Last Updated: 14:19:33 on 04-07-2008

IWPA Standings for the 2007-2008 Season
Numbers in parenthesis are the pull number with the score for that pull to the left
These pull numbers are also links to the individual pulls.
Qualifications and Standings are NOT Final
They are just an indication of the standings at this time
Region 2 -- Wheels
40 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 2
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 2 Outside
25.0 Matty Shad Holmes 8(89) 7(62 ) 6(61) 4(90)
20.0 Riliegh Jaci Sorkness 5(1) 5(2 ) 5(8) 5(9)
16.0 Riki Phillip Vandever 7(90) 4(62 ) 3(61) 2(89)
7.0 Rock Shad Holmes 5(89) 1(62 ) 1(90)
0.5 Ashley Shad Holmes 0.5(89)
Jump to region 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
60 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 2
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 2 Outside
42.0 Sinai Jeff Russell 13(89) 11(61 ) 10(62) 8(9)
41.0 Gage Karl Varnadore 11(90) 10(89 ) 8(61) 7(62) 5(9)
20.0 Cadillac Travis Hall 8(90) 7(89 ) 5(2)
15.0 Kane Megan Ahlstrom 5(89) 5(90 ) 3(61) 2(62)
14.0 Tech Adam Goss 5(61) 4(62 ) 3(90) 2(89)
14.0 Atlas Travis Hall 4(8) 4(89 ) 2(9) 2(61) 2(90)
3.5 Ziggy Daniel Strangeway 1(61) 1(89 ) 1(90) 0.5(62)
3.0 Penny Sue Lauren Medley 3(89)
0.5 Rock Shad Holmes 0.5(61)
Jump to region 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
80 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 2
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 2 Outside
53.0 Flex Dan Riddle 14(61) 13(62 ) 12(90) 11(9) 3(89)
40.0 Spook Timothy Strangeway 13(1) 9(2 ) 8(89) 6(61) 4(90)
38.0 Layla Steve Russell 14(89) 10(62 ) 9(90) 5(61)
30.0 Tater Steve Russell 11(89) 8(61 ) 6(90) 5(62)
27.0 Makua Lauren Medley 10(8) 8(9 ) 4(62) 3(61) 2(89)
22.0 Hula Lauren Medley 7(8) 5(9 ) 4(89) 3(62) 3(90)
22.0 Drake Katrina Strangeway 10(1) 6(2 ) 4(61) 1(62) 1(89)
18.0 Loco John (Woody) Armour 11(61) 7(62 )
10.0 Sieloh Jeff Parsons 4(1) 3(2 ) 2(8) 1(9)
8.0 Cadillac Travis Hall 4(8) 3(9 ) 0.5(61) 0.5(62)
7.0 Rage Dan Riddle 5(89) 2(90 )
6.0 Jade Rorie Roberts 6(89)
5.5 Oso Bob Daymude 5(1) 0.5(2 )
2.5 Jasper Ramona Locke 1(2) 1(8 ) 0.5(9)
1.0 Reigeen Summer Garcia 1(61)
1.0 Mac Jim Malcolm 1(1)
0.5 Cider Susie Malcolm 0.5(1)
Jump to region 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
100 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 2
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 2 Outside
24.0 Sunny Jeff Parsons 11(9) 10(8 ) 2(61) 1(62)
17.0 Samson Phil Harper 10(89) 7(90 )
13.0 Caty Bear Carole Parsons 8(9) 4(8 ) 1(89)
12.0 Ripper Craig Hohnbaum 8(61) 4(62 )
12.0 Sequoia Carole Parsons 7(8) 3(9 ) 2(89)
12.0 Spike Nick Rodgers 6(2) 3(1 ) 2(8) 1(9)
12.0 Nuka Tu Donna Daymude 9(1) 3(2 )
11.0 Boomerang Devin Crouch 7(89) 4(90 )
5.0 Vader Devin Crouch 4(89) 1(90 )
3.5 Baxter Judith McCauley 2(9) 1(8 ) 0.5(1)
1.0 Tazmarie Judith McCauley 0.5(8) 0.5(9 )
1.0 Polar Susie Malcolm 1(1)
0.5 Rambo Summer Garcia 0.5(61)
Jump to region 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
125 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 2
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 2 Outside
28.0 Diva Marie Trisha Porter 8(61) 7(62 ) 7(89) 6(90)
13.0 Boomerang Devin Crouch 7(2) 6(1 )
13.0 Typhoon Justin Ferrari 5(61) 4(89 ) 3(90) 1(62)
7.0 Sequoia Carole Parsons 4(2) 3(1 )
1.0 Vader Devin Crouch 1(2) 0(1 )
Jump to region 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
150 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 2
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 2 Outside
33.0 Avalanche George Ferrari 10(61) 8(62 ) 5(8) 5(9) 5(89)
10.0 Hoss Timothy Strangeway 5(1) 5(2 )
9.0 Badger Nathan Sellers 7(61) 2(62 )
4.0 Joshua Raymond Slish 4(61)
0.5 Panda Raymond Slish 0.5(61)
Jump to region 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
Unlimited Class -- Wheels -- Region 2
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 2 Outside
28.0 Tenakee Teresa Charles 7(61) 6(62 ) 5(8) 5(9) 5(89)
10.0 Coca Jaci Sorkness 5(1) 5(2 )
7.0 Teton Nathan Sellers 4(61) 3(62 )
1.0 Armani Raymond Slish 1(61)
Region 4 -- Wheels
40 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 4
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 4 Outside
13.0 Cookie Tim Cunningham 8(19) 5(18 )
5.0 Lola Amy Whitlock 5(84) 0(83 )
Jump to region 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
60 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 4
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 4 Outside
17.0 Sally Carey Green 5(84) 4(83 ) 4(6) 4(87)
15.0 Badger Terrence Florea 4(18) 4(19 ) 7(35)
Jump to region 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
80 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 4
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 4 Outside
33.0 Czar Carey Green 6(83) 5(84 ) 2(18) 10(14) 10(15)
17.0 Blue Chester Florea 6(18) 6(71 ) 2(19) 3(35)
16.0 BB Blues Steven Holford 4(18) 4(19 ) 4(27) 4(28)
14.0 Blizzard Annette McNeely 7(14) 7(15)
2.0 Riot Dirk Critser 0.5(18) 0.5(19 ) 1(13)
1.5 Rage Dirk Critser 1(18) 0(19 ) 0.5(13)
Jump to region 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
100 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 4
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 4 Outside
15.0 Blizzard Annette McNeely 8(19) 5(84 ) 2(83) 0(18)
12.0 Leila Tim Cunningham 7(18) 5(19 )
11.0 Denali Kathleen Bray 7(71) 4(70 )
8.0 Dixie Enzo Cullotta 8(83)
5.0 Tug Steven Holford 5(83)
4.0 Jazz Tim Cunningham 4(18) 0(19 )
3.0 Lexi Jessica Kalupa 2(19) 1(18 )
2.0 Dakota Kathleen Bray 1(70) 1(71 )
0.0 Mudo Marcus Serrano 0(18)
Jump to region 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
125 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 4
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 4 Outside
23.0 Brady Tim Cunningham 12(19) 11(18 )
6.0 Moose Tim Cunningham 4(19) 2(18 )
5.0 Onyx T Rocko Kathy Gill 5(84)
2.0 Mae Tim Cunningham 1(18) 1(19 )
1.0 Nichlaus Jessica Kalupa 0.5(18) 0.5(19 )
0.0 T-Man Dirk Critser 0(19)
Jump to region 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
150 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 4
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 4 Outside
20.0 Adak Michelle Podolak 5(18) 5(19 ) 5(70) 5(71)
Region 5 -- Wheels
20 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 5
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 5 Outside
10.0 Banner Cheryl Butchko 5(21) 5(93 )
Jump to region 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
40 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 5
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 5 Outside
25.0 Tucha Beverly Detwiler 7(10) 7(51 ) 7(52) 4(11)
16.0 Uky Steve Jackson 7(11) 4(10 ) 4(51) 1(52)
9.0 Hugger (Lil Patty) Melissa Kehler 6(21) 3(93 )
9.0 Dyna (Lil' Pitty) Melissa Kehler 6(93) 3(21 )
7.0 Terra Daniel Plosila 4(52) 1(10 ) 1(11) 1(51)
Jump to region 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
60 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 5
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 5 Outside
53.0 Starbuck Steve Jackson 17(10) 15(11 ) 12(51) 9(52)
38.0 Czar Nicholas Mary Anne Allen 12(11) 11(10 ) 9(51) 6(52)
24.0 Etah Daniel Plosila 9(11) 6(10 ) 6(51) 3(52)
21.0 Tiquaq Mary Anne Allen 7(10) 6(11 ) 4(51) 4(52)
19.0 Electra David Heffelfinger 10(93) 9(21 )
15.0 Zeus Beverly Detwiler 8(10) 7(11 )
14.0 Loki Shannon Shoemaker 14(10)
12.0 Isis Beverly Detwiler 5(11) 3(51 ) 2(10) 2(52)
12.0 Ghost Kari Hunyadi 5(10) 4(93 ) 3(11)
12.0 Ace David Gallagher 12(52)
11.0 Solo Kari Hunyadi 5(93) 4(10 ) 2(11)
9.0 Indeo Todd Tripler 9(10)
9.0 Togo Carol Kinne 4(11) 3(10 ) 1(51) 1(52)
7.0 Mimi Melissa Kehler 7(93)
6.0 Sasha Melissa Kehler 3(21) 3(93 )
2.0 Kimbo Wilbert Green 2(51)
2.0 Lil Bear Melissa Kehler 2(93)
2.0 Curly Ninon Hutchinson 1(10) 1(11 )
1.5 Taiga Daniel Plosila 0.5(11) 0.5(51 ) 0.5(52)
0.5 Penn Bob Kreider 0.5(10) 0(11 )
0.0 Teller Bob Kreider 0(10)
0.0 Johnny Bob Kreider 0(11)
Jump to region 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
80 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 5
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 5 Outside
14.0 Buell David Heffelfinger 7(21) 7(93 )
14.0 Rohn Diane Geitzenauer 7(52) 4(93 ) 1(10) 1(11) 1(21)
11.0 Borei Ninon Hutchinson 7(11) 4(10 )
11.0 Laika Ninon Hutchinson 7(10) 4(11 )
10.0 Nanuk Stephen Palinkas 5(51) 4(52 ) 1(93)
8.0 Bijou Ron Poitras 8(51)
4.0 Cassi David Gallagher 4(21)
3.0 Kodi Eileen Rogers 2(51) 1(52 )
2.0 Keno Melissa Kehler 2(21)
2.0 Kimbo Wilbert Green 2(93)
0.5 Hemi David Gallagher 0.5(21)
Jump to region 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
100 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 5
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 5 Outside
21.0 Toedo Dwayne Phipps 11(21) 10(93 )
14.0 Copper Nicholas Lutz 5(11) 3(10 ) 3(51) 3(52)
12.0 Gabe Ron Poitras 6(10) 6(51 )
6.0 Ranger David Gallagher 6(52)
4.5 Harley David Heffelfinger 4(93) 0.5(21 )
1.0 Denali Melissa Kehler 1(21)
Jump to region 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
125 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 5
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 5 Outside
13.0 Red Ron Poitras 7(51) 6(10 )
8.0 Tinkerbell Kevin Templin 5(11) 3(10 )
5.0 Molson Melissa Kehler 3(21) 2(93 )
1.0 Alchemist Gary Jones Sr 1(21)
1.0 Cinnabar Sheryl Franklin 0.5(21) 0.5(93 )
1.0 Webster Janet Denney 1(51)
Jump to region 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
150 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 5
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 5 Outside
10.0 Chester Todd Tripler 5(10) 5(51 )
10.0 Sebastian Sheryl Franklin 5(21) 5(93 )
Region 6 -- Wheels
20 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 6
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 6 Outside
34.0 Mouse Diane Krupski 9(6) 7(4 ) 7(5) 5(15) 6(19)
34.0 Gingersnap Donna Libbey 8(14) 8(15 ) 6(6) 6(29) 6(30)
12.5 Tunie Stephanie Pitz 4(4) 4(5 ) 1(6) 0.5(14) 3(19)
12.0 Rickocett Mark Krupski 5(14) 3(6 ) 2(15) 1(4) 1(5)
3.0 Julianne Donna Libbey 3(87) 0(86 )
0.5 Tess Shirley Webber 0.5(6) 0(5 )
0.0 Raven Stephanie Pitz 0(4) 0(5 )
Jump to region 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
40 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 6
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 6 Outside
35.0 Alante' Mark Krupski 10(14) 8(15 ) 6(5) 6(6) 5(19)
22.0 Mr. Wilson Mark Krupski 9(87) 7(14 ) 6(86)
21.0 T Stephanie Pitz 6(87) 5(4 ) 4(14) 3(5) 3(6)
10.0 Tess Shirley Webber 5(15) 3(86 ) 1(14) 0.5(87) 0.5(19)
3.0 Cocoa Paula Elsner 3(87)
1.0 Little Foot Wendy Lake 0.5(14) 0.5(15 )
1.0 Tunie Stephanie Pitz 1(87)
Jump to region 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
60 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 6
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 6 Outside
40.0 Orphan Annie Sally Cole 10(87) 9(86 ) 8(14) 7(6) 6(5)
19.0 Tug Marshall Mummey 11(14) 8(15 )
13.0 Star Erin Blanchette 11(15) 2(14 )
9.0 Chicayne Heather Mummey 3(15) 3(86 ) 2(87) 1(14)
8.0 Alante' Mark Krupski 8(4)
7.0 Rogue Wendy Lake 5(14) 2(15 )
7.0 Reese Shirley Webber 3(5) 2(4 ) 1(6) 0.5(14) 0.5(15)
7.0 TwoTon Tess Stephanie Pitz 6(86) 1(87 )
7.0 Sassy Diane Krupski 7(87)
3.0 Storm Wendy Lake 3(14)
1.0 Bear Shirley Webber 1(86) 0(87 )
0.5 Cocoa Paula Elsner 0.5(86)
Jump to region 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
80 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 6
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 6 Outside
22.0 Kirby Shirley Webber 6(86) 4(5 ) 4(6) 4(14) 4(15)
12.0 Gauge Darryl Hill 9(87) 3(86 )
12.0 Tug Marshall Mummey 9(86) 3(87 )
11.0 Aries Joe Spada 6(87) 2(14 ) 2(15) 1(86)
8.0 HunyB Joy Cowles 4(4) 1(5 ) 1(6) 1(14) 1(87)
1.5 Badger Marshall Mummey 1(15) 0.5(14 )
Jump to region 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
100 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 6
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 6 Outside
32.0 Maxine Shirley Webber 7(86) 7(87 ) 6(5) 6(6) 6(14)
16.0 King Kong Jarrod Koernke 4(87) 3(5 ) 3(6) 3(14) 3(15)
4.0 Haley Diane Krupski 4(86)
2.0 Badger Marshall Mummey 1(86) 1(87 )
0.0 Scubby Doo Stephanie Pitz 0(87)
0.0 Macy Shirley Webber 0(87)
Jump to region 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
125 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 6
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 6 Outside
25.0 Lady Shirley Webber 5(4) 5(5 ) 5(6) 5(14) 5(15)
Jump to region 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
150 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 6
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 6 Outside
27.0 M.J. Stephanie Pitz 6(4) 6(6 ) 6(86) 6(87) 3(5)
12.0 C.J. Donna Libbey 6(5) 3(4 ) 3(6)
6.0 Rosie Stephanie Pitz 3(86) 3(87 )
Jump to region 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
Unlimited Class -- Wheels -- Region 6
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 6 Outside
22.0 C.J. Donna Libbey 6(14) 6(15 ) 5(29) 5(30)
6.0 Leo Erin Blanchette 3(14) 3(15 )
Region 7 -- Wheels
20 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 7
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 7 Outside
25.0 Squiggy Carol Dodds 6(16) 6(17 ) 7(36) 6(37)
11.0 Todd Dina Davis 6(72) 5(73 )
6.0 Hokie Tracy Lee 3(16) 3(17 )
3.0 Jack Dina Davis 3(72)
Jump to region 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
80 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 7
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 7 Outside
43.0 Pearl Becky Blevins 11(72) 9(16 ) 8(73) 6(17) 9(58)
3.5 Sunny Tracy McPeak 3(17) 0.5(16 )
2.5 Poppy Steve McPeak 2(72) 0.5(73 )
Jump to region 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
100 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 7
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 7 Outside
29.0 C.J. Holliwood Steve McPeak 9(73) 8(72 ) 7(17) 5(16)
17.0 Smoke Jamie Conrad 4(17) 3(73 ) 2(72) 4(36) 4(38)
15.5 Ely Glynn Stiles 6(73) 5(72 ) 2(17) 2(36) 0.5(37)
3.0 Poppy Steve McPeak 2(16) 1(17 )
0.0 Patches Jamie Conrad 0(37) 0(38)
Jump to region 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
125 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 7
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 7 Outside
13.0 Elsia Debbie Lee 6(16) 6(17 ) 0.5(36) 0.5(37)
4.0 Imus Debbie Lee 2(36) 2(37)
Jump to region 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
150 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 7
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 7 Outside
9.0 Hanna Debbie Lee 6(37) 3(36)
Jump to region 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
Unlimited Class -- Wheels -- Region 7
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 7 Outside
23.0 Festus Terry Lee 6(16) 6(17 ) 7(36) 4(37)
11.0 Gabe Carol Dodds 3(16) 3(17 ) 4(36) 1(37)
8.0 Layla Carol Dodds 7(37) 1(36)
Region 8 -- Wheels
20 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 8
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 8 Outside
24.0 Basil Jennie Chen 6(59) 5(60 ) 5(77) 5(78) 3(24)
18.0 Millie Robert Justin Kretchmar 6(24) 6(25 ) 3(30) 3(59) 0(29)
Jump to region 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
80 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 8
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 8 Outside
25.0 Lucky Robert Justin Kretchmar 5(24) 5(25 ) 5(29) 5(30) 5(59)
Jump to region 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
100 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 8
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 8 Outside
15.0 Precious Rocky Hensarling 5(29) 5(30 ) 5(59)
9.0 Mojo Jared Parton 6(25) 3(24 )
9.0 Ace Jared Parton 6(24) 3(25 )
Region 9 -- Wheels
40 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 9
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 9 Outside
26.0 Rose Cheryl Martin 6(35) 5(48 ) 5(49) 5(50) 5(65)
15.0 Crusher Brian Hosfelt 5(13) 5(27 ) 5(28)
6.0 Keeper Joy Veland 6(88)
0.0 Dolly Joy Veland 0(88)
Jump to region 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
60 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 9
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 9 Outside
38.0 Razzor Cheryl Martin 10(35) 7(48 ) 7(49) 7(65) 7(85)
20.0 Arrow Bob Sencenbaugh 4(35) 4(48 ) 4(49) 4(65) 4(88)
20.0 Shelby Chris Stock 6(13) 7(18) 7(19)
18.0 Demond Cassondra Martin 5(50) 4(85 ) 3(7) 3(22) 3(23)
13.0 Johnny Brian Hosfelt 5(27) 5(28 ) 3(13)
10.0 Tiger Elijah Landers 10(88)
7.0 Bouncer Joy Veland 7(88)
1.5 Dawson Bob Sencenbaugh 1(85) 0.5(88 )
1.0 Violet Rodney Martin 1(88)
Jump to region 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
80 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 9
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 9 Outside
44.0 Tabby Brian Hosfelt 13(35) 10(13 ) 7(27) 7(28) 7(50)
33.0 Galyith Richard Sr Felice 9(22) 7(49 ) 7(65) 6(48) 4(23)
27.0 Jane Brian Hosfelt 10(35) 10(50 ) 7(13)
25.0 Duke Jonah Terence Reed 7(23) 5(7 ) 5(85) 4(26) 4(49)
18.0 Ayla Elijah Landers 7(26) 7(88 ) 4(35)
9.0 Stryker Jim Walters 7(35) 2(50 )
9.0 Slammer Chris Stock 4(13) 1(27 ) 1(28) 3(18) 0(19)
8.0 Auto Ric Reed 6(22) 1(23 ) 1(49)
6.0 German Gabe Casas 4(50) 2(35 )
2.0 Jazz Brian Hosfelt 2(13)
2.0 Dakota Andrew Lopez 1(22) 1(26 )
1.0 Yukon Steve Perez 1(65)
0.5 Ginger Janet Cook 0.5(22)
Jump to region 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
100 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 9
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 9 Outside
33.0 Utah Brian Hosfelt 8(35) 7(27 ) 7(28) 6(13) 5(50)
19.0 Neebles Mark Landers 7(26) 7(88 ) 5(35)
16.0 Shadow Nacho Alvarado 6(65) 5(7 ) 5(49)
15.0 Chinook Steve Perez 4(26) 4(85 ) 3(23) 3(65) 1(88)
12.0 Yukon Steve Perez 7(85) 4(88 ) 1(26) 0(23)
11.0 Ozzy Melinda Hosfelt 4(27) 4(28 ) 3(13)
Jump to region 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
125 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 9
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 9 Outside
29.0 Stomper Chris Stock 5(13) 5(27 ) 5(28) 8(18) 6(19)
24.0 Si Mary Hernandez 6(49) 6(65 ) 5(48) 4(35) 3(50)
17.0 Crowbar Mark Landers 7(35) 5(26 ) 5(88)
11.0 Chubbs Nacho Alvarado 5(7) 3(49 ) 3(65)
6.0 Bosch Kevin Kossmann 6(50)
1.0 Split Rock Kevin Kossmann 1(35)
Jump to region 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
150 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 9
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 9 Outside
30.0 King Dukes Terence Reed 7(85) 6(26 ) 6(50) 6(65) 5(7)
28.0 Jake Thomas Roberts 7(88) 6(22 ) 6(23) 6(35) 3(26)
5.0 Baron Baxter Robbie Reed 4(85) 1(88 )
Region 10 -- Wheels
150 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 10
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 10 Outside
7.0 Shaman James Galli 5(62) 2(61)
Region 11 -- Wheels
20 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 11
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 11 Outside
26.0 Dora Angela Cockburn 6(12) 6(57 ) 6(91) 4(36) 4(82)
25.0 Aurora Tommy Austin 10(92) 7(82 ) 5(81) 3(91)
11.0 Levi Joann Fields 7(92) 3(58 ) 1(82) 0(91)
8.0 Pinta Angela Cockburn 5(3) 3(12 )
1.0 Hamilton Kim Downing 1(36) 0(37 )
Jump to region 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
40 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 11
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 11 Outside
31.0 Playdoh Angela Cockburn 10(91) 6(3 ) 6(37) 5(12) 4(36)
28.0 Pepper Deborah Vigil 7(36) 6(82 ) 5(38) 5(39) 5(81)
25.0 Ice John Martin 13(91) 6(57 ) 6(58)
3.0 Spade Michael Sr Hodges 3(58)
0.0 Levi Joann Fields 0(12) 0(38 ) 0(39)
Jump to region 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
60 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 11
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 11 Outside
41.0 Eli Maurice Mayo 9(39) 7(20 ) 7(37) 5(36) 13(93)
24.0 Stitch John Martin 9(58) 7(57 ) 4(20) 4(91)
24.0 Hyeana Michael Sr Hodges 6(12) 6(82 ) 5(3) 4(37) 3(39)
17.0 Lu Lu Mary Martin 7(91) 6(58 ) 4(57)
11.5 Juda Deborah Vigil 5(81) 3(38 ) 3(82) 0.5(39)
10.0 Pippi Tim Wood 6(38) 2(36 ) 1(37) 1(39)
4.0 Juice Jr Michael Sr Hodges 3(12) 1(91 )
1.0 Lil Blue William Pannell 1(20)
1.0 Panda William Pannell 1(58)
Jump to region 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
80 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 11
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 11 Outside
37.0 Demona Frank Beling 6(81) 6(82 ) 5(36) 10(21) 10(93)
36.0 Juice Michael Sr Hodges 12(92) 7(3 ) 6(58) 6(91) 5(12)
17.0 Jeep Emmanuel Faxio 9(91) 8(20 )
11.0 Popeye Kevin Cook 5(20) 6(16)
9.0 Juice Jr Michael Sr Hodges 9(92)
6.5 Lucy Lisa Cook 3(58) 3(81 ) 0.5(20)
4.0 Hope Robert Via 4(3)
1.0 Eve Kathy Houchens 1(3)
1.0 Blue William Pannell 1(58)
0.0 Loco William Pannell 0(20)
Jump to region 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
100 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 11
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 11 Outside
34.0 Spanky Lisa Cook 9(92) 6(58 ) 6(81) 5(20) 8(16)
31.0 Bronx Frank Beling 9(37) 6(92 ) 5(82) 3(81) 8(21)
28.0 Faith Kathy Houchens 7(38) 7(39 ) 6(3) 6(12) 2(20)
21.0 Shasta Valarie Thawley 10(36) 6(37 ) 5(21)
17.0 Eve Kathy Houchens 6(57) 4(39 ) 3(12) 3(58) 1(38)
11.0 Raider Brenda Lemon 7(36) 1(37 ) 3(21)
3.0 Solar Kathy Houchens 3(3)
2.0 Lulu Michael Starn 2(93)
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125 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 11
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 11 Outside
49.0 Winter Kathy Houchens 13(92) 12(91 ) 9(81) 8(82) 7(20)
44.0 Conan Deborah Vigil 12(81) 11(82 ) 8(38) 8(39) 5(36)
30.0 Faith Kathy Houchens 10(92) 9(91 ) 6(81) 5(82)
23.0 Hope Robert Via 5(39) 5(57 ) 5(92) 4(20) 4(91)
21.0 Annabell Michael Starn 8(57) 8(58 ) 5(93)
20.0 Eve Kathy Houchens 7(92) 6(91 ) 4(81) 3(82)
9.0 Did He do It All Damien Shands 9(21)
7.0 Kaemon Robert Via 4(92) 3(91 )
6.0 Lighting Robert Via 2(81) 2(91 ) 1(82) 1(92)
6.0 Royal Robert Via 6(3)
5.0 Buddy Robert Via 3(92) 0.5(38 ) 0.5(39) 0.5(57) 0.5(58)
4.5 Solar Kathy Houchens 2(92) 1(81 ) 1(91) 0.5(82)
1.0 Speedi Kathy Houchens 0.5(81) 0.5(92 )
1.0 Kailee Kathy Houchens 1(20)
0.0 Kubuc Kathy Houchens 0(12)
0.0 Dreamweaver Kathy Houchens 0(12)
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150 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 11
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 11 Outside
27.0 Royal Robert Via 6(57) 6(58 ) 5(20) 5(38) 5(39)
22.0 Canaan Robert Via 6(82) 6(91 ) 5(81) 5(92)
9.0 Tynee Brian Weldin 6(36) 3(37 )
3.0 Silk Mary Wilkins 3(57)
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Unlimited Class -- Wheels -- Region 11
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 11 Outside
7.0 Pee Wee Robert Via 7(91)
4.0 Runt Robert Via 4(91)
1.0 Pokie Robert Via 1(91)

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