Last Updated: 11:23:43 on 04-07-2005

IWPA Standings for the 2003-2004 Season
Numbers in parenthesis are the pull number with the score for that pull to the left
These pull numbers are also links to the individual pulls
Qualifications and Standings are NOT Final
They are just an indication of the standings at this time
Region 2 -- Wheels
20 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 2
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 2 Outside
26.0 Yip Yip Ella Louise Hyzer 6(3) 5(70 ) 5(90) 5(101) 5(102)
20.0 Jasmine Jane Burkey 7(11) 6(4 ) 4(12) 3(3)
13.0 Jake Christian Perks 7(25) 6(26 )
11.0 Jessie Jane Burkey 7(12) 4(11 )
6.0 Jack Jack Ellis 6(71)
1.0 Macho Man Morris Hyzer 1(25) 0(26 )
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
40 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 2
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 2 Outside
33.0 Toxic's Rock Shad Holmes 8(25) 7(4 ) 6(11) 6(12) 6(26)
24.0 Frosty Justin Ferrari 5(70) 5(71 ) 5(101) 5(102) 4(90)
20.0 Cronic Cody Cooper 7(90) 6(14 ) 6(89) 1(4)
14.0 Matty Shad Holmes 9(26) 5(25 )
9.0 Dakota Heather Leu 3(11) 3(12 ) 2(25) 1(26)
7.0 Chilly Cody Cooper 4(4) 3(14 )
4.0 Crystal Barbara Campbell 3(89) 1(90 )
3.5 Little Bit Heather Leu 3(26) 0.5(25 )
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
60 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 2
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 2 Outside
41.0 Rizzo Steve Russell 10(11) 10(12 ) 12(43) 9(46)
38.0 Chara Jeffrey Bushaw 9(70) 8(101 ) 7(89) 7(90) 7(102)
24.0 Ariel Heather Leu 7(11) 7(12 ) 6(26) 4(25)
22.0 Penny Sue Lauren Medley 7(3) 4(4 ) 4(11) 4(89) 3(26)
20.0 Arson Scotty Wheeler 9(71) 6(70 ) 5(101)
17.0 Balto Jenni Storm 5(13) 5(14 ) 4(12) 2(11) 1(3)
14.0 Kekoa Stacey Paz 4(90) 4(102 ) 3(71) 2(101) 1(70)
12.0 Keniah Lynda Hatcher 7(4) 4(3 ) 0.5(70) 0.5(71)
2.0 Kim Kathleen Buckner 1(11) 1(12 )
1.0 Destney Kathleen Buckner 0.5(11) 0.5(12 )
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
80 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 2
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 2 Outside
56.0 Prisilla Steve Russell 14(71) 13(70 ) 11(25) 10(101) 8(26)
47.0 Goliath Jeff Russell 12(89) 11(71 ) 10(70) 7(101) 7(95)
35.0 Kastria Shane Rodin 10(90) 9(89 ) 6(14) 5(26) 5(70)
25.0 Toxic's Ozzy Shad Holmes 10(3) 7(4 ) 4(11) 4(12)
24.0 Makua Lauren Medley 8(71) 7(70 ) 4(90) 3(101) 2(89)
15.0 Mason Summer Garcia 6(89) 4(71 ) 2(70) 2(101) 1(90)
14.0 Timber Judith McCauley 6(13) 3(14 ) 2(25) 2(26) 1(4)
13.0 Reign Chris Stewart 6(71) 4(70 ) 2(90) 1(89)
11.5 Zar Pat Bernard 7(90) 4(89 ) 0.5(101)
8.0 Rizzo Steve Russell 8(25)
7.0 Bacon John Torres 4(101) 3(102 )
6.0 Malachi Gary Romane 5(71) 1(70 )
6.0 Gunner Ray Garcia 3(89) 1(71 ) 1(101) 0.5(90) 0.5(102)
5.0 Romeo Robert Bober 5(101)
5.0 Arson Scotty Wheeler 5(25)
3.0 Kady Jaci Rodgers 3(13)
2.0 Caillou Pam McElravy 1(11) 1(12 )
0.5 Lightning Donna Daymude 0.5(3)
0.5 Kady Jaci Rodgers 0.5(89)
0.0 Dawn Donna Daymude 0(4)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
100 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 2
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 2 Outside
72.0 Sabastion Steve Russell 17(12) 16(11 ) 12(3) 11(26) 16(46)
52.0 Ripper Craig Hohnbaum 14(12) 13(11 ) 9(3) 9(70) 7(4)
46.0 Jumbo Red Dog Jack Ellis 11(12) 10(13 ) 9(89) 8(14) 8(71)
41.0 King Niko Jack Ellis 11(14) 10(90 ) 8(26) 6(12) 6(89)
37.0 Boomerang Devin Crouch 10(11) 9(12 ) 7(13) 6(70) 5(14)
24.0 Vader Devin Crouch 8(11) 8(12 ) 3(14) 3(70) 2(13)
17.0 Sequoia Carole Parsons 7(11) 5(12 ) 4(4) 1(3)
13.0 Caty Bear Carole Parsons 7(12) 6(11 )
11.0 Cola Jaci Rodgers 6(3) 3(11 ) 2(4) 0(12) 0(90)
10.0 Boomer David Douthit 7(25) 3(26 )
9.0 Sunny Jeff Parsons 5(11) 4(12 )
8.0 Spike Nick Rodgers 4(3) 2(11 ) 1(4) 0.5(13) 0.5(14)
7.0 Steele Tim McElravy 4(11) 3(12 )
4.0 Smudge Steve Russell 4(90)
4.0 Tazmarie Judith McCauley 1(13) 1(14 ) 1(25) 0.5(3) 0.5(4)
2.0 Ranger Sharie Holmes 2(14)
2.0 Jackie Jeff Parsons 2(12)
2.0 Shiloh Carole Parsons 2(3)
2.0 Jazz Tim McElravy 1(11) 1(12 )
1.0 Charlie Bob Daymude 1(90)
1.0 Shadow Walt Valentine 0.5(70) 0.5(71 )
1.0 Nuka Tu Donna Daymude 1(89)
0.5 Bullet David Roberts 0.5(101)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
125 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 2
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 2 Outside
40.0 Boomer David Douthit 10(101) 8(70 ) 8(71) 7(89) 7(90)
27.0 Kayla Nathan Sellers 7(25) 7(26 ) 5(102) 4(89) 4(90)
15.5 Avalanche George Ferrari 5(70) 5(71 ) 4(25) 1(26) 0.5(101)
15.0 Smudge Steve Russell 8(102) 7(101 )
10.0 Big Thunder Sue Ferrari 4(26) 2(70 ) 2(71) 1(25) 1(90)
6.0 Brick Joseph Brown 4(101) 2(102 )
1.0 Sitka Walt Valentine 0.5(70) 0.5(71 )
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
150 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 2
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 2 Outside
30.0 Chunka Nathan Sellers 7(101) 6(25 ) 6(89) 6(90) 5(26)
22.0 Coca Jaci Rodgers 6(4) 5(3 ) 5(11) 3(13) 3(14)
12.0 Tres Pam Clifner 6(13) 6(14 )
5.0 Olivia Eric Duffield 5(71)
4.0 Sitka Walt Valentine 4(101)
3.0 Carson Jocelyn Clifner 3(4)
Region 3 -- Wheels
60 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 3
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 3 Outside
3.5 Chinook Roger Bramson 3(24) 0.5(83)
2.0 Juneau Roger Bramson 1(24) 1(83)
0.5 Tokk Kay Bramson 0.5(24)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
80 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 3
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 3 Outside
6.0 Rambo Darryl Williams 5(24) 1(37)
Region 4 -- Wheels
20 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 4
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 4 Outside
22.0 Sanchez Trent Vance 5(81) 5(82 ) 6(43) 6(46)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
40 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 4
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 4 Outside
7.0 Do Ya Ben Scott 4(31) 3(32 )
5.0 Cookie Tim Cunningham 2(31) 1(32 ) 1(81) 1(82)
3.0 Dog Daryl Spauldin 3(31)
0.5 Scrappy Daryl Anderson 0.5(32)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
60 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 4
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 4 Outside
37.0 Chili Daryl Anderson 10(31) 6(32 ) 12(46) 9(43)
17.0 Loki Lindsay Biddle 5(81) 6(40) 6(41)
9.0 Hangover Phillip Ellis 5(31) 4(32 )
8.0 Do I Hafta Ben Scott 8(81)
7.0 Fire Girl Brian Bahl 4(94) 3(93)
6.0 R-2 Ben Scott 6(82)
3.5 Daxter Rob-yn Hiltz 3(82) 0.5(81 )
3.0 Babe Tom Saladin 2(31) 1(32 )
2.0 Red Bull Brian Bahl 1(93) 1(94)
1.5 Meene Tom Saladin 1(31) 0.5(32 )
0.0 Ice Scott Nowakowski 0(31)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
80 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 4
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 4 Outside
28.0 Dixie Daryl Anderson 7(31) 7(32 ) 14(46)
25.0 Hammer Mike Swenson 5(31) 5(81 ) 2(32) 7(43) 6(46)
24.0 Czar Carey Green 4(31) 3(32 ) 9(35) 8(36)
19.0 Judo Ben Scott 12(31) 5(32 ) 2(82)
10.0 Betty Daryl Anderson 6(31) 4(32 )
9.0 Asia Trent Vance 5(82) 2(81 ) 2(42)
3.0 Buck Tim Cunningham 2(31) 0.5(32 ) 0.5(81) 0(82)
1.0 Xena Sharon Lawrence 1(31)
0.5 Storm Justin Nowakowski 0.5(31)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
100 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 4
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 4 Outside
11.0 Mogley Daryl Anderson 6(31) 5(32 )
9.0 Pirate Brant Ungerer 5(81) 4(82 )
8.5 Leila Tim Cunningham 4(31) 4(32 ) 0.5(81) 0(82)
8.0 Dixie Daryl Anderson 8(43)
5.5 Jazz Tim Cunningham 2(31) 2(81 ) 1(82) 0.5(32)
4.0 Mia Dave Caslin 3(31) 1(32 )
3.0 Cleo Dave Caslin 2(32) 1(31 )
1.0 Lebo Trent Vance 1(42)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
125 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 4
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 4 Outside
15.0 Brady Tim Cunningham 6(81) 6(82 ) 2(32) 1(31)
6.0 Moose Tim Cunningham 3(81) 3(82 )
6.0 Chevy Daryl Spauldin 6(31)
1.0 Bubba Dave Caslin 0.5(31) 0.5(32 )
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
150 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 4
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 4 Outside
32.0 Neeko Mike Swenson 7(81) 7(82 ) 5(31) 7(46) 6(43)
8.0 Jake Rob-yn Hiltz 4(81) 4(82 )
2.0 Moochie Timothy Hiltz 1(81) 1(82 )
Region 5 -- Wheels
20 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 5
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 5 Outside
10.0 Widow Maker Anthony Statuto 5(29) 5(30 )
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
40 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 5
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 5 Outside
25.0 Mysterio Jacki Wakefield-Jones 8(15) 8(16 ) 6(44) 2(62) 1(63)
24.0 Lady Victory Anthony Statuto 7(62) 7(63 ) 5(29) 5(30)
23.0 Hugger (Lil Patty) Melissa Kehler 6(10) 6(22 ) 5(15) 3(9) 3(23)
21.0 Dyna (Lil' Pitty) Melissa Kehler 6(9) 6(23 ) 3(10) 3(22) 3(44)
20.0 Stump Grinder Brian Corbett 10(62) 10(63 )
13.5 Journey Debi Pruznick 5(16) 2(15 ) 0.5(63) 5(48) 1(47)
10.0 Becky Regina Caldwell 5(5) 5(6 )
8.0 Fury Brian Corbett 4(62) 4(63 )
3.0 Georgie Samar Kline 2(63) 1(62 )
0.5 Boomer Vicki Palinkas 0.5(62)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
60 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 5
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 5 Outside
65.0 Nikkie Phil Kanakis 19(62) 16(63 ) 17(48) 13(47)
48.0 Starbuck Steve Jackson 11(29) 11(30 ) 10(5) 8(6) 8(62)
41.0 Jewel Steven Pirmann Jr 16(62) 8(63 ) 9(97) 8(48)
37.0 Kindr Debi Pruznick 11(62) 7(63 ) 4(16) 8(47) 7(48)
35.0 Electra David Heffelfinger 10(62) 7(16 ) 6(15) 6(22) 6(63)
31.0 Jake Wendy Leister 8(29) 8(30 ) 7(5) 6(62) 2(6)
27.0 Etah Daniel Plosila 7(62) 5(6 ) 5(29) 5(30) 5(63)
26.0 Rocket Phil Kanakis 13(62) 13(63 )
24.0 Rasta Richard, Sr. Dunn 14(48) 10(47)
19.0 Hunk Brian Corbett 10(63) 9(62 )
11.0 Tundra Belva Plosila 4(62) 3(63 ) 2(30) 1(5) 1(29)
10.0 Zeus Beverly Detwiler 3(29) 3(30 ) 2(62) 2(63)
9.0 Omega Ruben Cruz 9(15)
7.5 Taiga Daniel Plosila 4(63) 3(62 ) 0.5(5) 0(30)
7.0 Cody Carol Kinne 5(62) 1(30 ) 1(63)
3.5 Sonia Carol Kinne 2(29) 0.5(30 ) 0.5(62) 0.5(63)
2.0 Froggy Frank Caldwell 2(5)
1.0 Kita Ruben Cruz 1(15)
1.0 Rohn Diane Geitzenauer 1(62) 0(63 )
0.5 Pan Carol Kinne 0.5(29)
0.5 Lady Ruben Cruz 0.5(48)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
80 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 5
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 5 Outside
43.0 Morpheus Rene Rodriguez Jr 13(62) 8(63 ) 13(69) 9(68)
36.0 Nanuk Stephen Palinkas 9(22) 9(23 ) 8(86) 6(63) 4(62)
35.0 Babe Ron Poitras 14(63) 10(62 ) 6(68) 5(69)
34.0 Pac Man Todd Tripler 7(9) 7(10 ) 7(30) 6(23) 7(69)
34.0 Takani David Gallagher 11(63) 8(85 ) 6(45) 5(62) 4(9)
17.0 Clea Richard, Sr. Dunn 9(47) 8(48)
15.5 Shadow Jane Palinkas 6(22) 5(63 ) 3(23) 1(62) 0.5(85)
14.0 Mega's Therion Erica Lovett 5(85) 5(86 ) 4(30)
11.0 Holley Regina Caldwell 7(6) 4(5 )
11.0 Laika Regina Caldwell 7(5) 4(6 )
11.0 Cypress JR Flynn 7(62) 4(63 )
6.0 Borei Ninon Hutchinson 3(62) 3(63 )
4.0 Bilko William Crawley 4(16)
3.0 Keno Melissa Kehler 1(9) 1(10 ) 1(44) 0(45)
3.0 Omega Ruben Cruz 3(48)
2.0 Willow Regina Caldwell 1(5) 1(6 )
2.0 Muddy Ben Palinkas 1(22) 1(23 )
2.0 Yukon Diane Geitzenauer 2(63)
1.5 Roxy Morgan Willie 1(18) 0.5(17)
1.5 Laika Ninon Hutchinson 1(63) 0.5(62 )
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
100 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 5
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 5 Outside
49.0 Harley David Heffelfinger 11(63) 10(15 ) 10(44) 9(10) 9(16)
47.0 Buddy Leonard Decker 12(62) 10(45 ) 9(9) 8(63) 8(47)
35.0 Apollo Rene Rodriguez Jr 7(23) 7(30 ) 6(29) 6(62) 9(69)
27.0 Magnus Steven Pirmann Jr 5(63) 4(45 ) 4(62) 9(48) 5(97)
22.0 Puck Regina Caldwell 6(5) 6(6 ) 4(30) 3(29) 3(62)
19.0 Thor Ron Poitras 10(30) 9(29 )
16.5 Eve Todd Sheehan 6(85) 4(86 ) 6(47) 0.5(48)
13.0 Tonka Bob Martinelli 7(15) 6(16 )
13.0 Rowdy Barbara Lichota 4(15) 3(16 ) 4(48) 2(21)
11.0 Lug Rodger D. Collins 7(45) 4(44 )
11.0 Hercules Melissa Kehler 3(9) 3(10 ) 2(15) 2(44) 1(45)
10.0 Yuengling Steve Jackson 3(5) 3(6 ) 2(62) 1(29) 1(30)
7.0 Muddy Ben Palinkas 3(85) 1(9 ) 1(10) 1(15) 1(62)
6.0 Judas Ruben Cruz 6(48)
2.5 Denali Melissa Kehler 0.5(9) 0.5(10 ) 0.5(15) 0.5(44) 0.5(45)
2.5 Borei Ninon Hutchinson 2(30) 0.5(29 )
1.0 Yuki Frank Caldwell 0.5(62) 0.5(63 )
1.0 Gus Edward Crawley 1(16)
1.0 Wolfen Donna K. Collins 1(44)
0.5 Baloo Stephen Palinkas 0.5(22)
0.5 Mega's BO Jason Phelps 0.5(30)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
125 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 5
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 5 Outside
36.0 Josh Todd Sheehan 8(22) 8(86 ) 7(23) 7(85) 6(47)
28.0 Red Ron Poitras 6(62) 6(63 ) 8(68) 8(69)
26.0 Molson Melissa Kehler 7(9) 5(22 ) 5(44) 5(45) 4(10)
14.0 Rocky Ruth Ellis 5(86) 3(62 ) 3(63) 2(22) 1(23)
8.0 Montana Melissa Kehler 7(10) 1(9 )
7.0 Nero Morgan Willie 7(16)
5.5 Maximus Bethany Monthei 4(9) 1(10 ) 0.5(22)
0.5 Klyde Jan Angrave 0.5(86)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
150 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 5
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 5 Outside
29.0 Buddy Todd Sheehan 9(86) 7(23 ) 6(22) 6(85) 1(47)
16.0 Luke Todd Sheehan 4(23) 3(22 ) 3(85) 3(86) 3(48)
12.0 Grizzly Robert Wilson 5(62) 5(63 ) 0.5(85) 0.5(86) 1(92)
1.0 Klyde Jan Angrave 1(23)
Region 6 -- Wheels
20 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 6
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 6 Outside
28.0 Gingersnap Donna Libbey 6(17) 6(18 ) 6(35) 5(1) 5(2)
10.0 Bridget Jenny Cousino 5(93) 5(94 )
9.0 Patty Diane Krupski 3(17) 3(18 ) 3(35) 0(36)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
40 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 6
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 6 Outside
36.0 Bubba Aaron Dill 12(36) 6(99 ) 5(93) 8(81) 5(82)
26.0 Mickey Nicole Djordjevich 13(31) 13(32)
25.0 Grace Damon Keels 8(93) 7(94 ) 10(82)
25.0 Trouble Mark Krupski 8(35) 6(36 ) 5(18) 2(17) 4(32)
21.0 Isabelle Aaron Dill 11(35) 6(100 ) 4(36)
17.0 Six Pack Annie Sherri Radle 5(2) 5(17 ) 3(99) 3(100) 1(1)
17.0 Able Nicole Djordjevich 10(31) 7(32)
17.0 Teaspoon Nicole Djordjevich 10(32) 7(31)
13.0 Tangi Todd Tripp 13(82)
8.0 Gidget Phillip Dill 1(36) 5(81) 2(82)
6.0 Buddy Bones Sue Lakowsky 3(36) 2(18 ) 0.5(17) 0.5(35)
6.0 Good Charlette Nicole Djordjevich 3(81) 3(82)
4.0 Alante' Mark Krupski 2(35) 2(36 )
3.0 Olive Josh Leiter 2(93) 1(94 )
3.0 Jetta Kyle Blackburn 2(32) 1(31)
0.5 Shyne Josh Leiter 0.5(93) 0(94 )
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
60 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 6
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 6 Outside
44.0 Loki William Taylor 9(18) 8(1 ) 8(17) 12(32) 7(31)
38.0 Stone Cold Collin Cox 16(94) 15(93 ) 7(99)
27.0 Fanny Jenny Cousino 13(94) 10(99 ) 4(93) 0(35)
26.0 Princess Danny Bessant 12(93) 10(94 ) 4(99)
21.0 Kirby Shirley Webber 6(93) 6(100 ) 3(35) 3(31) 3(32)
17.0 Nika Collin Cox 9(93) 8(94 )
13.5 Riddle Amy Morris 9(100) 2(94 ) 2(99) 0.5(93)
11.0 Tangi Todd Tripp 6(94) 5(93 )
9.0 Petey Amy Morris 5(94) 2(93 ) 1(99) 1(100)
6.0 Casey Willie Adams 4(48) 2(47)
3.5 Alante' Mark Krupski 3(100) 0.5(17 )
3.5 Ranger Sally Cole 3(2) 0.5(1 )
2.5 Annie Sally Cole 1(35) 1(36 ) 0.5(100) 0(99)
1.0 Sassy Diane Krupski 1(18)
1.0 Poochie Stephanie Pitz 0.5(35) 0.5(36 )
0.5 Orphan Abby Diane Krupski 0.5(18)
0.5 Emma Alicia Woodson 0.5(94) 0(100 )
0.0 Amanda Alicia Woodson 0(94) 0(100 )
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
80 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 6
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 6 Outside
33.0 Lilly Brian Durbin 9(93) 8(94 ) 8(81) 8(82)
22.0 J.J. Danny Bessant 11(94) 6(93 ) 5(99)
19.0 Olive Shirley Webber 7(17) 4(2 ) 3(35) 2(36) 3(31)
13.0 Grace Sherri Radle 7(2) 6(1 )
9.0 Kirby Shirley Webber 6(18) 2(17 ) 1(2)
6.0 Fox Phillip Dill 3(93) 3(94 )
6.0 Mason Brian Durbin 5(94) 1(93 )
5.0 Traveller Diane Krupski 4(17) 1(35 ) 0(99)
5.0 Dutchess Stephanie Pitz 3(18) 1(17 ) 0.5(35) 0.5(36)
1.0 Lexis Ken Blackburn 1(94)
0.0 Jasmin Shirley Webber 0(99)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
100 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 6
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 6 Outside
40.0 Hawk Ken Blackburn 7(93) 6(94 ) 14(31) 13(32)
30.0 Maxine Shirley Webber 7(17) 6(18 ) 6(35) 6(36) 5(1)
13.0 Abby Stephanie Pitz 4(17) 3(18 ) 3(35) 3(36) 0(99)
4.0 Scrappy Josh Leiter 4(93) 0(94 )
1.0 C. C. Shirley Webber 1(17)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
125 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 6
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 6 Outside
34.0 Lily Todd Allen 7(2) 7(17 ) 7(18) 7(35) 6(36)
13.0 Brandy Brandon Krupski 5(99) 4(18 ) 4(35) 0(36)
10.0 Thor Larry Shaferly 6(1) 4(2 )
8.0 Rock Sherri Radle 4(17) 3(1 ) 1(2)
2.0 Shy Stephanie Pitz 1(17) 1(18 )
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
150 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 6
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 6 Outside
21.0 M.J. Stephanie Pitz 7(17) 7(18 ) 5(35) 2(36)
20.0 Rosie Stephanie Pitz 8(36) 5(93 ) 5(94) 2(35)
13.0 Crocus Mark Krupski 8(35) 5(36 )
10.0 Wilber Stephanie Pitz 5(1) 5(2 )
10.0 Sophia Stephanie Pitz 5(99) 4(17 ) 1(18)
6.0 C.J. Donna Libbey 4(18) 1(17 ) 0.5(35) 0.5(36)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
Unlimited Class -- Wheels -- Region 6
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 6 Outside
26.0 Wilber Stephanie Pitz 6(17) 6(18 ) 5(35) 5(36) 4(100)
14.0 Crocus Mark Krupski 7(99) 7(100 )
13.0 Herman Munster Donna Libbey 3(1) 3(2 ) 3(17) 3(18) 1(100)
12.0 Moose Larry Shaferly 6(1) 6(2 )
4.0 Brutus Stephanie Pitz 4(99)
Region 7 -- Wheels
20 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 7
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 7 Outside
26.0 Hokie Tracy Lee 7(8) 5(7 ) 3(68) 6(48) 5(47)
11.0 Rosco Debbie Lee 6(69) 1(68 ) 3(47) 1(97)
4.0 Dee Dee Debbie Lee 0.5(68) 0.5(69 ) 0(7) 2(47) 1(48)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
40 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 7
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 7 Outside
30.0 Swampdog's Spike Todd Pederson 5(7) 5(68 ) 5(69) 8(97) 7(47)
9.0 Swampdog's Dutchess Brandon Pederson 5(97) 4(98)
3.0 Swampdog's Diffy Todd Pederson 2(97) 1(98)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
60 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 7
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 7 Outside
16.0 Swampdog's Belle Todd Pederson 5(69) 7(98) 4(97)
6.0 Tony Lop J. Erik Storm 5(47) 1(48)
6.0 Swampdog's Stitch Tina Pederson 6(7)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
80 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 7
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 7 Outside
8.0 Other Renee Roberts 4(68) 4(69 )
8.0 Stagalee Renee Roberts 8(7)
8.0 Swampdog's Nala Todd Pederson 8(21)
6.0 Swampdog's Sobe Logan Pederson 3(69) 3(47)
4.0 Swampdog's Stitch Tina Pederson 3(97) 1(98)
0.5 Moose Steve McPeak 0.5(92)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
100 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 7
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 7 Outside
36.0 Candy Man Renee Roberts 9(7) 5(8 ) 4(68) 11(47) 7(48)
12.5 Swampdog's Casper Todd Pederson 0.5(7) 9(21) 3(47)
3.0 Sybil Steve McPeak 3(92)
3.0 Swampdog's Ozzy Todd Pederson 3(7)
3.0 Swampdog's Zeus Todd Pederson 2(97) 1(98)
0.0 C.J. Holliwood Steve McPeak 0(91)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
125 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 7
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 7 Outside
33.0 Big Papa Scott Roberts 8(8) 6(7 ) 5(68) 5(69) 9(47)
30.0 Swampdog's Bugg Tina Pederson 9(7) 5(8 ) 2(69) 7(21) 7(97)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
150 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 7
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 7 Outside
41.0 Rochelle Debbie Lee 7(7) 7(8 ) 7(68) 11(47) 9(48)
5.0 Shade J. Erik Storm 5(47) 0(48)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
Unlimited Class -- Wheels -- Region 7
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 7 Outside
33.0 Festus Terry Lee 8(68) 5(8 ) 4(7) 8(47) 8(48)
22.0 Max Terry Lee 7(7) 3(69 ) 2(8) 6(20) 4(21)
21.5 Mol-lee Terry Lee 8(8) 1(7 ) 0.5(68) 7(21) 5(47)
Region 8 -- Wheels
60 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 8
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 8 Outside
11.0 Samson Yan Vincze 6(27) 5(28 )
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
125 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 8
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 8 Outside
20.0 Mouse Jennie Chen 7(40) 5(27 ) 5(28) 3(41)
6.0 Eiger Pam Capelli 6(80)
3.0 Biel Ronald Capelli 3(80)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
150 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 8
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 8 Outside
5.0 Mouse Jennie Chen 5(80)
Region 9 -- Wheels
20 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 9
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 9 Outside
11.0 Harry Houdini Mark Landers 5(54) 3(43 ) 3(46)
9.0 Monster Chris Wells 5(38) 4(37 )
7.0 Rasta Man Tim Long 7(37)
1.0 Booker Jim Walters 1(37)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
40 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 9
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 9 Outside
29.0 Diamond "Lil" Dean Mircos 8(37) 8(75 ) 7(46) 6(54)
28.0 Adam Ant Kevin Hybeck 8(38) 6(55 ) 5(43) 5(75) 4(46)
27.0 P' Nut Chris Kopecky 10(46) 6(95 ) 6(96) 3(83) 2(38)
23.0 Lucy Mark Landers 9(54) 8(43 ) 6(83)
14.0 Pixie Samara Weidner 5(38) 3(55 ) 2(37) 1(46) 3(24)
12.0 Ayree Austin Kevin Hybeck 5(37) 0.5(38 ) 0.5(43) 6(24)
6.0 Rose Grant Menke 3(95) 3(96 ) 0(84)
5.0 Symba Chez Salazar 2(46) 2(75 ) 1(54) 0(55)
0.5 Luna Gabe Casas 0.5(46)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
60 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 9
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 9 Outside
61.0 Jumbo Mark Landers 15(43) 15(46 ) 13(54) 9(38) 9(83)
51.0 Shelby Chris Stock 10(37) 10(54 ) 9(42) 13(31) 9(32)
46.0 Road House Kevin Hybeck 12(96) 9(55 ) 9(95) 7(54) 9(24)
39.0 German Gabe Casas 12(95) 8(75 ) 7(84) 6(46) 6(96)
29.0 Granite Nora Walters 7(37) 7(46 ) 6(43) 5(54) 4(95)
25.0 Taz Clifford Hutton 9(96) 5(46 ) 4(43) 4(54) 3(95)
21.0 Razzor Rodney Martin 6(42) 6(83 ) 3(43) 3(54) 3(55)
17.0 Silver Rodney Martin 4(84) 3(83 ) 2(43) 2(95) 6(24)
3.0 Missy Melinda Hosfelt 3(42)
3.0 Princess Alie Terence Reed 1(43) 0.5(42 ) 0.5(46) 0.5(54) 0.5(55)
1.5 Amici Paul Rodriguez 1(46) 0.5(38 )
1.0 Fudge Chris Bryant 1(37)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
80 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 9
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 9 Outside
80.0 Tabby Brian Hosfelt 19(43) 17(46 ) 16(37) 15(31) 13(32)
57.0 Jane Brian Hosfelt 16(43) 13(37 ) 9(46) 10(32) 9(31)
44.0 Pudge Chris Wells 10(38) 10(43 ) 9(54) 8(37) 7(46)
27.0 Zevon Rick Williams 10(37) 5(38 ) 3(43) 1(46) 8(24)
20.0 Sasha Richard Jr Felice 7(83) 6(84 ) 5(75) 1(95) 1(96)
20.0 Missy Elijah Landers 13(43) 4(54 ) 3(38)
19.0 Shadow James "OJ" Alvarado 11(46) 4(43 ) 3(54) 1(55)
16.0 Tank Jason Barnard 6(43) 4(46 ) 3(37) 2(38) 1(42)
13.0 Diamond Brian Hosfelt 5(37) 4(38 ) 4(42)
12.0 Striker Jim Walters 4(37) 2(43 ) 2(46) 2(95) 2(96)
11.0 El Gaurdo Mark Landers 11(43)
9.0 Barnaby Chris Kopecky 9(43)
8.5 Moolah Chris Kopecky 8(43) 0.5(38 )
8.0 Maude Chris Kopecky 8(46)
7.5 Duke Jonah Terence Reed 3(84) 2(54 ) 1(43) 1(83) 0.5(42)
7.0 Cross Eyed Kate Dean Mircos 7(37)
6.5 Rumulus Chris Bryant 6(37) 0.5(54 )
6.0 Chubbs James "OJ" Alvarado 4(83) 1(54 ) 0.5(37) 0.5(43)
5.5 Lava Ken L. Ishmael 5(46) 0.5(75 )
5.0 Razzor Rodney Martin 2(37) 1(38 ) 2(24)
5.0 Racer Phil Goerner 3(46) 2(75 )
5.0 Brick House Mark Landers 5(43)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
100 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 9
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 9 Outside
51.0 Shaq Chris Stock 11(95) 11(96 ) 10(54) 9(42) 10(32)
50.0 Neebles Mark Landers 14(43) 13(46 ) 13(54) 10(38)
45.0 Ozzy Melinda Hosfelt 9(43) 9(75 ) 8(55) 8(95) 11(31)
34.0 Brick Chris Kopecky 11(43) 10(46 ) 8(83) 3(75) 2(95)
30.0 Renegade Tim Long 9(37) 6(75 ) 5(46) 5(54) 5(55)
20.0 Knuckles Dean Mircos 7(43) 6(46 ) 3(95) 3(96) 1(37)
11.0 Sisco John Lucero 5(43) 3(46 ) 3(54)
11.0 Rattler Kelly Williams 4(38) 2(43 ) 5(24)
7.0 Mann Freddy Melinda Hosfelt 4(46) 3(42 )
6.5 Shadow James "OJ" Alvarado 2(83) 2(96 ) 1(38) 1(95) 0.5(37)
6.0 Queen Sarah Robbie Reed 2(46) 2(54 ) 1(43) 0.5(42) 0.5(55)
5.0 John Deere Mark Landers 5(83)
4.0 Hubba Bubba John Lucero 4(54)
4.0 Freddy Jason Barnard 4(43)
3.0 Eldorado Carl Hart 3(43)
2.5 Aspen Carolyn Wamsley 1(46) 1(75 ) 0.5(43)
1.0 Glacier Vicki Ishmael 0.5(46) 0.5(75 )
1.0 Chubbs James "OJ" Alvarado 0.5(95) 0.5(96 )
1.0 Dionysus Chris Bryant 1(54)
0.5 Apherdite Chris Bryant 0.5(54)
0.5 El Gaurdo Mark Landers 0.5(38)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
125 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 9
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 9 Outside
39.0 Chester Brian Hosfelt 8(43) 7(37 ) 7(38) 9(31) 8(32)
32.0 Stomper Chris Stock 8(54) 7(55 ) 6(95) 6(96) 5(32)
16.0 Baron Baxter Robbie Reed 5(83) 5(84 ) 3(46) 2(43) 1(42)
6.0 Wedo Frank Pineda 3(95) 3(96 )
6.0 John Deere Mark Landers 5(43) 1(38 )
2.0 Johnny Elijah Landers 2(54)
1.0 Chance Chris Bryant 1(37)
0.5 Jackson Todd Snyder 0.5(43)
0.0 Valzar Ron Merriam 0(43)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
150 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 9
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 9 Outside
27.0 King Dukes Terence Reed 6(95) 6(96 ) 5(42) 5(54) 5(55)
6.0 Baron Baxter Robbie Reed 3(95) 3(96 )
Region 10 -- Wheels
20 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 10
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 10 Outside
5.0 Dalwhinnie Bravehart Liz Carter 5(53) 0(64 )
0.0 Dalwhinnie Faramir Liz Carter 0(64)
0.0 Ruby Carol Flaney 0(64) 0(65 )
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
60 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 10
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 10 Outside
14.0 Maximus Ferdinand Malit 6(53) 5(33 ) 3(64)
11.0 Missy Michael Profunio 6(64) 5(65 )
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
80 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 10
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 10 Outside
45.0 Tundra Michael Apaga 12(64) 11(65 ) 13(101) 9(102)
34.0 Belle Lynn Stimpel 8(34) 8(65 ) 6(19) 6(53) 6(64)
21.0 Tittan Gerardo Garnica 9(53) 9(64 ) 3(65)
16.0 Tank Craig Healy 8(33) 5(34 ) 1(53) 1(64) 1(65)
10.5 Roll of the Dice Nancy Best 3(19) 3(53 ) 2(33) 2(64) 0.5(34)
9.0 Tex Chad Harper 9(19)
9.0 Lewis' Koko Steve Lewis 5(65) 4(64 )
5.0 Lewis' Etta Steve Lewis 3(64) 2(65 )
4.0 Strike A Pose Nancy Best 2(34) 0.5(19 ) 0.5(33) 0.5(53) 0.5(64)
0.0 Reese Michael Profunio 0(64)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
100 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 10
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 10 Outside
48.0 Noss Michael Apaga 8(19) 8(33 ) 7(34) 17(43) 8(46)
25.0 Goonie Gilbert Espinoza 9(64) 9(65 ) 7(53)
11.0 TAI Mark Perez 5(33) 4(34 ) 2(19)
11.0 Tahcor Cathy Thomas 6(65) 4(53 ) 1(64)
10.0 Tianna Cathy Thomas 6(64) 3(65 ) 1(53)
3.5 Tyra Cathy Thomas 3(64) 0.5(65 )
3.0 Shiva Steve Lewis 1(34) 1(65 ) 0.5(19) 0.5(33)
0.5 Donny Lynn Stimpel 0.5(83)
0.5 Tequilla Cathy Thomas 0.5(64) 0(65 )
0.0 Ranger Steve Green 0(19)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
125 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 10
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 10 Outside
22.0 Blade Omar Ross 9(19) 8(64 ) 5(65)
21.0 Lewis' Chopper Steve Lewis 6(53) 5(33 ) 5(34) 3(19) 2(64)
19.0 Fire Omar Ross 8(65) 6(19 ) 5(64)
4.0 Dak Steven Wiese 3(53) 0.5(64 ) 0.5(65)
1.0 Diamonte Dan Kierstead 1(19)
0.5 Z Z Ron Garrett 0.5(19)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
150 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 10
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 10 Outside
20.0 Tacoma James Galli 5(33) 5(34 ) 5(64) 5(65)
Region 11 -- Wheels
20 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 11
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 11 Outside
43.0 Squiggy Carol Dodds 11(47) 8(20 ) 7(97) 9(69) 8(7)
34.0 Bam Bam Pam Wilson 9(48) 8(47 ) 5(20) 3(21) 9(68)
2.0 Ringo Ron Kemp 1(47) 0.5(20 ) 0.5(48)
0.5 Dizzy Pam Wilson 0.5(47)
0.5 Bowen Helen Brinn 0(21) 0(47 ) 0(48) 0.5(7)
0.0 Arnold Helen Brinn 0(21) 0(7)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
40 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 11
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 11 Outside
4.0 Playdoh Angela Cockburn 4(47) 0(48 )
0.0 Sally Stephanie Coleman 0(69)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
60 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 11
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 11 Outside
58.0 Rayn Mauro Zapata 16(47) 12(97 ) 9(48) 11(69) 10(68)
38.0 Paco Christopher Brennen 11(48) 6(21 ) 6(97) 8(69) 7(68)
33.0 Jaws Ed St Lawrence 9(21) 7(20 ) 9(7) 8(8)
23.0 Mickey Phil Christian 5(48) 5(91 ) 5(92) 4(20) 4(47)
19.5 Little Mary C. Beach 7(47) 6(48 ) 0.5(97) 4(68) 2(69)
14.0 Gina Lisa Cook 6(47) 2(20 ) 5(8) 1(7)
14.0 Serena Raymond Beach IV 3(47) 3(48 ) 2(97) 3(7) 3(69)
10.0 Havoc John Stone 5(85) 5(86)
7.0 Angel Mary Kemp 4(98) 1(47 ) 1(97) 0.5(20) 0.5(21)
2.0 Spider Mary C. Beach 2(68)
0.5 Sally Stephanie Coleman 0.5(47)
0.0 Myah Phil Christian 0(91) 0(92 )
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
80 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 11
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 11 Outside
32.0 Haus Ron Kemp 6(97) 4(98 ) 12(68) 10(69)
30.0 Jungle Barry Phipps 12(47) 11(48 ) 7(98)
21.0 Swampdog's Twitch Ed St Lawrence 8(20) 2(21 ) 6(8) 5(7)
16.0 Suga TerRon Sykes 9(15) 7(16)
16.0 Daisy Lisa Cook 8(92) 3(20 ) 3(8) 2(7)
16.0 Chesty David Coleman 6(47) 5(20 ) 5(48)
13.0 Haus Ron Kemp 4(47) 2(48 ) 7(44)
12.5 Popeye Kevin Cook 5(91) 5(92 ) 2(68) 0.5(69)
5.0 Tiny Christopher Brennen 5(21)
3.0 Roxx Stephanie Coleman 1(47) 1(48 ) 1(69)
3.0 Mack Johanna Northstein 2(20) 1(8)
2.5 Bluff Raymond Beach IV 1(20) 0.5(21 ) 0.5(7) 0.5(8)
1.0 Zero Mary C. Beach 1(68)
0.5 Rooster David Coleman 0.5(47)
0.0 Rooster Raymond Beach IV 0(69)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
100 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 11
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 11 Outside
45.0 Swamper Barry Turner 14(47) 8(97 ) 7(98) 10(68) 6(69)
43.0 Mercedes Lisa Cook 12(48) 9(92 ) 7(47) 7(91) 8(8)
36.0 Bane Barry Phipps 17(47) 15(48 ) 4(98)
24.5 Swampdog's HEAT Mary Jane St Lawrence 12(21) 6(20 ) 6(7) 0.5(8)
18.0 Zeus Lamar Shaw 9(47) 3(21 ) 2(48) 1(20) 3(69)
12.5 Tally Mark Pickrel 5(47) 0.5(97 ) 7(68)
9.5 Bodacious Francis Reed 9(20) 0.5(47 )
7.0 Earthquake Mauro Zapata 4(47) 3(48 )
1.5 Kodiak Doris Mow 0.5(21) 1(7)
1.0 Curly Sue Leslie Wemhoff 1(21)
1.0 Tye Mark Pickrel 1(47)
0.5 Hot Chick Rachel Cook 0.5(92)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
125 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 11
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 11 Outside
19.0 Wu Barry Phipps 9(48) 6(98 ) 4(47)
15.0 Tye Mark Pickrel 7(92) 4(91 ) 4(97)
15.0 Torah Mark Pickrel 7(91) 4(92 ) 1(47) 1(97) 2(68)
13.0 Budda Carol Dodds 4(20) 4(21 ) 2(47) 1(48) 2(8)
12.0 Blue Francis Reed 12(47)
10.5 Shasta Valarie Thawley 1(20) 1(21 ) 0.5(47) 4(15) 4(85)
3.0 Mercedes Lisa Cook 3(7)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
150 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 11
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 11 Outside
32.0 Moses Mark Pickrel 8(47) 7(92 ) 7(97) 6(91) 4(68)
29.0 Bogie Brenda Lemon 6(48) 4(20 ) 4(21) 9(85) 6(86)
16.0 Tynee Brian Weldin 5(98) 4(92 ) 3(91) 3(69) 1(7)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
Unlimited Class -- Wheels -- Region 11
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 11 Outside
27.0 Layla Carol Dodds 7(97) 5(98 ) 4(91) 6(69) 5(68)

Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home