Last Updated: 08:45:26 on 04-04-2003

IWPA Standings for the 2002-2003 Season
Numbers in parenthesis are the pull number with the score for that pull to the left
These pull numbers are also links to the individual pulls
Region 1 -- Wheels
125 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 1
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 1 Outside
2.0 Khumbu George Hideg 2(112)
Region 2 -- Wheels
20 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 2
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 2 Outside
25.0 Yip Yip Ella Louise Hyzer 5(41) 5(42 ) 5(104) 5(105) 5(111)
20.0 Tuff Diane Jessup 7(27) 7(80 ) 6(28)
11.0 Onyx Jennifer Martin 4(27) 4(80 ) 3(28)
6.0 Missy Shana Bobbitt 6(112)
2.0 Baxter Heather Leu 1(27) 1(80 ) 0(81)
Jump to region 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
40 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 2
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 2 Outside
38.0 Nikita Brandon Aalbers 8(80) 8(104 ) 8(105) 7(111) 7(112)
31.0 Jar Jar Binks Morgan Star 7(41) 7(42 ) 6(12) 6(13) 5(81)
15.0 Cassie Marlana Ashlie 4(41) 4(42 ) 3(12) 3(13) 1(111)
13.0 Hope Doug Eversole 8(81) 5(80 )
11.0 Dakota Heather Leu 6(27) 5(28 )
6.0 Eddie Bob Daymude 2(104) 2(105 ) 1(41) 1(42)
5.0 Jesse Robyn Kissler 5(110)
3.0 Kaelin Kathleen Buckner 3(27)
Jump to region 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
60 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 2
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 2 Outside
49.0 Wild Sky Magoo Gary Romane 11(27) 11(80 ) 9(28) 9(104) 9(111)
36.0 Bull Ryan Wood 8(112) 7(33 ) 7(41) 7(42) 7(105)
34.0 Roxy Sandy Overgaard 10(41) 7(13 ) 6(12) 6(28) 5(27)
18.0 Kima Aviva Beach 4(13) 4(41 ) 4(42) 3(12) 3(27)
14.0 Dr. Feelgood James Bingenheimer 9(81) 5(80 )
14.0 Ariel Heather Leu 8(27) 3(28 ) 2(80) 1(81)
11.0 Pete Jared James 8(80) 3(81 )
9.0 Demanding Beauty James Bingenheimer 6(81) 3(80 )
8.0 Dominique Brandon Aalbers 5(112) 3(111 )
7.0 Harley Jim Declue 7(34)
3.0 Kim Kathleen Buckner 2(27) 1(28 )
1.5 Red Sonya Gary Romane 1(27) 0.5(28 )
1.0 Red Russ Butler 1(34)
1.0 Tank Jim Declue 1(33)
0.5 Pride Diane Jessup 0.5(27)
0.5 Rage Cheryl Reehill 0.5(80)
0.0 Cinnamon Tim McElravy 0(12) 0(13 )
0.0 Capone Dalton Hansen 0(80)
Jump to region 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
80 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 2
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 2 Outside
58.0 Trudy David Douthit 13(41) 12(33 ) 11(80) 11(104) 11(105)
51.0 Cowboy Stephen Russell 11(12) 11(13 ) 10(41) 10(111) 9(27)
37.0 Pepperhaus Talon Sandy Overgaard 12(27) 9(28 ) 9(33) 7(41)
29.0 Rocky Torrie (Victoria) Wood 8(12) 8(13 ) 5(41) 4(42) 4(112)
28.0 Spike Lacy Wood 10(112) 6(27 ) 5(12) 4(111) 3(13)
26.0 Timber Judith McCauley 10(42) 5(13 ) 4(33) 4(41) 3(12)
22.0 Malachi Ryan Ellsworth 7(111) 5(80 ) 5(105) 3(104) 2(112)
10.0 Nuka Tu Donna Daymude 7(42) 3(41 )
8.0 Loki Vaomatuia Pele 3(33) 3(80 ) 2(27)
7.0 Athena Dalton Hansen 5(104) 2(80 )
6.0 Kianna Ramona Locke 2(12) 2(13 ) 1(42) 0.5(33) 0.5(34)
4.0 Thor Dalton Hansen 4(81)
3.5 Kady Jaci Rodgers 1(13) 1(41 ) 0.5(12) 0.5(42) 0.5(104)
2.0 Optimus Brandon Aalbers 2(105)
1.0 Luna Carmen Rowe 1(81)
1.0 Oso Bob Daymude 1(12) 0(13 )
1.0 Mask Miguel Alvarez 1(34) 0(33 )
1.0 Glacier Heather Leu 1(80)
0.5 Raven Cheryl Reehill 0.5(80)
0.5 Dr. Evil Diane Jessup 0.5(27)
0.0 Tazmarie Judith McCauley 0(33) 0(34 )
Jump to region 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
100 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 2
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 2 Outside
67.0 Sebastian Stephen Russell 14(12) 14(13 ) 14(112) 13(111) 12(28)
46.0 Buster David Douthit 14(104) 13(105 ) 8(80) 7(33) 4(34)
38.0 Rock Craig Hohnbaum 11(104) 9(28 ) 8(27) 7(81) 3(80)
35.0 Sequoia Carole Parsons 9(42) 8(13 ) 7(105) 6(12) 5(104)
34.0 Jazz Ryan Wood 8(12) 8(112 ) 6(13) 6(42) 6(104)
31.0 Pepperhaus Talon Sandy Overgaard 11(12) 11(13 ) 5(80) 4(81)
27.0 Boomerang Devin Crouch 10(105) 8(104 ) 7(111) 2(112)
27.0 Pepperhaus Truman Sandy Overgaard 8(41) 6(28 ) 5(27) 4(12) 4(13)
24.0 Nuka Tu Donna Daymude 6(112) 5(12 ) 5(13) 5(105) 3(104)
21.0 Shank John (Woody) Armour 11(80) 10(81 )
16.0 Sunny Jeff Parsons 4(105) 4(111 ) 3(13) 3(42) 2(28)
14.0 Vader Devin Crouch 5(112) 4(104 ) 3(111) 2(105)
11.0 Trudy David Douthit 11(112)
10.0 Rock Gary Romane 10(111)
9.5 Elizabeth (Bessie) Joseph Brown 4(112) 3(105 ) 1(34) 1(81) 0.5(28)
4.0 Dank Mike McCain 2(80) 2(81 )
4.0 Shadow Walt Valentine 1(41) 1(42 ) 1(112) 0.5(12) 0.5(13)
4.0 Steele Tim McElravy 2(12) 2(13 )
2.0 Gabe Carmen Rowe 1(28) 0.5(27 ) 0.5(81)
2.0 Audrey David LaFountaine 1(104) 1(105 )
1.0 Tazmarie Judith McCauley 0.5(41) 0.5(42 ) 0(27) 0(28)
1.0 Blade Gary Romane 1(80)
0.5 Gala Jan Young 0.5(80)
0.0 Caty Bear Carole Parsons 0(12)
Jump to region 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
125 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 2
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 2 Outside
50.0 Pepperhaus "T" Kent Stuart 11(12) 11(13 ) 11(27) 10(41) 7(28)
42.0 Thumper Rhonda Wood 14(27) 8(12 ) 8(13) 7(42) 5(112)
37.0 Shank John (Woody) Armour 10(104) 8(105 ) 8(112) 6(111) 5(115)
33.0 Avalanche George Ferrari 10(42) 7(41 ) 6(80) 5(13) 5(27)
27.0 Sebastian Stephen Russell 9(80) 7(104 ) 6(81) 5(105)
18.0 Lakota Ryan Wood 6(27) 5(12 ) 3(13) 2(41) 2(42)
9.0 Kayla Nathan Sellers 4(41) 3(33 ) 2(104)
8.0 Gala Jan Young 8(27)
7.5 Boomerang Devin Crouch 4(42) 2(12 ) 1(41) 0.5(13)
5.0 Sitka Walt Valentine 2(13) 1(42 ) 1(104) 1(105) 0(12)
3.0 Pepperhaus Truman Sandy Overgaard 3(80)
3.0 Java Nancy Sturgis 3(27) 0(28 )
2.0 Senneh Nancy Sturgis 2(27) 0(28 )
1.5 Coca Jaci Rodgers 0.5(12) 0.5(41 ) 0.5(42) 0(13) 0(27)
1.0 Koluk Devin Crouch 1(13)
1.0 Makai Devin Crouch 1(12)
1.0 Yukia Anita Bibian 1(27)
1.0 Pepperhaus Samson Kent Stuart 1(80)
0.5 Coqueta Salvador Bibian 0.5(27)
0.5 Breezy Ryan Wood 0.5(104)
Jump to region 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
150 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 2
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 2 Outside
57.0 Chunka Nathan Sellers 13(104) 13(105 ) 11(112) 10(42) 10(111)
41.0 Rebel Ryan Wood 10(105) 9(12 ) 8(27) 7(28) 7(42)
40.0 Big Thunder Sue Ferrari 9(80) 9(81 ) 8(13) 7(105) 7(111)
30.0 Armani Raymond Slish 10(104) 6(80 ) 6(81) 5(105) 3(112)
17.0 Dakota Aviva Beach 5(27) 3(12 ) 3(81) 3(104) 3(105)
12.5 Kodiak James Charles 4(104) 4(105 ) 3(80) 1(28) 0.5(12)
9.5 Hennessy Raymond Slish 8(112) 1(81 ) 0.5(80)
4.5 Banannas Carolyn New 2(104) 2(105 ) 0.5(42)
3.5 Coca Jaci Rodgers 1(105) 1(111 ) 1(112) 0.5(104)
3.0 Thumper Rhonda Wood 3(41)
1.5 Brown Carolyn New 1(104) 0.5(105 )
1.0 Lakota Ryan Wood 1(33)
Jump to region 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
Unlimited Class -- Wheels -- Region 2
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 2 Outside
35.0 Barry Raymond Slish 8(12) 8(105 ) 7(42) 6(111) 6(112)
20.0 Knight Carolyn New 8(104) 6(41 ) 5(105) 1(42)
19.0 Lewis Ron Kondrup 6(13) 4(42 ) 3(41) 3(111) 3(112)
15.0 Chunka Nathan Sellers 8(81) 7(80 )
13.0 Kiska James Charles 5(12) 3(13 ) 2(27) 2(104) 1(80)
5.0 Grizzly Nathan Sellers 5(33)
Region 3 -- Wheels
40 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 3
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 3 Outside
5.5 Hjelle Kay Bramson 4(19) 1(54) 0.5(37)
Jump to region 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
60 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 3
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 3 Outside
18.0 Inferno Karen James 4(19) 8(37) 6(5)
9.0 Chinook Roger Bramson 7(19) 1(37) 1(54)
0.5 TuLuck Roger Bramson 0.5(19)
Jump to region 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
80 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 3
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 3 Outside
2.0 Gus Darryl Williams 2(115)
0.5 Chena Roger Bramson 0.5(19)
0.5 Rambo Darryl Williams 0.5(115)
Region 4 -- Wheels
20 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 4
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 4 Outside
27.0 Buddy David Heil 7(43) 6(44 ) 7(82) 7(83)
21.0 Navin Trent Vance 4(43) 3(44 ) 7(18) 7(121)
3.0 Stewart Little Daryl Spauldin 3(66)
Jump to region 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
40 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 4
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 4 Outside
44.0 Maize Michael Keller 11(43) 9(44 ) 13(51) 11(52)
35.0 Choo Choo David Heil 8(43) 6(44 ) 11(56) 10(2)
18.0 Jubilee David Heil 3(43) 3(44 ) 7(2) 5(82)
6.0 WilSheMakeIt Michael Keller 3(51) 3(52)
3.0 Nike Ben Scott 2(43) 1(44 )
1.5 Power Michael Keller 1(51) 0.5(52)
1.0 Betty Jenny Spauldin 1(66)
1.0 Do Ya Ben Scott 1(43)
0.5 Jake John Schultz 0.5(43)
Jump to region 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
60 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 4
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 4 Outside
13.0 R-2 Ben Scott 8(44) 5(43 )
11.0 Milo Brant Ungerer 0.5(43) 0.5(44 ) 7(25) 3(26)
4.0 Babe Tom Saladin 2(43) 2(44 )
0.0 Meene Tom Saladin 0(43)
Jump to region 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
80 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 4
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 4 Outside
38.0 Asia David Heil 11(43) 4(44 ) 13(55) 10(2)
32.0 Surge Michael Keller 8(43) 7(44 ) 9(51) 8(52)
13.0 Judo Ben Scott 10(44) 3(43 )
6.0 Sequel John Schultz 5(43) 1(44 )
4.0 Buck Tim Cunningham 2(43) 2(44 )
1.0 Pfalker John Schultz 1(43)
0.5 Rivan John Schultz 0.5(43)
Jump to region 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
100 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 4
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 4 Outside
53.0 Pirate Brant Ungerer 14(44) 13(43 ) 15(25) 11(26)
21.0 Cheyenne Ben Scott 11(44) 10(43 )
11.0 Tavar John Schultz 8(44) 3(43 )
11.0 Grazzi John Schultz 6(44) 5(43 )
9.0 Reobe John Schultz 5(44) 4(43 )
6.0 Butter John Schultz 4(44) 2(43 )
5.0 JJ Kenny Mccallister 5(82)
3.0 Cleo David Caslin 3(44)
2.0 Hope David Caslin 2(44)
1.5 Moses Molly Caslin 1(44) 0.5(43 )
1.0 Emma Tim Cunningham 1(43) 0(44 )
Jump to region 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
125 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 4
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 4 Outside
28.0 Moe Better Derrick Williams 15(44) 13(43 )
23.0 Chevy Daryl Spauldin 13(40) 10(66)
17.0 Poncho Derrick Williams 10(43) 7(44 )
14.0 Max Kathleen Caslin 9(44) 5(43 )
12.0 Napoleon Amy Pisarik 7(43) 5(44 )
10.0 Brady Tim Cunningham 6(44) 4(43 )
4.0 Gypsy Jerry Sterling 4(44)
4.0 Bogdan Judy Chester 3(43) 1(44 )
3.5 Bubba David Caslin 3(44) 0.5(43 )
2.0 Maggie Jerry Sterling 2(44)
Jump to region 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
150 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 4
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 4 Outside
10.0 Angus Judy Chester 5(43) 5(44 )
Region 5 -- Wheels
20 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 5
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 5 Outside
5.0 Nicky Peggy Castonguay 5(10) 0(11 )
Jump to region 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
40 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 5
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 5 Outside
24.0 Took Noel Palmer 7(93) 6(45 ) 6(46) 5(125)
22.0 Becky Regina Caldwell 7(108) 5(7 ) 5(10) 5(11)
21.0 Boomer Vicki Palinkas 5(49) 5(50 ) 4(92) 4(93) 3(45)
4.0 Jewel Tom Baker 4(108)
2.0 Sonya Carol Kinne 1(92) 1(93 )
1.0 Queen Noel Palmer 1(125)
0.0 Zina Melanie Morehouse 0(20)
Jump to region 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
60 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 5
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 5 Outside
54.0 Starbuck Steve Jackson 14(36) 12(35 ) 10(10) 9(11) 9(14)
49.0 Snoopy Anthony Statuto 14(92) 12(93 ) 12(108) 6(46) 5(45)
27.0 Czar Nicholas Mary Anne Allen 6(35) 6(36 ) 6(93) 5(49) 4(92)
25.0 Hunk Brian Corbett 9(93) 8(49 ) 8(92)
25.0 Jake Wendy Leister 7(10) 6(14 ) 5(36) 4(35) 3(11)
17.0 Kindr Debi Pruznick 5(92) 4(93 ) 4(108) 3(45) 1(46)
15.0 Rachel Frank Caldwell 6(11) 5(7 ) 4(10)
12.0 Zeus Beverly Detwiler 4(36) 3(92 ) 3(93) 2(35)
12.0 Tundra Daniel Plosila 4(50) 2(10 ) 2(36) 2(49) 2(92)
7.0 Nova John Figart 7(50)
7.0 Took Noel Palmer 7(124)
6.0 Captain Richard, Sr. Dunn 6(92)
5.0 Thorn Jackie Baker 3(14) 1(7 ) 1(108)
5.0 Ox A Doll Lee Smith 3(46) 2(45 )
3.5 Owl Belva Plosila 1(36) 1(50 ) 0.5(10) 0.5(11) 0.5(49)
3.0 Sampson Anthony Statuto 3(7)
3.0 Jewel Tom Baker 2(7) 1(14 )
2.0 Pan Carol Kinne 1(92) 1(93 )
1.5 Megan Michelle Falcon 1(45) 0.5(46 )
1.0 Queen Noel Palmer 1(124)
1.0 Sparky Wendy Leister 1(10)
1.0 Gwen Melissa Kehler 0.5(7) 0.5(14 )
0.5 Boomer Vicki Palinkas 0.5(36)
0.5 Froggy Frank Caldwell 0.5(108)
0.5 Jack Carolyn Brandt 0.5(20)
0.0 Sonny Melanie Morehouse 0(7)
0.0 Polar David Heffelfinger 0(7)
0.0 Ember Diane Geitzenauer 0(21)
Jump to region 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
80 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 5
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 5 Outside
73.0 Infamous Richard, Sr. Dunn 16(93) 15(45 ) 15(92) 14(49) 13(46)
60.0 Babe Ron Poitras 19(108) 11(49 ) 10(36) 10(92) 10(93)
60.0 Sadie Ronn Kurt Poitras 16(108) 13(93 ) 12(92) 10(46) 9(45)
40.0 K-Oz Kris Jackson 13(7) 13(20 ) 9(39) 5(83)
27.0 Loki Melanie Morehouse 9(92) 8(93 ) 4(7) 4(49) 2(14)
22.0 Nanuk Stephen Palinkas 11(108) 4(46 ) 3(49) 2(45) 2(93)
21.5 Yuengling Steve Jackson 7(10) 7(11 ) 4(21) 3(20) 0.5(14)
21.0 Hank Bruce Schrom 6(49) 4(45 ) 3(46) 4(23) 4(40)
18.0 Morpheus Rene' Rodriguez 18(92)
18.0 Norman Michelle Falcon 7(92) 6(93 ) 3(45) 2(46)
17.0 Laika Regina Caldwell 7(108) 4(10 ) 4(11) 2(7)
16.0 Muddy Ben Palinkas 6(92) 4(93 ) 4(108) 1(45) 1(46)
10.0 Chip John Moses Martin 10(108)
8.0 Clea Richard, Sr. Dunn 8(49)
7.5 Shadow Jane Palinkas 3(92) 3(108 ) 1(93) 0.5(45)
7.0 Princess Barbara Pisch 6(108) 1(7 )
5.0 Nova John Figart 4(92) 0.5(35 ) 0.5(36)
5.0 Dodge Fabiann Conlan 3(93) 2(92 )
5.0 Captain Richard, Sr. Dunn 5(45)
5.0 Perri John Moses Martin 5(108)
3.5 Willow Regina Caldwell 1(10) 1(11 ) 1(108) 0.5(7)
2.0 Yuki Frank Caldwell 2(108)
2.0 Sampson Carmen Rivera 2(49)
1.5 Troika Diane Geitzenauer 1(92) 0.5(93 )
1.0 Angel Paul Lutz 1(36)
1.0 Bella Michael Rivera 1(49)
0.5 Zela Rene' Rodriguez 0.5(46)
0.5 Keno Melissa Kehler 0.5(108)
0.5 Hercules Michael Rivera 0.5(49)
Jump to region 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
100 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 5
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 5 Outside
62.0 Thor Ron Poitras 14(36) 13(14 ) 13(35) 12(7) 10(108)
32.0 Beau (Bo) Anthony Statuto 12(93) 11(49 ) 9(92)
26.0 Balder Fabiann Conlan 6(50) 5(7 ) 5(14) 5(36) 5(49)
25.0 Clea Richard, Sr. Dunn 7(46) 6(45 ) 6(92) 6(93)
18.0 Patch Phil Kanakis 18(108)
17.0 Baby Robert Wilson 6(7) 4(36 ) 3(50) 1(14) 3(2)
16.0 Hercules Melissa Kehler 5(108) 4(14 ) 3(20) 1(7) 3(39)
16.0 Lug Rodger D. Collins 10(14) 6(21 ) 0(20)
15.0 Denali Melissa Kehler 7(7) 6(108 ) 2(14)
14.0 Bravo Barbara Pisch 10(7) 4(108 )
14.0 Yuengling Steve Jackson 8(36) 5(35 ) 1(108)
12.0 Zephyrus Melanie Morehouse 3(14) 3(35 ) 3(49) 2(20) 1(50)
12.0 Morpheus Rene' Rodriguez 12(108)
9.0 Takoma Frank Caldwell 9(7)
8.5 Xena Joan Lincoln 5(10) 2(49 ) 1(92) 0.5(93) 0(11)
8.5 Smore Robert Wilson 4(7) 2(36 ) 1(35) 1(49) 0.5(2)
8.0 Chubbs Kelley Ford 6(68) 2(67)
7.0 Rebull Dawg Fabiann Conlan 4(93) 3(92 )
7.0 Nanuk Stephen Palinkas 4(35) 3(36 )
2.5 Keno Melissa Kehler 2(7) 0.5(14 )
2.0 Diesel Monique Laperriere 1(45) 1(46 )
2.0 Harley Carlene Way 2(39)
1.0 Dakota Mike Mielnicki 1(36)
1.0 Buddy Leonard Decker 1(93)
0.5 Nitro Joan Lincoln 0.5(92) 0(93 )
0.5 Gandolf Ronn Kurt Poitras 0.5(108)
Jump to region 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
125 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 5
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 5 Outside
33.0 Harley David Heffelfinger 8(14) 7(20 ) 7(21) 5(7) 6(39)
32.0 Angel Gary Smith 10(46) 9(45 ) 8(92) 5(93)
29.0 Spartan Marvin Allen 12(45) 10(108 ) 7(46)
24.0 Baloo Stephen Palinkas 6(35) 6(36 ) 5(49) 5(50) 2(45)
19.5 Grizzly Robert Wilson 8(7) 3(45 ) 2(92) 0.5(93) 6(2)
17.0 Molson Melissa Kehler 5(14) 4(21 ) 2(7) 1(20) 5(39)
8.0 Sable David Johnston 4(20) 4(40)
7.5 Maximus Aurelius Marvin Allen 4(45) 2(14 ) 1(21) 0.5(46)
4.0 Jazz Carlene Way 2(39) 2(40)
3.0 Digger Nancy Bobik 2(46) 1(45 )
2.0 Pump Lesli Rose 1(82) 1(83)
1.5 Montana Melissa Kehler 0.5(7) 0.5(14 ) 0.5(108)
1.5 Hammer Gary Smith 1(46) 0.5(45 )
Jump to region 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
150 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 5
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 5 Outside
20.0 Coby Shane Cody 5(49) 5(50 ) 4(7) 3(35) 3(36)
19.0 Grizzly Robert Wilson 7(14) 6(35 ) 6(36)
11.0 Goldie Melissa Kehler 4(14) 3(108 ) 1(7) 3(40)
10.0 Red Gary Smith 5(92) 5(93 )
7.0 Queeny Lee Smith 4(46) 3(45 )
7.0 Lady Charm Lee Smith 6(45) 1(46 )
Jump to region 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
Unlimited Class -- Wheels -- Region 5
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 5 Outside
17.0 Goliath Gary Smith 6(45) 5(46 ) 3(92) 3(93)
15.0 Ben Gary Smith 6(92) 6(93 ) 3(45) 0(46)
1.0 Herman Munster Matt Libbey 0(35) 0(36 ) 1(26) 0(25)
Region 6 -- Wheels
20 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 6
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 6 Outside
20.0 Bridget Jenny Cousino 5(124) 5(125 ) 4(83) 3(55) 3(56)
2.0 Shyne Josh Leiter 1(121) 1(122 )
1.0 Roscoe Mark Krupski 0(51) 0(52 ) 1(43) 0(44)
0.0 Yankee Todd Tripp 0(29) 0(30 )
0.0 BJ Barb Bradley 0(124)
Jump to region 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
40 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 6
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 6 Outside
51.0 Grace Damon Keels 13(125) 11(82 ) 10(51) 10(124) 7(55)
45.0 Rio Jerry Leist 14(82) 10(83 ) 8(56) 7(121) 6(122)
33.0 Orphan Abby Diane Krupski 8(25) 7(1 ) 7(124) 6(26) 5(35)
24.0 Gidget Phillip Dill 9(30) 5(29 ) 5(51) 3(82) 2(25)
17.5 Seven Todd Tripp 8(29) 6(30 ) 2(56) 1(55) 0.5(82)
16.0 Lil Large Nathan Burns 12(122) 4(121 )
15.0 Alante' Mark Krupski 8(52) 7(51 )
12.0 Lil Bubba Nathan Burns 7(125) 3(122 ) 2(121)
11.0 Nekyah Courtney Wampler 4(1) 2(29 ) 2(51) 2(52) 1(30)
10.0 Larve Nathan Burns 10(125)
9.0 Margo Holly Lowery 4(82) 4(83 ) 1(122)
6.0 Ruckus Holly Lowery 6(82)
6.0 Shyne Josh Leiter 2(124) 2(125 ) 1(82) 0.5(29) 0.5(30)
5.0 Penny Holly Lowery 2(82) 2(122 ) 1(83)
5.0 Storm Tyler Lake 5(25)
4.5 Speck Shirley Webber 3(26) 1(1 ) 0.5(25)
4.5 Rusty Toni Yoakam 4(124) 0.5(125 )
4.0 Lil Lillie Kevin Kell 3(125) 0.5(121 ) 0.5(122)
1.5 Lucky Diane Krupski 1(52) 0.5(51 )
1.0 Isabelle Aaron Dill 1(124)
0.5 Max Zac Mizelle 0.5(124) 0(125 )
Jump to region 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
60 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 6
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 6 Outside
53.0 Kirby Shirley Webber 13(25) 11(26 ) 9(124) 11(36) 9(35)
50.0 Dyna Jerry Leist 17(82) 12(29 ) 8(83) 7(121) 6(55)
43.0 Bulldozer Donna Libbey 10(1) 10(25 ) 8(51) 7(52) 8(36)
38.0 Rodeo Brett Young 11(82) 9(29 ) 8(30) 6(83) 4(122)
38.0 Magnus Phillip Dill 11(51) 10(52 ) 8(26) 5(83) 4(1)
30.0 Loki Bill Taylor 14(124) 3(125 ) 8(43) 5(44)
27.0 Chiquita Aaron Dill 7(1) 6(82 ) 5(25) 5(26) 4(52)
24.0 Karma Holly Lowery 10(82) 7(83 ) 7(122)
12.5 Vinny Kevin Mccabe 5(124) 4(121 ) 2(82) 1(122) 0.5(83)
12.0 Aries Tyler Lake 6(124) 3(25 ) 3(51) 0(125)
11.5 Diamond Jose Casanova 11(124) 0.5(125 )
11.0 Rommel Todd Tripp 8(82) 3(83 )
10.0 Beeper Dawana Riley 6(29) 4(82 )
9.0 Tigger Jenny Crabtree 9(82)
9.0 Coco Holly Lowery 5(82) 4(83 )
8.0 Sassy Sandy Donna Libbey 2(25) 2(52 ) 0(26) 3(36) 1(35)
8.0 Majic Toni Yoakam 8(124)
7.0 Red Rio Brett Young 5(30) 2(29 )
6.0 Badger Shirley Webber 4(25) 1(26 ) 1(51)
5.0 Corey Brett Young 3(29) 2(30 )
4.0 Bailey Toni Yoakam 4(124)
4.0 Hanna Todd Tripp 3(82) 1(83 )
3.5 Jasmin Shirley Webber 2(1) 1(52 ) 0.5(25) 0(26)
3.0 Tyson Toni Yoakam 3(124)
2.5 Storm Tyler Lake 2(124) 0.5(51 )
2.0 Rajah Niranjan Teredesai 1(82) 1(121 )
1.5 Sable Diane Krupski 1(25) 0.5(26 )
1.0 Jane Shane Smith 1(1)
1.0 Lil Louie Dawana Riley 1(29) 0(82 )
0.5 Shiloh Bob Goins 0.5(124)
0.5 Josie Shane Smith 0.5(1)
0.0 Freckles Jenny Cousino 0(56)
Jump to region 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
80 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 6
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 6 Outside
36.0 O-Jay Philip Powell 10(55) 6(125 ) 5(1) 8(92) 7(93)
35.0 Olive Shirley Webber 8(1) 7(25 ) 7(26) 7(36) 6(35)
32.0 Jasmine Danny Bessant 9(125) 8(124 ) 5(55) 5(82) 5(92)
25.0 Leo Todd Tripp 7(29) 7(55 ) 6(30) 4(56) 1(82)
19.0 Lady Bird Phillip Dill 5(52) 4(25 ) 4(26) 3(30) 3(51)
11.0 Meeka Keith Ping 7(56) 4(55 )
10.0 Halley Jerry Leist 6(82) 4(29 )
5.0 Casey Willie Adams 3(55) 2(56 )
5.0 Felony Tony Allison 3(125) 2(124 )
2.5 Snoozer James Webber 1(25) 1(26 ) 0.5(52) 0(51)
1.0 Sue Jared Lance Sinkowski 1(51)
1.0 Isis Brandy Cook 0.5(82) 0.5(83 )
Jump to region 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
100 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 6
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 6 Outside
51.0 Maxine Shirley Webber 12(25) 11(1 ) 10(51) 9(52) 9(124)
43.0 Brass Monkey Danny Bessant 8(1) 8(55 ) 6(82) 12(92) 9(93)
40.0 Haley Diane Krupski 9(25) 8(26 ) 7(51) 10(35) 6(36)
29.5 Pappy Donna Libbey 6(52) 5(25 ) 0.5(1) 11(36) 7(35)
17.0 Sierra Jonathon Shorter 7(56) 4(25 ) 4(82) 2(55)
15.0 Harry Jenny Cousino 5(29) 5(30 ) 5(55) 0(56) 0(82)
14.0 Blade Margaret Lewis 4(51) 4(56 ) 3(26) 2(25) 1(52)
12.5 Clyde Shirley Webber 6(25) 3(1 ) 2(26) 1(51) 0.5(52)
9.0 Traveller Diane Krupski 7(25) 1(1 ) 1(26)
7.0 Dakota Jonathon Shorter 7(43)
5.0 Jessa Jared Lance Sinkowski 5(122)
5.0 Peek Todd Allen 5(1) 0(25 ) 0(26)
3.0 Justice Mark Krupski 3(25)
2.5 Tigar Danny Bessant 2(125) 0.5(124 )
2.0 Capone Connie Janus 2(82)
1.5 Sadie Debbie Kennedy 1(56) 0.5(55 )
1.5 Austin Shirley Webber 1(25) 0.5(26 ) 0(1)
0.5 Sprout Connie Janus 0.5(82)
0.5 Aurora Margaret Lewis 0.5(25) 0(26 )
0.0 Zeus Danny Bessant 0(1)
Jump to region 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
125 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 6
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 6 Outside
31.0 Dakota Jonathon Shorter 7(25) 5(55 ) 5(56) 2(82) 12(44)
24.0 Aboo Todd Allen 7(51) 6(26 ) 4(1) 4(25) 3(125)
22.0 Rosie Stephanie Pitz 7(52) 6(125 ) 5(124) 4(51)
16.0 Jake Keith Ping 8(55) 8(56 )
14.0 Snickers Donna Libbey 4(52) 3(26 ) 1(25) 3(35) 3(36)
9.0 Lester Jenny Cousino 5(29) 3(30 ) 0.5(55) 0.5(56)
0.5 Priest Brandy Cook 0.5(82)
Jump to region 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
150 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 6
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 6 Outside
37.0 Jethro Jared Lance Sinkowski 7(83) 6(29 ) 6(30) 11(87) 7(88)
21.0 Hagan Jeff Bellamy 6(82) 5(121 ) 4(83) 3(60) 3(66)
21.0 Sable Jeff Bellamy 5(56) 3(29 ) 3(30) 6(66) 4(16)
3.0 Sequoia Diane Krupski 3(52) 0(51 )
Jump to region 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
Unlimited Class -- Wheels -- Region 6
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 6 Outside
30.0 Rover Joal Brisbois 7(26) 6(25 ) 6(51) 6(52) 5(82)
22.0 Crocus Mark Krupski 5(1) 4(26 ) 3(25) 5(43) 5(44)
Region 7 -- Wheels
20 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 7
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 7 Outside
5.0 Little Wonder Tina Pederson 5(16)
Jump to region 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
40 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 7
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 7 Outside
34.0 Swampdog's Dutchess Brandon Pederson 7(16) 7(78 ) 6(79) 7(59) 7(61)
9.0 Swampdog's Rocko Brandon Pederson 4(2) 4(16 ) 1(78)
9.0 Swampdog's Diffy Todd Pederson 4(78) 3(79 ) 1(2) 1(16)
2.0 Swampdog's Calli Todd Pederson 2(2)
Jump to region 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
60 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 7
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 7 Outside
48.0 Swampdog's Sobe Logan Pederson 15(16) 7(15 ) 3(2) 12(59) 11(61)
40.0 Rusty James Reilly 8(2) 6(78 ) 2(79) 16(61) 8(60)
38.0 Ginger Debbie Lee 8(15) 5(78 ) 3(16) 11(23) 11(24)
29.0 Tate Terry Lee 7(16) 6(15 ) 4(78) 7(39) 5(47)
6.0 Bess Sidney Sachs 3(55) 3(56)
2.0 Swampdog's Dutchess Brandon Pederson 2(2)
2.0 Willoughby Stacy Smith 0.5(15) 0.5(16 ) 1(3) 0(87)
1.5 Basil Kate Bremser 1(118) 0.5(87)
Jump to region 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
80 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 7
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 7 Outside
28.0 Swampdog's Nala Todd Pederson 10(16) 9(59) 9(118)
18.0 Swampdog's Rogue Todd Pederson 4(78) 8(61) 6(118)
18.0 Lexus Ashley Nygaard 10(83) 8(82)
16.5 Colby Stacy Smith 4(15) 0.5(16 ) 8(87) 4(88)
8.0 Swampdog's Froggy Todd Pederson 7(2) 1(16 )
8.0 Swampdog's Nova Todd Pederson 2(78) 6(61)
7.0 Chesty Donald Taylor 7(39)
7.0 Rusty James Reilly 7(16)
2.0 Swampdog's Angel Todd Pederson 2(79)
2.0 Yana John Moyers 2(55) 0(56)
2.0 Singer Sidney Sachs 1(55) 1(56)
1.0 Betty Kathy England 0.5(55) 0.5(56)
0.5 Diamond Donald Taylor 0.5(39)
Jump to region 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
100 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 7
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 7 Outside
48.0 Swampdog's Zeus Todd Pederson 11(16) 9(2 ) 9(79) 8(78) 11(118)
45.0 Swampdog's Twitch Tina Pederson 15(79) 13(78 ) 12(61) 5(118)
23.0 Swampdog's HEAT Todd Pederson 8(16) 15(61)
19.0 Swampdog's Casper Todd Pederson 7(79) 6(2 ) 6(118)
5.0 Swampdog's Mr. Beefy Todd Pederson 5(16)
4.0 Lil Pup Ashley Nygaard 3(82) 1(83)
Jump to region 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
125 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 7
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 7 Outside
61.0 Bone Donald Taylor 11(16) 11(78 ) 11(79) 14(39) 14(61)
32.0 Swampdog's Bugg Tina Pederson 8(16) 8(78 ) 8(79) 8(61)
10.0 Swampdog's Mr. Beefy Todd Pederson 5(78) 5(79 )
4.0 Tom-T. Sidney Sachs 2(55) 2(56)
2.0 Swampdog's Casper Todd Pederson 2(16)
Jump to region 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
Unlimited Class -- Wheels -- Region 7
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 7 Outside
31.0 Mollee Terry Lee 6(15) 6(16 ) 6(79) 7(23) 6(24)
24.0 Cleatus Debbie Lee 6(78) 3(15 ) 3(16) 6(47) 6(48)
Region 9 -- Wheels
20 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 9
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 9 Outside
35.0 Harry Houdini Mark Landers 9(66) 7(53 ) 7(54) 6(38) 6(75)
24.0 Action Jaxon Kevin Hybeck 6(17) 6(37 ) 4(18) 4(53) 4(54)
22.0 Rasta Man Tim Long 6(66) 5(85 ) 5(116) 3(75) 3(115)
17.0 Sam Rodney Martin 5(84) 3(37 ) 3(38) 1(53) 5(19)
Jump to region 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
40 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 9
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 9 Outside
39.0 Joker Kevin Hybeck 9(37) 9(66 ) 7(17) 7(18) 7(19)
37.0 Diamond "Lil" Dean Mircos 8(5) 8(6 ) 7(53) 7(54) 7(115)
28.0 Gale Randy Ferguson 7(22) 6(37 ) 6(66) 5(85) 4(18)
16.0 Ayree Austin Kevin Hybeck 5(6) 4(17 ) 3(38) 3(66) 1(18)
3.0 Midnight Mark Landers 3(37)
0.5 Breeze Cheri Walton 0.5(66)
Jump to region 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
60 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 9
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 9 Outside
80.0 Jumbo Mark Landers 18(66) 14(37 ) 12(54) 20(82) 16(83)
56.0 Dozer Regina Vigil 15(66) 12(116 ) 11(75) 10(115) 8(119)
46.0 Bull Tim Long 12(66) 9(5 ) 9(116) 8(75) 8(85)
40.0 Shelby Chris Stock 9(54) 8(6 ) 7(18) 6(17) 10(19)
31.0 Waylon Tim Long 13(115) 10(66 ) 4(116) 2(75) 2(119)
20.0 Kane Chez Salazar 7(66) 4(101 ) 3(6) 3(54) 3(115)
16.0 Yoshi Kathy Burke 6(54) 5(66 ) 3(37) 2(22)
16.0 Silver Rodney Martin 7(84) 3(66 ) 2(6) 2(37) 2(19)
15.5 Granite Nora Walters 8(66) 5(85 ) 1(75) 1(101) 0.5(115)
15.0 Colt Mike Bunch 6(37) 5(38 ) 4(18) 0(17)
10.0 Amici Paul Rodriguez 4(66) 4(84 ) 2(115)
9.0 Colt Jim Walters 5(119) 3(116 ) 1(115)
9.0 Domino Roger Vigil 9(66)
5.0 Ellie Mae Mark Landers 5(75)
4.5 Princess Alie Terry Reed 1(66) 1(84 ) 1(116) 0.5(6) 1(19)
2.0 Dottie John Lucero 2(38)
1.0 Bruzer Cheri Walton 0.5(5) 0.5(66 )
Jump to region 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
80 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 9
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 9 Outside
64.0 Missy Eli Landers 15(53) 13(54 ) 13(75) 15(82) 8(83)
63.0 Shadow Justine Alvarado 15(116) 13(5 ) 13(119) 11(38) 11(115)
61.0 Dozer Jim Walters 14(115) 13(6 ) 12(53) 11(37) 11(85)
52.0 Blade Runner Rick Williams 12(116) 11(66 ) 10(5) 10(22) 9(115)
50.0 Terra the Terror Chris Wells 14(37) 14(38 ) 10(66) 7(5) 5(75)
48.0 Cross Eyed Kate Dean Mircos 17(115) 10(54 ) 9(66) 7(116) 5(85)
48.0 Rodney Kevin Hybeck 19(66) 9(53 ) 7(38) 5(37) 8(19)
46.0 Xydako Nacho Alvarado 17(38) 16(66 ) 5(6) 5(115) 3(5)
41.0 Jazz Randy Ferguson 10(119) 8(66 ) 8(85) 8(115) 7(75)
26.5 Sonny Mark Landers 13(66) 9(38 ) 4(53) 0.5(101)
15.0 Maude Chris Kopecky 8(84) 5(38 ) 2(85)
15.0 Smokey Gabe Casas 7(115) 2(66 ) 2(101) 2(116) 2(119)
12.0 Mrs. Biggs John Lucero 7(53) 3(66 ) 2(5)
12.0 Prince Apollo Terry Reed 5(66) 2(53 ) 2(84) 1(54) 2(19)
9.0 Mara Samara Weidner 3(115) 2(37 ) 2(38) 1(5) 1(53)
6.0 Sly Guy Janice Gruetzmacher 4(38) 2(54 )
4.0 Chic Tim Long 4(66)
1.5 Domino Roger Vigil 1(22) 0.5(119 )
1.0 Gracie Eli Landers 1(75)
0.5 Buster Lisa Sloan 0.5(38)
0.0 Buster Gordon Gruetzmacher 0(54)
Jump to region 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
100 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 9
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 9 Outside
66.0 Renegade Tim Long 15(66) 15(116 ) 14(115) 12(75) 10(5)
51.0 Lightning Gus Mircos 12(53) 12(116 ) 10(54) 9(66) 8(115)
47.0 Shaq Chris Stock 12(66) 10(37 ) 9(38) 9(119) 7(54)
45.0 Rhino Eli Landers 9(53) 9(75 ) 7(6) 11(83) 9(82)
43.0 Mountain Mark Landers 11(115) 10(6 ) 10(22) 6(75) 6(116)
41.0 Trooper Brian Wells 7(37) 7(66 ) 4(5) 15(82) 8(83)
40.0 Sammy Brian Hosfelt 9(116) 7(17 ) 7(18) 5(66) 12(82)
20.0 Critical Bill Eli Landers 7(22) 6(53 ) 3(66) 2(37) 2(75)
14.0 Shy Chris Stock 4(17) 4(18 ) 2(22) 1(6) 3(19)
12.0 Sisco John Lucero 6(66) 3(38 ) 2(5) 1(53)
4.0 Maximus Victor Ephrim 4(22)
3.0 Bill Eli Landers 2(6) 1(119 )
2.0 Shadow Justine Alvarado 2(101)
2.0 Racer Phil Goerner 2(66)
1.5 Axel Michaelanne Bonner 1(116) 0.5(66 )
1.0 Smokey Gabe Casas 0.5(22) 0.5(37 )
1.0 Knuckles Dean Mircos 1(85)
1.0 Aki Karen Becker 0.5(115) 0.5(116 )
1.0 Donney Eli Landers 1(54)
Jump to region 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
125 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 9
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 9 Outside
56.0 Boogie Mark Landers 14(115) 14(116 ) 8(53) 11(82) 9(83)
50.0 Thunder Dean Mircos 13(66) 11(115 ) 11(116) 8(101) 7(5)
34.0 Oscar Brian Hosfelt 8(18) 8(116 ) 7(66) 6(6) 5(17)
28.0 Chester Brian Hosfelt 8(115) 3(66 ) 3(116) 8(82) 6(83)
26.0 Shaq Chris Stock 8(17) 6(22 ) 5(18) 4(5) 3(6)
15.0 Sid Corey Shepley 4(54) 2(17 ) 2(66) 2(75) 5(82)
12.0 Wedo Frank Pineda 4(116) 4(119 ) 2(101) 2(115)
6.5 Sy Mary Hernandez 5(84) 1(119 ) 0.5(101)
5.0 Luc Michael Reddin 3(115) 1(66 ) 1(116)
3.0 Chance Victor Ephrim 3(22)
2.5 Secoya Chris Stock 2(18) 0.5(17 )
1.5 Ripley Michael Reddin 0.5(66) 0.5(115 ) 0.5(116)
Jump to region 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
150 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 9
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 9 Outside
5.0 Luc Michael Reddin 5(119)
Jump to region 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
Unlimited Class -- Wheels -- Region 9
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 9 Outside
25.0 Winston Thomas Roberts 5(6) 5(17 ) 5(18) 5(22) 5(53)
Region 10 -- Wheels
60 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 10
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 10 Outside
22.0 Autumn Chad Fain 7(110) 5(109 ) 6(66) 4(115)
5.0 Ripley Ken White 5(67)
4.0 Sinder Jack Lynch 4(110) 0(109 )
Jump to region 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
80 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 10
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 10 Outside
30.0 Roll of the Dice Nancy Best 8(67) 6(31 ) 6(32) 5(8) 5(9)
22.5 Kane Jack Lynch 12(110) 10(109 ) 0.5(66) 0(75)
19.0 Rocko Lori Bowling 11(67) 8(68 )
16.0 Tittan Chad Fain 9(110) 7(109 )
16.0 P-Dub Nathan Marcott 6(110) 4(109 ) 3(31) 3(32)
6.0 Luke Jose Villarreal 4(110) 2(109 )
5.0 Holy Robin Gindoy 5(67)
5.0 Tres Jon Hopkins 5(68)
3.0 Di Nancy Best 3(110)
3.0 Raging Boner Randee Bybee 3(67)
2.5 Magnum Cheryl Larum 2(110) 0.5(109 )
1.5 Tia Han Kerry Fain 1(115) 0.5(116)
1.0 Little Rip Randee Bybee 1(67)
1.0 Oscar James Jarvis 0.5(67) 0.5(68 )
Jump to region 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
100 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 10
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 10 Outside
39.0 Belle Star Dave Putnam 10(8) 9(68 ) 8(67) 6(31) 6(32)
21.0 Komdo Brian Fain 7(109) 7(110 ) 4(116) 3(75)
14.5 Shiva Steve Lewis 4(8) 4(109 ) 3(31) 3(32) 0.5(9)
11.0 Tianna Cathy Thomas 5(9) 4(110 ) 1(8) 1(109)
10.0 Cheyenne John Reo 8(9) 2(8 )
9.0 Katana Steven Wiese 7(8) 2(9 )
5.0 Kane Jack Lynch 3(116) 2(115)
3.0 Holy Robin Gindoy 3(68)
0.5 Tyra Cathy Thomas 0.5(8)
Jump to region 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
125 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 10
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 10 Outside
45.0 Blade Omar Ross 8(67) 7(109 ) 6(110) 13(104) 11(105)
35.0 Magnum Brian Fain 10(109) 9(110 ) 10(75) 6(115)
34.0 Red Bull Steve Lewis 8(31) 8(68 ) 6(8) 6(9) 6(32)
18.0 Sabre Justin Boxberger 5(31) 4(109 ) 3(8) 3(9) 3(32)
6.0 Nikki Carlos Holt 5(67) 0.5(31 ) 0.5(68)
4.0 Katana Steven Wiese 2(31) 1(109 ) 1(110) 0(32)
1.0 Jane Chad Fain 0.5(109) 0.5(110 )
0.0 Kimo Anthony Harris 0(67)
Jump to region 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
150 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 10
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 10 Outside
26.0 Tacoma James Galli 6(110) 5(8 ) 5(9) 5(31) 5(32)
19.0 Kurgen Skip Russell 6(109) 5(67 ) 5(68) 3(110)
Region 11 -- Wheels
20 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 11
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 11 Outside
25.0 Levi Ragan Thornton 6(61) 5(117 ) 5(118) 6(79) 3(78)
12.0 Sudilus Connie Grimm 3(61) 6(78) 3(79)
8.0 Sampson Stephanie Coleman 0(39) 0(40 ) 5(15) 3(2)
5.0 Flocko Charlene Phipps 5(40) 0(39 )
5.0 Spanky Deangelo Faxio 5(20)
0.0 Big Man Brian Weldin 0(24)
0.0 Stormy Dave Coleman 0(15)
Jump to region 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
40 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 11
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 11 Outside
30.0 Dixie Dave Coleman 6(39) 6(40 ) 6(47) 6(48) 6(117)
25.0 Hanna Philisity Kitson 6(60) 5(88 ) 4(61) 3(39) 7(92)
Jump to region 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
60 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 11
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 11 Outside
83.0 Jaws Ed St Lawrence 19(61) 17(23 ) 16(40) 15(59) 16(15)
77.0 Oalie Philisity Kitson 19(39) 18(60 ) 14(48) 13(40) 13(15)
74.0 Isabella Charlie Johnson 19(40) 15(60 ) 13(61) 14(82) 13(83)
74.0 Paco Chris Brennan 16(39) 14(47 ) 12(60) 17(124) 15(79)
58.0 Cody Larry Brillhart 14(23) 13(39 ) 11(40) 10(60) 10(61)
42.0 Jasmine Jane Hullander 10(40) 8(23 ) 8(24) 8(47) 8(61)
31.0 Hell Mary Emmanual Faxio 11(39) 9(40 ) 11(20)
28.0 Snow Larry Brillhart 6(23) 6(24 ) 6(39) 5(40) 5(15)
25.0 Star Pam Brillhart 7(23) 6(61 ) 4(24) 5(16) 3(15)
19.0 Precious Dwayne Phipps 8(39) 8(40 ) 3(20)
19.0 Bug Stephanie Coleman 7(117) 6(118 ) 0(47) 0(60) 6(79)
14.0 Pearl Stephanie Coleman 4(23) 4(39 ) 3(24) 2(40) 1(2)
9.0 Katy Pam Brillhart 5(23) 1(24 ) 2(15) 1(16)
6.0 Mar's the Monster Emmanual Faxio 1(39) 5(20)
5.0 Comet Shawna Kronschnable 3(59) 2(58 )
2.0 Comet Rene Schreiber 2(61)
2.0 Asia Carter Hall 1(61) 0.5(58 ) 0.5(59)
1.0 Mirror Jimmy Hullander 1(23) 0(24 )
1.0 Ox Stephanie Coleman 0.5(23) 0.5(2)
0.5 Maggie Stephanie Coleman 0.5(39)
0.5 Sinatra Rene Schreiber 0.5(60)
0.0 Bulltah Fonzie Jr. Agnew 0(40)
Jump to region 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
80 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 11
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 11 Outside
81.0 Sitting Bull Charlie Johnson 17(61) 15(39 ) 15(40) 18(82) 16(83)
61.0 Kevlar Ed St Lawrence 14(61) 11(24 ) 11(47) 13(83) 12(82)
46.0 Chesty Dave Coleman 11(61) 9(40 ) 8(47) 8(48) 10(78)
45.0 Miss Kitty Jimmy Hullander 12(23) 8(24 ) 7(61) 5(39) 13(108)
40.0 Nitro Dwayne Phipps 12(39) 12(40 ) 10(82) 6(83)
31.0 Tyler Larry Brillhart 9(23) 5(24 ) 5(61) 5(87) 7(15)
16.0 Exasty Dwayne Phipps 6(39) 6(40 ) 4(20)
13.0 Hell Mary Emmanual Faxio 5(60) 3(47 ) 5(7)
11.0 Georgie Lisa Cook 6(4) 5(3 )
9.5 Daisy Lisa Cook 7(88) 2(87 ) 0.5(60)
9.0 Reno Jimmy Hullander 9(61)
6.0 Shane Dave Coleman 6(23)
5.0 Blue Sox Karl Frazier 4(59) 1(58 )
5.0 Comet Rene Schreiber 3(23) 2(24 )
4.5 Earth Child Leslie Wemhoff 1(23) 0.5(24 ) 2(2) 1(15)
4.5 George Kim Downing 3(61) 1(60 ) 0.5(118)
4.0 Pooky Sara Walton 4(61)
3.5 Copper Mark Pickrel 3(4) 0.5(3 )
3.5 Darla Stephanie Coleman 2(47) 1(24 ) 0.5(48)
3.0 TLC Charlie Johnson 3(79)
3.0 Diamond Wendell Faxio 3(60)
2.0 Leer Francis Reed 2(39)
1.0 Repent Rhett Dudley 1(2)
1.0 Lady Bug Wendell Faxio 1(47)
0.5 Fat Boy Karl Frazier 0.5(23)
0.0 Chablis Jacqui Tinsley 0(60)
0.0 Sweetheart Lisa Cook 0(4)
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100 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 11
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 11 Outside
63.0 Tiny Charlie Johnson 17(39) 13(60 ) 12(40) 12(20) 9(45)
56.0 Swampdog's HEAT Mary Jane St Lawrence 14(118) 11(117 ) 16(78) 15(108)
52.0 Reno Jimmy Hullander 11(23) 11(48 ) 10(24) 10(47) 10(60)
48.0 Patches Carl A. Perkins 14(39) 7(47 ) 5(40) 15(7) 7(14)
44.0 Bane Kenneth Orange 11(39) 6(40 ) 18(7) 9(20)
40.0 Torah Mark Pickrel 7(3) 7(4 ) 7(60) 10(78) 9(15)
34.0 Mercedes Lisa Cook 10(88) 9(61 ) 7(24) 5(60) 3(87)
33.0 Budda Carol Dodds 8(23) 8(117 ) 7(39) 5(58) 5(78)
33.0 Crystal Larry Brillhart 9(87) 7(88 ) 6(61) 5(23) 6(15)
32.0 Haus Ron Kemp 12(87) 8(118 ) 7(78) 5(79)
29.0 Shasta Valarie Thawley 5(48) 5(61 ) 4(39) 8(7) 7(108)
23.0 Ozone Dwayne Phipps 9(40) 8(39 ) 6(20)
21.0 Blitz Charlie Johnson 15(40) 6(79)
16.0 Princess Ron Kemp 6(87) 6(78) 4(79)
13.0 Jack Huck Bothner 3(61) 3(118 ) 2(23) 2(40) 3(108)
12.0 Kevlar Ed St Lawrence 12(15)
7.0 Riggs Dave Coleman 7(61)
6.0 Mister Ed St Lawrence 6(39)
5.5 Darden Leslie Wemhoff 2(61) 1(23 ) 0.5(60) 1(2) 1(78)
3.5 Sunshine Leslie Wemhoff 0.5(24) 3(16)
3.5 Denali Eric Thames 1(59) 0.5(39 ) 0.5(58) 0.5(61) 1(79)
3.0 Bandit Tyrone Richardson 3(7)
1.5 Skye Leslie Wemhoff 1(15) 0.5(16)
0.5 Earth Child Leslie Wemhoff 0.5(118) 0(117 )
0.5 Casper Nate Rogers 0.5(7)
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125 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 11
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 11 Outside
49.0 Ralph Huck Bothner 11(23) 10(60 ) 10(117) 10(118) 8(39)
40.0 Sarg Larry Brillhart 11(39) 8(23 ) 7(24) 7(40) 7(47)
28.0 Suki Kevin Catlin 10(24) 5(23 ) 4(88) 4(117) 5(16)
21.0 Bo-Bo Ricky Stevens 7(3) 7(88 ) 4(4) 3(87)
20.0 Riggs Dave Coleman 7(60) 4(39 ) 4(47) 3(40) 2(15)
18.0 Sultan Beth Hogge 7(118) 4(61 ) 3(60) 2(78) 2(79)
13.0 Kodiak Doris Mow 4(24) 3(23 ) 3(58) 2(61) 1(16)
11.0 Tiny Charlie Johnson 11(61)
11.0 Skye Leslie Wemhoff 5(61) 4(60 ) 1(78) 1(79)
10.0 Frankie Lisa Cook 6(58) 1(3 ) 1(4) 1(24) 1(47)
8.0 Tynee Brian Weldin 2(23) 2(24 ) 3(2) 1(15)
4.5 Rex Huck Bothner 3(61) 0.5(60 ) 0.5(117) 0.5(118)
4.5 Tucker Beth Hogge 2(60) 1(23 ) 1(61) 0.5(24)
4.0 Sunshine Leslie Wemhoff 4(118)
2.0 Chief Kevin Catlin 2(117)
0.5 Romeo Sean Harrison 0.5(39)
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150 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 11
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 11 Outside
47.0 Moses Mark Pickrel 12(60) 10(88 ) 8(47) 8(87) 9(78)
44.0 Bogie Brenda Lemon 10(61) 9(40 ) 9(60) 9(45) 7(7)
38.0 Largo Carol Dodds 8(58) 8(59 ) 7(39) 8(79) 7(16)
25.0 Suki Kevin Catlin 5(58) 5(59 ) 4(60) 6(2) 5(79)
11.0 Tynee Brian Weldin 3(87) 2(47 ) 2(58) 2(59) 2(60)
8.0 Chief Kevin Catlin 1(23) 1(24 ) 1(39) 3(2) 2(79)
0.5 Wolfgang Lakin Ducker 0.5(40) 0(117 )
0.0 Wolfgang Kevin Catlin 0(60) 0(61 )

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