of the certified copy of the copyright documents.”


Motion: “Now that we have a letter from the owner of the original drawing for the IWPA logo; upon receipt of a certified copy of the copyright document. The motion from the 04-05 June 19th board meeting to change the logo be rescinded.” MSC

New Business

Create a list of items to cover from board members and information received by the members.

Donna Daymude proposed changes to Rule

Rodney Proposed changes

Terry Reed-Rule Booklet

Shirley –



Motion: “amend Section 5, c, 2 to read, “Handlers shall position the dog and proceed directly across the finish line if calling or behind the front of the cart if driving without stopping or hesitating; the handler shall not be in communication or contact with the dog or equipment.” MSC

Motion: Section 2, a -“The sled shall be provided with an adequate bridle and tug line of total length so that the point of attachment to the dog’s harness will be a minimum of 5’ and maximum 6’ from the start line.” MSC

Motion; Rule booklet-Section 2,a- “The two runners must be a flat 2-4 inches wide and at least seven feet long on the contact surface and curved at the front end in a reasonable manner for a sled”. MSC

Motion: Rule booklet-Section 2, b, change the word sled to cart. MSC

Motion: Rule booklet-Section 3, a-Last sentence; change sanctioning director to Judges

Chairperson, MSC

Motion: Rule booklet-Section 2 d “remove snow fence.” MSC

Motion: Rule booklet- Section 5, c, 7-“Change the Max start weight for the 20lbs class to

200lbs.” MSC

Motion: Rule booklet- Section 5, c, 7-“Chief Judge shall recommend starting weight not

to exceed the following;” MSC

Motion: adjourn – 5:30 pm. Re-adjourn tomorrow at 8:00 am. MSC

Board Meeting
June 11, 2006
Reno, NV

Meeting called to order by President Robbie Reed.

Board members in attendance: Robbie Reed, Sherri Allen, Shirley Webber, Terry Reed, Rodney Martin, Donna Daymude, Kitty Alvarado

Board members absence: Debi Lee, Jim Dodds

Invited Guest: Bob Daymude, Todd Allen, Nacho Alvarado, Jim Webber

From old business from yesterday;

Nathan Sellers has accepted nominations for the open board position.

Mike Swenson has accepted nominations for the open board position.

New board member: Kitty Alvarado to fill open position for one year.

Motion: Add to Standing Rules, Article 14, add a section 5- “If a rule validation violation occurs which would be prejudicial to the best interest of the association, and no grievance is filed, (remove and) the Board of Directors will have the option to investigate and take disciplinary action with the offending member(s).” MSC—(Terry’s motion included the word “and”, I can not remove it.)


Rule booklet, Section 4, 3, Drug Testing

Motion: remove – “such as rimadyl and aspirin” MSC


Location of board meeting- Add to Standing Rules-Article 2, section 11

Motion: Add

A. It will be the responsibility of the VP to set up and arrange a place that is easily accessible by air or land for each board member to attend.

B. Date and location of annual board meeting will be agreed upon before the close of the previous year’s board meeting. MSC

Board terms: Should the terms of board members need to be changed? In order to change the Constitution would need to be changed; this must be done by a membership vote. Discussed-No change is needed.


Rule booklet, section 1, a. insert in to Section 1, b.

Motion: “If there is any perceptible slope to the chute, the direction of the pull shall be toward the higher end.” MSC

Apprenticeship forms – Form for the chief judge to evaluate the apprentice-should be sent from the Chief Judge, not the apprentice.

Motion: Table for email vote- Nacho will send out recommendation. MSC

Recommend to Apprentice on snow track for the Championship it should be –Discussed

Motion: “ballot for championship judges, list the number of years the candidate has been a judge and list which region they are from.” MSC

Separate the region 5 from (Canada)-Discussed

DQ’s, accidental calling the dog before crossing the line-Discussed

Motion: “To split the Championship zone into 4 different zones: A, B, C, D – A- 1, 2, 10;

B-3, 9: C- 4, 8, 6; D-5, 6,7,11 MS- rescind

Motion: “To change the rotation for the championship bids to: West, Central, East, West, Central, East, etc. for the change to take place for the 07-08 Season.” –MS- rescind

Motion: Rule booklet- Section 5, c, 18 “The maximum number of dogs handled in a given weight class by one handler shall be limited to no more than three dogs per weight class.” MSC

Required weigh in for Championship- Rule booklet, Section 4, D. - Discussed

Break- MSC

Standard Collar-Section 4, D- issue for chief judge- discussed

Working Dog certificates; Article 6 Standing rules- Recognizing natural and artificial surfaces. Donna needs to indicate on the certificates the pulling surface.

Motion: Remove the sentence on the working dog certificates that limited the number of working dog certificates per year a handler can receive. (This was removed last year; but we found different information on forms; this is to correct the forms) MSC

Article 6, section 3, b

Motion: “Remove section B from, Article 6 section 3.” MSC

Article 6, section 3, b read: “Ties that cannot be broken by the current tie breaking rules in the gold and silver place, the following medal(s) would be eliminated unless there is a tie at the bronze, In this case, (remove in the told and silver place, the following medals would be eliminated unless there is a tie at the bronze, in this case,) both competitors would receive a medal and be invited to the championships.—This is what is in article 6, section 3. I can’t change the current wording in this article. This just list what was voted on to remove; so those in the future know what was removed from the standing rules.

Membership fees-

Motion: “raise the membership fee’s $5.00 per membership with the option of 2 possible discounts, one discount for new/renew membership paid for prior to October 1, 2006; and second discount for receiving the newsletter on PDF form. Beginning with the 2007-2008 season the discount new/renew membership cut off date will be September 1, 2007. MSC

Agriculture pulls county fairs-

Motion: “to increase the weight pulling season from August 1 to March 31” M


Lifetime membership: Article XII- Standing rules. (Kitty removed from vote)

Motion: Given the 20+ years of service to IWPA to give the Alvarado’s a lifetime family membership. MSC

Board Meeting Location:

Motion: “To have the 06-07 board meeting in St. Louis on June 2 & 3, 2007” MSC

Lifetime membership for Kay Bramson and husband Roger Bramson.

Motion: “To give Kay and Roger a lifetime membership for their years of service to the IWPA.”MS- Does not pass.

Forms for changes-

Entry Form- Motion: Underline/ Bold “dogs age” MS

Amend “Underline/Bold, add email address line” MSC

Rule booklet, Section 4, 4- Motion: remove “or it’s approved equivalent and sign it approval of a non official entry form shall be up to the chief judge.” MSC

Motion: That the board adopts the form Donna created as the new championship entry form. MSC


Motion: Add bold/underline and add 3rd line for an extra dog to the new championship entry form. MSC

Motion: add email address to handler’s form. MSC


Motion: Sanctioning form to remove numbers 2/4 to show it should go to the judge’s chair. MSC

Motion: Motion to update list to organizer to reflect changes. MSC

Motion: Change the color of forms to fax; add: forms should be completed in black ink. MSC

Motion: “add a column for the foul (should be fail) codes- remove blue ink,”

Amend: “add a column for the foul (fail) codes, remove blue ink and add foul (fail) codes to bottom of form” MSC---Sherri’s motion was for a foul code, not a fail code. I can’t change this.

Motion: Judges Report form: “Add line to list an apprentice judge and additional line of who judges what class. MSC

Cancelled pull- Discussed-handle through newsletter

Equipment standards-handled by the championship chairperson (photos can be submitted)

Who sends information to elections chair- information should be sent from Board Secretary.

Apprentice on snow for judges-Discussed

Medal information/bids to Donna Libby with a deadline September 1st

Information should include: medals, price cuts, backings price, backing type, set- up, original dies or die set up fees. Once Donna has all the information; she will send the board an email with a side by side comparison for the board to vote on the vendor to use to purchase Medals and backings. When Donna sends out the information to the board for a vote; if a board member has submitted a bid; that board member(s) will not be able to vote on the bids.

Motion: Article, 8 section 9 – add or other to subsequent pulls. MSC

Article 8, section 9 will read: That an organizer who has paid for additional site insurance will receive a reduced sanctioning fee($5.00) less for each subsequent pull sanctioned or other subsequent pulls a that site for the remainder of the current season (it is the organizers responsibility to produce documentation verifying this to the sanctioning director.

Organizer wants free membership as a Fun raiser, - discussed

Motion: to add to Article III, section 7, b- “written driving directions to all locations.” MSC

Motion: to add to Article III, Section 7, b, “PA system required for event.” MS

Amend Article III, Section 7, “add section K- for required driving directions to all locations.” MSC

Amend Article III, Section 7, “add section L- for required PA system required for event.” MSC

Certificates for Championship participants; the board is responsible to have signed prior to the event. (Friday night would be the best time for signatures)

Memberships should not be marked as a member before notified by the membership chair.

Motion: close meeting, 2:15 pm

MSC-denotes Motion, Seconded, Carried

Last updated: 8/29/08


Address further questions to: info@iwpa.net  (Shirley Webber)
or Membership questions to: membership@iwpa.net (Nathan Sellers)
or Web site questions/comments to webmaster@iwpa.net