Present: Robbie Reed, Terry Reed, Rodney Martin, Shirley Webber, Kitty
Alvarado, Cheryl Martin, Stephanie Pitz
Absent: Jim Dodds, Terri Lee
Invited guest: none
Meeting called to order, President Robbie Reed, 8:26 am
Treasure: Cheryl Martin- report attached
Final report will be sent by the end of June
Motion: accept the report as presented msc
Membership: Rodney Martin – report attached
Lifetime Members: 3
New Members: 30
Number of memberships: 170
Number of members receiving the newsletter by hardcopy: 98
Number of members receiving the newsletter by PDF: 72
Number of family memberships renewed: 71
Number of individual memberships renewed: 66
Number of new family memberships: 14
Number of new individual memberships: 16
Motion: accept the report as presented msc
Judges: Nacho Alvarado- report attached
Motion: accept reports as presented msc
Championship: Terry Reed - verbal
Good turn out; almost all board members attended. Results – 91 dogs attended Organized, all events were in close proximity. Western district is up for next year’s championship.
Motion: accept report as presented msc
Sanctioning: Donna Daymude – report attached
Charles Berkman has outstanding fees of $52.00; now is listed as a member not in good standing. Will be listed in newsletter and membership will be notified.
Motion: accept report as presented msc
Elections: Stephanie Pitz - verbal
3 members counted votes; Shirley Webber, Diane Krupski, and Stephanie Pitz
Constitute Change: overall 71 yes; 16 no
Region 1 no votes
Region 2 7 yes 1 no
Region3 3 yes
Region 4 6 yes
Region 5 16 yes 6 no
Region 6 12 yes 2 no
Region 7 6 yes
Region 8 3 yes
Region 9 4 yes 5 no
Region 10 2 yes
Region 11 12 yes 2 no
Board members elections:
Debbie Lee 69 votes
Terry Reed 52 Votes
Rodney Reed 51 Votes
Motion: accept report as presented msc
Medals: Donna Libby
No report given; Robbie has spoken to Donna and all medals and backings have been mailed. Robbie has received a lot of positive feedback on the new certificates and medals. Recommendations for next year: a special certificate will be created and will be awarded to all of the dogs that hold a record from the Championships to be presented at the banquet.
Motion: accept information on the information presented on behalf of Donna Libby
Statistician: Jim Dodds
No report given
Motion: table report until after lunch to see if Jim emailed information; msc
Insurance: Donna Daymude
Has not received it yet; not sure if the price will be the same or not.
Motion: accept report as presented msc
Drug Testing: Robbie Reed
Testing was not done, testing averages $40.00 per dog and we didn’t have the monies for testing. Monies set aside for the 2006-2007 testing season will be added for next year’s drug testing fund.
Motion: accept report as presented msc
Regional Coordinator: Debbie Lee – attached
Purina contact; Purina unable to sponsor another club.
Motion: accept report as presented msc
Committee Reports:
Newsletter-no issues will re-address later
Grievance- no issues no report
Personal - no issues no report
Animal welfare- Terry Reed: an animal control officer contacted Terry regarding a case of a pitbull that was obtained with evidence of animal fighting. The accused stated he was training for the IWPA. Terry submitted a letter discarding the information on training for the IWPA. The accused was charged with animal abuse.
Promotion- Shirley Webber-only one communication from a puller in Scotland.
Robbie is in contact with a gentleman from Edmonton regarding pulling and how to put on a sanctioned event.
Motion: accept report as presented
Unfinished business:
LOGO- Terry has been unable to contact Mark Johnson; since the incorporation was moved from the state of Montana to Washington and the state of Washington doesn’t require (or even have spot on the application for) a copy of the copyright. We do have the letter from Mark Johnson give the IWPA the rights to use the logo. This is no longer issue and will not be an addressed again.
Old Business:
Junior Memberships: Motion: membership fees for the junior membership shall be at the single membership rate of $40.00. msc
Close of old business
New Business:
Motion: All board members must complete renewal forms and pay for their 2007-2008 memberships. msc
Nomination of Officers:
President: Donna Daymude
Nominations: Robbie Reed; Donna Daymude
Vice President: Terry Reed
Nominations: Robbie Reed; Terry Reed
Treasure: Cheryl Martin
Nominations: Cheryl Martin
Secretary: Kitty Alvarado
Nominations: Kitty Alvarado; Robbie Reed
Robbie would like to thank Kitty and Cheryl for being the working bees and doing a lot of work for the club; Kitty took over the newsletter publication of the newsletter. While Terry would have the newsletters printed and mailed; Terry,
Cheryl and Rodney would assemble the newsletter. Robbie would also like to thank all the board members; they have been a wonderful board and she was honored to be the President for the past season. She hopes some day she may be considered for the position again.
Donna would like to thank the past president and board members for the past year.
Two open positions of the board need to be replaced: (Kitty’s position and Jim’s position)
Nomination: Kitty Alvarado Motion: Place Kitty as a board member. msc
Nomination: Nathan Sellers Motion: “Table Nathan’s nomination until he can be contacted to see if he’s like the position”. msc
Agenda items for New Business:
Novice Pulls
Breed Bans
Resisted fund- drug testing money
Immunization records
Junior membership
Judges forms
Membership discounts
Working dog- add a category
Travel money
Championship weight
Member’s corner
False Start Rule
Pulling rules
Equipment Failure
Leash throwing
False Start
Mission Statement
Information Pamphlet
Motion: Break for lunch return at 1:00
Meeting called to order 12:58 am
Nomination: Nathan Sellers Motion: Place Nathan as a board member for the open position for the 2007-2008. msc
Drug Testing: Robbie Reed
Membership: Rodney Martin
Sanctioning: Donna Daymude
Judges: Nacho Alvarado
Elections: Stephanie Pitz
Animal Welfare and Education: Debbi Lee
Standing Rules: Donna Daymude
Medals: Donna Libby
Grievance: Shirley Webber, Bob Daymude, Stan Ponstien
Personal: Terry Reed
Championship Chair: Terry Reed
Promotions/International Coordinator: Shirley Webber
Regional Coordinator: Shirley Webber
Statistician: Jim Dodds
Insurance: Donna Daymude
Public Relations: Nathan Sellers
Historian: Kitty Alvarado
Budget: new proposed budget report distributed – attached
Motion: to accept the proposed budget as presented msc
Motion: On the entry forms “Add on the membership form for junior membership and add a line at the bottom for sponsor signature” msc
Motion: discount for early memberships paid before Oct; discount for PDF (same as last year) msc
Motion: Accept the new forms for application/testing and apprentice forms as written from the judges chair. ms Rescind
Motion: correction to add the chief judge signature to each segment of the apprentice forms. msc
Motion: add an addition line on the entry forms for each class. rescind
Motion: on the entry forms; remove Kennel name, miles traveled, sponsor and add one more line to each weight class. msc
Motion: Add type of membership on the membership receipt form, add junior
membership and add the junior member’s sponsor’s name. msc
Motion: on the sanctioning checklist remove – Handler’s report form “Handler’s have to return to Judges Chair”. Change the number of rule pamphlets to from 3 to 5; correct the revised date and initials. msc
Motion: Handler’s report form change “mail to judges chairperson” msc
Motion: Final report; remove the handler report form column. msc
Motion: On the sanctioning approval form remove “handlers report form” msc
Motion: Sanctioning applicant #4; remove handler’s report. msc
Motion: move allotted 2006-2007 drug testing money to a savings account.
msc One opposed (would like to see funds in a restricted account)
We need to get the information out to the organizer’s that immunization records are required. Organizers and members need to be aware this is a requirement and start checking documents at events. Terry will write an article on this topic for the newsletter.
Motion: Add to Article V section 3 to increase $45 for family, $40 indiviually and
$40 for Junior membership. msc
Junior Membership: add (from the membership ballot vote’s) junior membership to the by-laws. There will be a correction from 3 types of membership to 4 types of membership to add the junior membership.
“Junior Member: Any person not younger than 13 and under age 18 whose adult family member or legal guardian is not a member of IWPA as either an Individual member or as a Family Member, shall be eligible for Junior Membership with the
IWPA. The Junior Member is eligible to participate in all Sanctioned pulls.
Any person who becomes a Junior Member:
1. Must be sponsored by an IWPA Adult Member in good standing.
2. Can only participate in events with either the sponsoring member or the
legal parent or guardian of the Junior Member.
3. Is eligible to participate in all organized or sponsored by the IWPA
4. Does not have voting privileges and may not hold office.
5. Receive the IWPA Newsletter
6. Receive a membership card or certificate. The name and address of each Junior membership and date of issuance of the certificate shall be entered on the records of the IWPA. If any certificates shall become lost, mutilated or destroyed, a new certificate may be issued. A membership card shall be issued by the membership chairman upon receipt of the application and membership fees.
Section 2. DUES: Membership dues shall be reviewed and set annually by the board at the annual board meeting. Dues are payable on or before the first day of July of each year. During the month of June, the membership chair shall send each member a statement of his dues for the ensuing year. The amount of the dues for an individual, Family, Junior or Provisional membership shall be stated in the Standing Rules.
Discussed adding a new working dog degree; instead of adding we need to get the information out on the change that have been made to the working dog degrees, i.e. medals, certificates. This information will be placed in the newsletter.
Motion: to “split the working dog “wheels” degree into to separate degrees of Natural and artificial; breaking down the percentages for each degree and table the % and vote over email once we have formal numbers to go by for %. msc
Discussed Novice pulls begin held prior to sanctioned events delaying the start time of the sanctioned pull. The sanctioned pull fee applies to only the sanctioned pull; it does not cover the novice unless a separate fee was collect for the novice pull. Sanctioned events must start at or as close to the advertised time as possible. Novice/amateur pulls will be listed in the calendar as separateevents. Novice/amateur pulls will not be listed in the calendar in conjunction with a sanctioned event. Donna will write an article and explanation on sanctioning and fees for sanctioned pulls and Novice/Amateur pulls.
Motion: add to section 5-14. “No food, treats, bait/baiting…………” msc
4 yes, 2 abstained. (This is in reference to throwing leashes; it was place on the 2003 ballot for the membership to vote; 2003 vote was “no to throwing of leashes”.
False start rule; Discussed ~ this was brought up at the general membership meeting. No changes needed.
Mission statement: Terry will research/work on a mission statement and to update the informational flyers on weigh pulling; Mission statement due by July 1st; new due flyer by August 1st.
Promotional items: travel mugs, sweatshirts. Board members will get bids on different items and vote over email.
Championship weight-ins: dogs that lose weight during travel and don’t make their weight class and are unable to compete. Discussed, no changes needed.
Newsletter: financially we can’t afford to contract out again. Deadline need to be set for newsletter submissions. Kitty will continue to publish the newsletter; Stephanie will be the editor; Robbie and Terry will continue to copy and mail. Newsletter deadline is 18th; edition to editor on 24th; 26th to print and mail.
Motion: Close the meeting and re- adjourn at 7:30 am June 3rd. msc
IWPA Board Meeting
St. Louis, MO
June 3, 2007
Meeting called to order at 8:01 am by President Donna Daymude
Items tabled from yesterday; no email was received from Jim Dodds with a statistician report. Robbie received an email from Rob Wilson informing the board that he would remain as the web question contact if need. Donna had already assigned this position to Nathan Seller.
Breed Bans: Regarding bans in Canada or anywhere else that has a breed ban; Ontario will not consider the IWPA exempt from their law. Any person taking a pit-bull (or any dog the looks like a pit-bull) into Ontario faces jail time; fines or their dog being put down. If an organizer knows of a breed bans in their area that has exemptions for temporary approval for that area; they need to make the handler’s aware prior a scheduled event.
Motion: Add a section to Article VIII adds section 12 to read: “An event at any venue with a breed specific ban unless such venue gives provisions for temporary travel permits will not be sanctioned. Pulls sanctioned that are later discovered to be in violation of this section will have sanctioning revoked.” m Rescind
Motion: Add a section to Article VIII adds section 12 to read: “Sanctioning will not be granted at any venue that has a breed specific ban unless temporary travel permits may be granted. Sanctioning will be revoked for any event found in violation of this section.” msc
Discussed elections committee; Donna has assigned the task of assembling an elections committee for recruiting members for elections next year. Shirley Webber will head the committee; there will be 5 positions open for elections next year.
Email votes of the board during the 2006-2007 season:
Motion: “To appoint Cheryl Martin for the position of Treasure.” msc
Motion: “ To accept the 2005-2006 Board Meeting notes” msc
Motion: “Due to the content of a letter submitted by a member, should it be place in the newsletter?” Board majority vote: “no” to publish in the newsletter.msc
Motion: “To accept the bid submitted by “Bid A” (all bids attached) for the purchase of new medals. msc
Motion: “Due to the breed specific bans in Ontario with no provisions for temporary permits for competition such as the pitbull ban in Denver were a temporary certification can be obtained; that we do not sanction the pull in Ontario and refund the sanctioning fee” msc
Motion: The provisional fees for provisional membership should be changed on the forms from $6.00 to $5.00. msc
5 yes 1 no (believe the provisional entry fee should not be higher for provisional members)
Motion: add an article VIII section 5 add an “a” and “b”: B to read “Provisional fees per dog per event are set at $5.00”. rescind
Motion: Article V section 3 add a last sentence “Provisional membership will be $5.00 per event, paid in US dollars.” msc
Motion: “Correct all forms that apply to the new provisional membership.” msc
Webmaster/member’s corner: Website and member’s corner; complaints from membership of information not being updated in a timely manner; forms that are outdated on the website; board members not updated; breeds and dogs names incorrect. Member’s corner looks like it hasn’t been updated at all. The president has been trying to get the log on name and password sine the last board meeting and has been unsuccessful.
The old IWPA website is still able to access through an engine search; Donna will try to find the domain for the old site and see why it is still available. (created by Ron Bowser)
Issues to address are how to get access to the website and possible changes to the website. Donna will discuss with Jim on possible new directions or options with the website.
Member’s corner password will be changed yearly and published in all newsletters
Login name: member
Password: workdogs
Motion: “have Donna contact Jim to evaluate issues with the website and table for a later date”. msc
Next year’s board meeting: Motion: “June 7 & 8, 2008”. msc
Motion: “ 2007-2008 board meeting to be held in Nashville, TN.” msc
Discussion on Constitution; article 1 Section 3 – member can not profit from dues or donations. Need to research the stipend pay.
Motion: “Any statements/invoices for services provided to the club There must be statement/invoices submitted to the treasure monthly”. Rescind
Motion: “The IWPA Treasure must receive a statement and/or invoice for any payments” msc
Motion: Add a section 6 to article XIII- to read: “In the event that a Treasure is not elected to the board, the board will appoint a recording Treasure to serve as Committee Chair. Any appointed non-board position is non voting position. The IWPA Treasure must receive a statement and/or invoice for any payments.”msc
Central location for championship ~ Purina could be a central location.
Possible issues: first where and who will supply the equipment; where will this equipment be stored from year to year, who will be in the area to host/organize the event. Where would the entry fee go? Back to the club? An ideal situation would be for the club to purchase the equipment and store the equipment and/or have a corporate sponsor to pick up the expense and host the event, then we could host the championship with no entry fees. But we can’t locate a sponsor and the club financially is unable to accommodate this cost. Other issues were if it was in a central location; unless you lived close to that location everyone would be traveling every year instead of alternate years.
Motion: To adjourn the board meeting - 12: 48 am. msc
Last updated: 8/21/08
Address further questions to: (Shirley Webber)
or Membership questions to: (Nathan Sellers)
or Web site questions/comments to