Last Updated: 22:48:57 on 05-09-2002

IWPA Standings for the 2001-2002 Season
Numbers in parenthesis are the pull number with the score for that pull to the left
These pull numbers are also links to the individual pulls
Region 2 -- Wheels
20 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 2
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 2 Outside
16.0 Yip Yip Ella Louise Hyzer 6(61) 5(128 ) 5(129) 0(60)
3.0 Thor Ella Louise Hyzer 3(61) 0(60 )
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
40 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 2
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 2 Outside
34.0 Wyllum Diane Jessup 10(156) 7(25 ) 6(87) 6(117) 5(22)
34.0 Jar Jar Binks Morgan Star 7(128) 7(129 ) 7(156) 7(148) 6(134)
26.0 Dakota Heather Leu 6(54) 5(55 ) 5(88) 5(113) 5(114)
15.0 Cassie Marlana Ashlie 3(157) 1(128 ) 1(129) 7(147) 3(134)
13.0 Eddie Bob Daymude 4(128) 4(129 ) 4(148) 1(147)
11.0 Kaelin Kathleen Buckner 6(58) 5(59 )
8.0 Gabby Susie Malcolm 8(24)
3.0 Spike Kristi Klaus 3(54)
2.0 Dickens Diane Jessup 2(156)
2.0 Libby Susie Malcolm 2(24)
0.0 Bill Heather Leu 0(156)
0.0 Lotus Judy Carrick 0(24)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
60 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 2
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 2 Outside
61.0 Roxy Ronald Overgaard 14(87) 14(88 ) 13(156) 11(157) 9(23)
51.0 Ariel Heather Leu 12(117) 11(58 ) 11(88) 11(118) 6(87)
46.0 Tank Jim Declue 11(87) 10(113 ) 10(114) 8(157) 7(156)
43.0 Storm Connie Eversole 10(156) 9(117 ) 8(87) 8(88) 8(118)
28.0 Kim Kathleen Buckner 11(59) 6(58 ) 6(117) 5(118)
26.0 Mhorgana Diane Jessup 14(58) 6(88 ) 5(87) 1(113)
18.0 Erin Fay Diane Jessup 8(58) 4(88 ) 3(22) 2(87) 1(23)
17.0 Double Judy Carrick 8(59) 3(24 ) 3(25) 2(58) 1(117)
16.0 Joxer Kim Allison 5(88) 5(156 ) 4(87) 2(22)
16.0 Tuko Judy Carrick 5(59) 3(58 ) 3(117) 3(156) 2(118)
14.0 Chain Puppy Stan Hiller 11(22) 3(23 )
10.0 Raven Crystal Stewart 4(156) 3(87 ) 3(157)
9.0 Maulie Diane Jessup 3(88) 2(117 ) 2(156) 1(87) 1(114)
7.0 Kaelin Kathleen Buckner 4(117) 3(118 )
6.0 Dominique Brandon Aalbers 6(129)
2.5 Gabrielle Kim Allison 2(88) 0.5(87 )
2.5 Pagen Diane Jessup 1(118) 0.5(114 ) 0.5(117) 0.5(156)
2.0 Red Ace Anthony Wines 1(88) 1(157 )
1.0 Quinn Susan Fletcher 0.5(22) 0.5(23 )
1.0 Daisey-Mae Rebecca Barry 0.5(55) 0.5(88 )
0.5 Holli Cheryl Hollenback 0.5(58) 0(59 )
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
80 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 2
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 2 Outside
63.0 Pepperhaus Talon Ronald Overgaard 14(23) 14(25 ) 14(55) 11(24) 10(19)
59.0 Pepperhaus Teajae Karen Whitfield 13(114) 13(157 ) 12(156) 11(113) 10(87)
49.0 Awax Doug Eversole 13(87) 11(23 ) 10(88) 8(58) 7(22)
45.0 Rocky Victoria Wood 11(25) 11(128 ) 8(24) 8(129) 7(60)
40.0 Turbo Doug Eversole 10(114) 9(156 ) 8(113) 7(87) 6(117)
38.0 Wild Sky Magoo Gary Romane 11(129) 8(25 ) 8(128) 6(23) 5(24)
38.0 Damion Brandon Aalbers 11(55) 8(23 ) 7(61) 7(114) 5(128)
25.0 Nuka Tu Donna Daymude 5(129) 2(128 ) 9(147) 9(148)
24.0 Spike Lacy Wood 8(55) 6(25 ) 4(114) 3(113) 3(128)
18.5 Zepher Angie Motta 10(157) 4(156 ) 3(114) 1(113) 0.5(87)
17.0 Timber Judith McCauley 3(129) 1(60 ) 1(61) 6(147) 6(148)
17.0 Butchie Diane Jessup 5(23) 5(25 ) 3(87) 2(22) 2(58)
13.0 Susie David Crowe 7(19) 6(18 )
11.0 Loki Vaomatuia Pele 7(157) 4(23 )
10.0 Tango Michelle Wines 5(157) 3(117 ) 2(88)
9.0 Ty Rebecca Barry 4(87) 3(54 ) 2(55)
9.0 Fletcher Diane Jessup 3(156) 2(113 ) 2(114) 1(87) 1(88)
7.0 Panzer Laura Kinne 4(55) 3(23 )
7.0 Glacier Heather Leu 2(23) 2(87 ) 1(22) 1(55) 1(114)
6.0 Sierra Steven Duren 4(25) 2(24 )
6.0 Kianna Ramona Locke 3(25) 0.5(60 ) 0.5(61) 1(147) 1(148)
5.0 Summit Jim Malcolm 3(24) 2(25 )
5.0 Zeus Erica Shown 3(157) 2(156 )
5.0 Grip Diane Jessup 5(118)
5.0 Pepperhaus Roxie Ronald Overgaard 4(157) 1(156 )
2.5 Zena Carla Feldman 2(157) 0.5(156 )
2.0 Skeena David Crowe 1(18) 1(19 )
2.0 Nattie Laura Kinne 1(157) 0.5(23 ) 0.5(55)
1.5 Dakota Susan Fletcher 1(23) 0.5(22 )
1.5 Kady Jaci Rodgers 1(24) 0(25 ) 0.5(147) 0(148)
1.0 Rosebud Julie Wilcoxson 0.5(113) 0.5(114 )
0.5 Apple Annie David Crowe 0.5(19)
0.5 Xander Sandy Overgaard 0.5(157)
0.5 Moonshine Jennifer Crowe 0.5(18)
0.0 Spirit Judith McCauley 0(25)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
100 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 2
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 2 Outside
74.0 Pepperhaus Truman Ronald Overgaard 19(24) 17(25 ) 14(128) 14(129) 10(23)
63.0 Pepperhaus "T" Kent Stuart 16(24) 14(25 ) 11(19) 11(22) 11(128)
51.0 Pepperhaus Samson Kent Stuart 13(156) 13(157 ) 10(18) 8(128) 7(24)
44.0 Rock Gary Romane 13(24) 11(25 ) 7(156) 7(157) 6(58)
40.0 Buster David Douthit 10(156) 9(24 ) 7(25) 7(113) 7(114)
31.0 Jazz Ryan Wood 8(25) 8(129 ) 6(24) 5(128) 4(113)
27.0 Sequoia Carole Parsons 10(157) 5(129 ) 5(156) 4(25) 3(24)
19.0 Ranger Sharie Holmes 10(24) 9(25 )
17.0 Tim Susie Malcolm 11(24) 6(25 )
11.0 Rocket Julie Wilcoxson 4(157) 3(156 ) 2(88) 1(113) 1(114)
11.0 Sunny Jeff Parsons 8(24) 1(25 ) 1(129) 0.5(60) 0.5(61)
10.5 Boomerang Devin Crouch 4(128) 4(129 ) 1(54) 1(55) 0.5(22)
10.0 Panzer Laura Kinne 5(88) 5(157 )
10.0 Eskimo Bob Daymude 5(147) 5(148)
9.0 Jackie Jeff Parsons 5(25) 4(24 )
8.5 Makai Devin Crouch 5(24) 2(25 ) 1(128) 0.5(129)
6.0 Pepperhaus Teajae Karen Whitfield 3(54) 3(55 )
6.0 Chase Mike Jones 5(19) 1(18 )
5.0 Turbo Doug Eversole 3(22) 2(23 )
5.0 Rosebud Julie Wilcoxson 3(157) 2(156 )
4.0 Riley David Crowe 2(18) 2(19 )
3.5 Kali Jan Larue 2(157) 1(156 ) 0.5(88)
2.0 Drifter Steven Duren 2(24)
1.0 Misty 2 Jennifer Crowe 0.5(18) 0.5(19 )
1.0 Nixe Pamela Frost 0.5(54) 0.5(55 )
1.0 Tara Jan Larue 0.5(156) 0.5(157 )
0.5 Shiloh Carole Parsons 0.5(25)
0.0 Caty Bear Carole Parsons 0(24)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
125 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 2
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 2 Outside
60.0 Thumper Rhonda Wood 15(55) 14(113 ) 12(114) 10(129) 9(25)
56.0 Avalanche George Ferrari 12(24) 12(25 ) 11(156) 11(157) 10(58)
54.0 Boomer David Douthit 14(87) 11(113 ) 10(117) 10(118) 9(114)
39.0 Odus Todd Juenger 14(54) 7(55 ) 7(88) 6(87) 5(156)
36.0 Alkis Sam Sarah Miller 12(22) 12(55 ) 10(23) 2(54)
33.0 Pepperhaus Samson Kent Stuart 11(87) 10(88 ) 8(113) 4(114)
28.0 Lakota Ryan Wood 11(54) 7(61 ) 6(60) 4(55)
24.0 Kenai Craig Hohnbaum 7(58) 5(55 ) 5(87) 4(113) 3(54)
24.0 Koluk Devin Crouch 7(129) 5(128 ) 4(22) 4(23) 4(24)
19.0 - Q - Karen Whitfield 8(156) 5(157 ) 4(87) 2(88)
18.0 Dakota Aviva Beach 5(59) 4(58 ) 3(22) 3(24) 3(25)
17.0 Sitka Andre Green 6(24) 5(54 ) 3(55) 2(25) 1(61)
16.0 Turner Terry Whitfield 8(157) 6(55 ) 2(156)
16.0 Coqueta Salvador Bibian 4(117) 4(118 ) 4(129) 2(22) 2(24)
12.0 Nuke Karl Welle 6(18) 6(19 )
10.0 Yukia Anita Bibian 2(58) 2(59 ) 2(114) 2(118) 2(129)
9.0 Toby Julie Wilcoxson 3(113) 3(156 ) 2(157) 1(114)
6.0 Anautuk Mike Jones 3(18) 3(19 )
6.0 Pepperhaus "T" Kent Stuart 6(113)
4.0 Keeper Michael Buffum 2(87) 2(113 )
2.0 Cindy Vicki Graves 2(117) 0(118 )
1.5 Dagen Holly Beck 1(118) 0.5(117 )
1.0 Apollo Pamela Frost 0.5(54) 0.5(55 )
0.5 Kayla Nathan Sellers 0.5(58)
0.0 Cheyanne Rhonda Wood 0(129)
0.0 Layla Ryan Wood 0(129)
0.0 Yukon Judith Goodwin 0(22)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
150 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 2
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 2 Outside
47.0 Gus Ronald Overgaard 10(87) 10(114 ) 9(88) 9(113) 9(128)
44.0 Hennessy Raymond Slish 10(24) 10(25 ) 9(117) 8(118) 7(58)
30.0 Grizzly Nathan Sellers 8(23) 7(114 ) 6(113) 5(22) 4(24)
28.0 Big Thunder Sue Ferrari 7(87) 6(88 ) 5(55) 5(156) 5(157)
24.0 Rebel Ryan Wood 8(60) 6(128 ) 4(61) 4(129) 2(24)
11.0 Delila Vicki Graves 6(117) 5(118 )
9.0 Juneau Karl Welle 6(18) 3(19 )
7.5 Rosie Debra Shook 2(60) 2(87 ) 2(114) 1(61) 0.5(88)
6.0 Turner Terry Whitfield 5(54) 1(88 ) 0(87)
4.0 Odus Todd Juenger 2(22) 2(23 )
2.0 Storm Tim Broere 1(58) 1(59 )
1.5 Sitka Andre Green 1(128) 0.5(60 )
1.0 Kodiak James Charles 0.5(24) 0.5(25 )
1.0 Dagen Holly Beck 1(114)
0.5 Zoe Denise Hyer 0.5(55)
0.5 Dakota Aviva Beach 0.5(117)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
Unlimited Class -- Wheels -- Region 2
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 2 Outside
46.0 Moses Ronald Overgaard 10(54) 10(55 ) 9(24) 9(25) 8(18)
37.0 Chunka Nathan Sellers 9(118) 7(54 ) 7(55) 7(58) 7(156)
18.0 Grizzly Nathan Sellers 4(54) 4(55 ) 4(58) 3(87) 3(88)
18.0 Teazer Michelle Bryant 5(113) 4(156 ) 4(157) 3(114) 2(55)
16.0 Barry Raymond Slish 6(117) 5(59 ) 3(24) 1(25) 1(58)
14.0 Lewis Ron Rodgers 3(25) 1(24 ) 5(147) 5(148)
7.0 Iceman Toni Beninger 5(18) 2(19 )
6.0 Arti Ken Cowen 6(118)
5.5 Lacey Allen Morris 3(117) 1(156 ) 1(157) 0.5(118)
3.0 Kai Shari Anderson 3(118)
1.0 Skippy Sharon Medforth 0.5(18) 0.5(19 )
1.0 Kiska James Charles 0.5(24) 0.5(25 )
Region 3 -- Wheels
40 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 3
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 3 Outside
34.0 Red Dawg Larry McGee 7(1) 7(15 ) 6(2) 8(40) 6(39)
20.0 Missy Larry McGee 6(43) 4(1 ) 4(15) 3(2) 3(39)
20.0 Misty Dani Kay Paige 5(89) 5(90 ) 5(115) 5(116)
7.0 Mega Mak-It Larry McGee 7(66)
4.0 Hjelle Kay Bramson 3(43) 1(15 )
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
60 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 3
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 3 Outside
45.0 ILB Long gone Larry McGee 11(1) 8(2 ) 8(15) 9(39) 9(40)
35.0 Izzy 2 Much Larry McGee 8(1) 8(43 ) 7(155) 6(39) 6(40)
31.0 Sasha Jeanine Blaner 7(115) 7(134 ) 7(135) 6(116) 4(89)
27.0 Inferno Karen James 6(147) 6(148 ) 5(43) 4(155) 6(29)
16.0 Tessa Ingrid Rosenquist 7(89) 7(90 ) 1(115) 1(134) 0(135)
14.0 Poe Ingrid Rosenquist 4(134) 4(135 ) 3(147) 3(148)
9.0 Scobie Maria Nash 4(115) 3(116 ) 1(89) 1(90)
3.5 Chinook Roger Bramson 1(155) 0.5(15 ) 0.5(43) 1(29) 0.5(39)
2.0 Jam - N - Anna Larry McGee 2(43)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
80 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 3
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 3 Outside
28.0 Aky Teressa Keenan 8(116) 6(89 ) 6(134) 5(90) 3(147)
22.0 ILB Long gone Larry McGee 7(155) 10(66) 5(109)
18.0 Dakota Bobbie Masters 5(115) 5(116 ) 5(135) 3(134)
9.0 Gus Darryl Williams 4(15) 4(43 ) 1(155)
3.0 Chena Roger Bramson 1(15) 1(43 ) 1(29) 0(39)
3.0 Cito Teressa Keenan 3(89)
2.0 Scrappy Kyle Paige 2(116)
0.5 Poe Ingrid Rosenquist 0.5(116)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
100 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 3
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 3 Outside
24.0 Frosty Dani Kay Paige 6(89) 6(90 ) 6(115) 6(116)
17.0 Hank Marielle Schmidt 5(134) 3(89 ) 3(90) 3(115) 3(116)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
125 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 3
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 3 Outside
15.0 Pachino Marielle Schmidt 5(135) 5(147 ) 5(148)
Region 4 -- Wheels
20 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 4
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 4 Outside
14.0 Buddy David Heil 7(145) 7(146)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
40 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 4
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 4 Outside
31.0 Jubilee David Heil 7(16) 6(45 ) 4(17) 8(27) 6(10)
27.0 Starburst Ben Scott 9(45) 7(17 ) 7(44) 4(16)
27.0 Choo Choo David Heil 4(44) 1(45 ) 11(101) 11(102)
10.0 WilSheMakeIt Michael Keller 5(149) 5(150 )
4.0 Tommy Daryl Spauldin 4(74)
3.0 Maize Michael Keller 3(45)
2.0 Stewart Little Daryl Spauldin 2(74)
2.0 Jazzy Tony Angeles 1(16) 1(17 )
0.5 Sammy Jenee Luell 0.5(45)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
60 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 4
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 4 Outside
37.0 Sammi Bob Bonacorsi 8(150) 7(149 ) 12(139) 10(138)
31.0 Milo Brant Ungerer 6(16) 5(150 ) 3(17) 12(12) 5(11)
18.0 Yank Tank Michael Keller 9(17) 9(45 )
15.0 Boo Kenny Mccallister 15(37)
7.0 Storm Sharon Longly 4(149) 2(150 ) 1(17)
6.5 Buck Tim Cunningham 6(44) 0.5(45 )
6.0 Maize Michael Keller 6(17)
6.0 Lexus Jenee Luell 6(45)
4.0 Rio Kenny Mccallister 4(63)
3.0 Odie Jenee Luell 3(45)
0.5 Sammy Michael Keller 0.5(150)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
80 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 4
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 4 Outside
43.0 Porky Bob Bonacorsi 8(149) 7(150 ) 15(138) 13(139)
37.0 Buck David Heil 4(16) 4(17 ) 4(44) 14(27) 11(10)
31.0 Boo Kenny Mccallister 5(149) 4(150 ) 12(138) 10(62)
17.0 Cheyenne Ben Scott 10(17) 7(16 )
15.0 Judo Ben Scott 8(45) 7(44 )
12.0 Buck Tim Cunningham 6(64) 6(65)
5.0 Corrinnee Michael Keller 5(45)
4.0 Roc Payton Gonzalez 2(16) 2(17 )
2.0 Ginger Payton Gonzalez 1(16) 1(17 )
1.5 Xena Sharon Longly 1(150) 0.5(149 )
1.0 Diesel Tony Angeles 0.5(16) 0.5(17 )
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
100 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 4
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 4 Outside
36.0 Cat Bob Bonacorsi 9(149) 8(150 ) 15(138) 4(139)
18.0 Cheyenne Ben Scott 9(44) 9(45 )
17.0 Emma Tim Cunningham 6(16) 5(17 ) 3(45) 1(44) 2(65)
10.0 Chevy Daryl Spauldin 10(74)
10.0 Gizzy James Arvigo Jr 10(138)
9.0 Chili Pepper Angel Mendoza 6(45) 3(16 )
8.0 Pirate Brant Ungerer 6(149) 2(150 )
6.5 Moses Molly Caslin 6(44) 0.5(45 )
4.0 Max Robert Armour 4(138)
3.5 Bubbadog Bob Bonacorsi 3(149) 0.5(150 )
1.0 Kia Connie Mclean 1(45)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
125 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 4
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 4 Outside
29.0 Buddy Bob Bonacorsi 8(149) 7(150 ) 9(138) 5(139)
25.0 Bubba David Caslin 9(44) 7(16 ) 7(17) 2(45)
20.0 Big Bob Bonacorsi 5(149) 1(150 ) 8(139) 6(138)
16.0 Tess Molly Caslin 5(45) 4(16 ) 4(17) 3(44)
7.0 Cona Alex Vyatkin 2(149) 3(138) 2(139)
2.0 Moses Molly Caslin 1(16) 1(17 )
1.0 Bogdan Judy Chester 1(44)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
150 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 4
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 4 Outside
20.0 Max Kathleen Caslin 5(16) 5(17 ) 5(44) 5(45)
Region 5 -- Wheels
20 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 5
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 5 Outside
15.0 Dandy Pat Postma 5(48) 5(97 ) 5(98)
10.0 Nicky Peggy Castonguay 5(20) 5(21 )
0.0 Buddie Carolyn Brandt 0(13) 0(14 )
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
40 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 5
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 5 Outside
39.0 Peanut Brian Corbett 11(34) 10(33 ) 9(48) 9(49)
37.0 Bella Robert Viereck 8(13) 8(14 ) 8(125) 7(136) 6(48)
33.0 Daisy Brian Corbett 7(137) 5(125 ) 4(136) 12(158) 5(108)
31.0 Took Noel Palmer 7(33) 6(79 ) 6(80) 6(158) 6(159)
25.0 Queen Noel Palmer 6(20) 6(21 ) 3(79) 6(7) 4(6)
6.0 Tucker Douglas Marrero 4(146) 2(145)
1.0 Becky Regina Caldwell 0.5(34) 0.5(125 )
0.5 Ratta Melanie Morehouse 0.5(98)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
60 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 5
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 5 Outside
100.0 Starbuck Steve Jackson 18(33) 17(34 ) 14(13) 26(159) 25(158)
89.0 Tuco Anthony Statuto 25(34) 24(33 ) 16(79) 11(48) 13(68)
87.0 Snoopy Anthony Statuto 19(79) 18(97 ) 18(125) 16(34) 16(98)
81.0 Kindr Debi Pruznick 17(20) 15(33 ) 10(34) 20(159) 19(158)
79.0 Jake Wendy Leister 15(34) 14(33 ) 9(20) 23(159) 18(158)
73.0 Captain Richard Dunn 15(97) 14(48 ) 13(49) 11(98) 20(145)
59.0 Ox A Doll Lee Smith 14(20) 13(34 ) 12(33) 11(21) 9(79)
50.0 Czar Nicholas Mary Anne Allen 13(79) 11(33 ) 9(34) 9(97) 8(80)
38.0 Nova John Figart 13(33) 12(34 ) 8(20) 5(21)
30.0 Zorro Steve Jackson 6(20) 6(33 ) 3(14) 3(80) 12(158)
29.0 Rachel Frank Caldwell 14(34) 10(33 ) 5(125) 0(20)
27.0 Zeus Beverly Detwiler 11(34) 9(33 ) 7(79)
26.0 Sparky Steve Jackson 1(140) 13(158) 12(159)
24.0 Speckles Steve Jackson 0(140) 15(159) 9(158)
24.0 Tundra Daniel Plosila 7(20) 6(79 ) 5(33) 3(21) 3(34)
23.0 Saint Douglas Marrero 16(145) 7(146)
22.0 Shanya Gary Smith 12(97) 10(98 )
20.0 Owl Belva Plosila 8(34) 4(20 ) 4(21) 2(33) 2(80)
20.0 Dandy Steve Jackson 7(34) 5(20 ) 4(79) 2(14) 2(21)
19.0 Thorn Jackie Baker 4(13) 4(14 ) 4(97) 4(140) 3(125)
15.0 Jack Carolyn Brandt 5(13) 5(14 ) 5(140)
15.0 Pan Carol Kinne 8(33) 5(79 ) 2(34)
14.0 Blue Douglas Marrero 9(145) 5(146)
14.0 Spot Douglas Marrero 11(145) 3(146)
14.0 Victor Carolyn Brandt 8(14) 6(13 )
13.0 Sonya Carol Kinne 7(33) 6(34 )
11.0 Missy Douglas Marrero 7(145) 4(146)
11.0 Took Noel Palmer 6(7) 5(6)
9.0 Spider Steve Jackson 9(159) 0(158)
9.0 Jewel Tom Baker 3(97) 2(13 ) 2(125) 2(140) 0(14)
8.0 Sierra John Figart 4(33) 3(79 ) 1(34) 0(20)
2.0 Odysseus Melanie Morehouse 2(79)
2.0 Ember Diane Geitzenauer 1(97) 1(98 )
1.0 Montauk Robert Boudreau 0.5(136) 0.5(137 )
1.0 Sasha Melissa Kehler 1(125)
0.5 Opal Steve Jackson 0.5(13) 0(14 ) 0(158) 0(159)
0.5 Chevy Steve Jackson 0.5(21) 0(20 )
0.0 Polar David Heffelfinger 0(125)
0.0 Axle Steve Jackson 0(158) 0(159)
0.0 Rainbow Nicholas Lutz 0(158) 0(159)
0.0 Gwen Frank Caldwell 0(20)
0.0 Sue Steve Jackson 0(158) 0(159)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
80 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 5
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 5 Outside
60.0 Babe Ron Poitras 14(13) 13(125 ) 12(14) 11(137) 10(79)
59.0 Infamous Richard Dunn 16(125) 11(97 ) 10(98) 8(48) 14(145)
45.0 Loki Melanie Morehouse 10(33) 10(34 ) 9(13) 8(125) 8(137)
32.0 Yuengling Steve Jackson 7(13) 7(33 ) 7(125) 5(14) 6(159)
26.0 Bernie Gregory Pineo 14(48) 12(136 )
23.0 Wrinkles Gary Smith 8(20) 7(21 ) 4(33) 4(34)
22.0 Captain Richard Dunn 10(125) 9(136 ) 3(137)
17.0 Norman Michelle Falcon 5(48) 5(49 ) 3(136) 2(137) 2(140)
14.0 Laika Regina Caldwell 5(20) 5(125 ) 2(33) 1(21) 1(34)
13.0 Nanuk Stephen Palinkas 3(48) 3(97 ) 3(98) 2(34) 2(79)
9.0 Chief Douglas Marrero 5(145) 4(146)
6.0 Tory Cathy Martin 6(125)
6.0 Chena Anthony Statuto 3(33) 3(34 )
5.0 Hank Bruce Schrom 5(27)
4.5 Princess Barbara Pisch 2(125) 1(14 ) 1(140) 0.5(13)
4.5 Teddy Douglas Marrero 4(145) 0.5(146)
4.0 Tasha John Moses Martin 4(125)
3.0 Nova John Figart 1(79) 1(97 ) 1(98)
1.5 Sabrina Stephen Palinkas 1(48) 0.5(49 )
1.5 Buddy-Bear Deborah Sien 1(33) 0.5(34 )
1.5 Shasta Barbara Lichota 1(13) 0.5(14 )
1.0 Troika Diane Geitzenauer 0.5(97) 0.5(98 )
1.0 Rugga Steve Finch 1(136)
1.0 Nita Kelley Ford 1(137)
0.5 Willow Regina Caldwell 0.5(20)
0.5 Speckles Steve Jackson 0.5(125)
0.0 Sparky Steve Jackson 0(79)
0.0 Magnum Peter Bernier 0(136) 0(137 )
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
100 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 5
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 5 Outside
67.0 Patch Phil Kanakis 14(14) 13(48 ) 12(97) 15(52) 13(68)
54.0 Beau Anthony Statuto 14(125) 10(80 ) 9(98) 13(158) 8(69)
43.0 Kermit Bob Emmell 11(14) 11(125 ) 10(48) 11(76)
39.0 Thor Ron Poitras 11(140) 8(125 ) 7(80) 7(98) 6(13)
38.0 Rebull Dawg Gary Smith 9(97) 8(33 ) 7(20) 7(21) 7(34)
37.0 Jazz Carlene Way 10(125) 8(140 ) 5(14) 7(36) 7(52)
36.0 Infamous Richard Dunn 14(136) 7(137 ) 15(75)
33.0 Hank Bruce Schrom 9(125) 5(98 ) 4(97) 8(52) 7(68)
23.0 Atlas Walter Gorman 16(48) 7(49 )
21.0 Chubbs Kelley Ford 4(48) 3(136 ) 2(49) 9(159) 3(158)
15.0 Bravo Barbara Pisch 7(125) 3(13 ) 3(14) 2(140)
15.0 Takoma Frank Caldwell 6(125) 4(20 ) 2(33) 2(34) 1(21)
11.0 Hatchett Gregory Pineo 6(136) 5(48 )
9.0 Brutus Melissa Kehler 5(125) 4(80 )
8.0 Xena Joan Lincoln 4(21) 1(20 ) 1(33) 1(79) 1(97)
7.0 Balder Fabiann Conlan 2(14) 2(97 ) 2(98) 1(13)
7.0 Muddy Stephen Palinkas 5(140) 1(125 ) 0.5(136) 0.5(137)
6.5 Denali Melissa Kehler 3(125) 2(80 ) 1(140) 0.5(14)
4.5 Montana Melissa Kehler 4(125) 0.5(140 )
4.5 Zephyrus Melanie Morehouse 3(98) 1(80 ) 0.5(97)
4.0 Frey Margaret "Peggy" Anderson 4(98)
3.0 Molson Melissa Kehler 3(140) 0(125 )
2.0 Ice John Moses Martin 2(125)
1.0 Goldie Melissa Kehler 1(14)
1.0 Zanna William Overstreet 1(48)
1.0 Vidar Steve Anderson 1(98)
0.5 Rowdy Barbara Lichota 0.5(75)
0.5 Pump Lesli Rose 0.5(138)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
125 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 5
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 5 Outside
39.0 Hammer Gary Smith 11(97) 8(33 ) 7(21) 7(98) 6(48)
35.0 Red Gary Smith 10(98) 8(34 ) 7(20) 5(33) 5(48)
17.0 Baloo Stephen Palinkas 8(80) 3(48 ) 3(140) 2(98) 1(49)
16.0 Diablo Gary Smith 6(79) 4(20 ) 2(33) 2(34) 2(97)
14.0 Digger Nancy Bobik 4(48) 4(98 ) 3(49) 3(97)
10.0 Goldie Melissa Kehler 6(140) 2(80 ) 2(125)
9.0 Rebull Dawg Gary Smith 9(79)
8.5 Smore Robert Wilson 5(80) 2(48 ) 1(98) 0.5(97) 0(79)
7.0 Buz Cathie Reinhard 4(125) 2(76) 1(75)
1.5 Hercules Melissa Kehler 1(125) 0.5(140 )
0.5 Montana Melissa Kehler 0.5(80)
0.0 Molson Melissa Kehler 0(14)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
150 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 5
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 5 Outside
29.0 Goliath Gary Smith 8(48) 7(97 ) 5(33) 5(34) 4(49)
25.0 Chelsea Joost Postma 7(98) 6(136 ) 6(137) 4(97) 2(48)
21.0 Grizzly Robert Wilson 5(140) 3(136 ) 3(137) 5(127) 5(153)
20.0 Lady Charm Lee Smith 8(79) 7(49 ) 5(48)
11.0 Coby Shane Cody 5(80) 2(79 ) 1(97) 1(98) 2(126)
5.0 Red Gary Smith 5(79)
0.5 Kodiak Jason Brennan 0.5(79)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
Unlimited Class -- Wheels -- Region 5
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 5 Outside
38.0 Bella Pat Postma 9(136) 9(137 ) 7(48) 7(49) 6(98)
34.0 Ike Joost Postma 9(97) 9(98 ) 6(136) 6(137) 4(48)
15.0 Goliath Gary Smith 5(20) 5(21 ) 5(79)
13.0 Soloman Shelly Angevine 6(97) 3(136 ) 3(137) 1(98)
6.0 Bugsy Richard Angevine 3(98) 1(97 ) 1(136) 1(137)
2.0 Emma Richard Angevine 0.5(97) 0.5(98 ) 0.5(136) 0.5(137)
Region 6 -- Wheels
20 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 6
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 6 Outside
20.0 Snuggles Kimberly Abbey 5(3) 5(4 ) 5(31) 5(32) 0(11)
6.0 Andy Jenny Crabtree 3(101) 3(102 )
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
40 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 6
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 6 Outside
57.0 LiL Man Richard Rodgers 16(139) 12(145 ) 10(63) 10(138) 9(62)
51.0 Jack Geoff Dolan 13(139) 13(146 ) 9(158) 8(85) 8(101)
47.0 Cee Joal Brisbois 11(31) 10(41 ) 9(64) 9(65) 8(32)
46.0 Orphan Abby Diane Krupski 11(32) 10(42 ) 9(4) 8(31) 8(34)
32.0 Tres Jenny Crabtree 9(159) 6(64 ) 6(65) 6(145) 5(102)
31.0 Olive Josh Leiter 10(139) 7(138 ) 7(146) 4(145) 3(158)
27.0 Fly Donna Libbey 9(11) 8(12 ) 4(42) 3(4) 3(31)
27.0 Tyson Toni Yoakam 5(31) 4(3 ) 4(41) 8(50) 6(51)
24.0 Taz Jenny Crabtree 6(86) 5(38 ) 5(85) 5(101) 3(145)
17.0 PT Geoff Dolan 7(139) 3(101 ) 3(102) 2(146) 2(158)
13.5 Irish Rose Richard Rodgers 5(37) 4(63 ) 3(62) 1(98) 0.5(97)
12.0 Lil Red Richard Rodgers 8(139) 4(138 )
8.0 Sassie Jenny Crabtree 3(86) 3(146 ) 2(101) 0(102)
8.0 Doc Holly Lowery 6(139) 1(145 ) 1(146) 0(101) 0(102)
6.0 Maya Amy Morris 5(32) 1(31 )
6.0 Jessie Brett Young 5(139) 1(101 ) 0(102) 0(145) 0(146)
5.5 Denali Toni Yoakam 0.5(11) 3(51) 2(50)
4.0 Speck Shirley Webber 2(31) 2(32 ) 0(41) 0(42)
4.0 Jacob Lori Rodgers 4(139) 0(138 )
3.5 Storm Tyler Lake 3(32) 0.5(4 )
3.0 Bubba Lori Rodgers 2(139) 1(138 )
3.0 Johnny Richard Rodgers 3(139)
3.0 Lani Kimberly Abbey 1(32) 1(41 ) 1(42) 0(31)
2.0 Alaunte Rob Damron 2(138) 0(139 )
1.0 Angel Toni Yoakam 1(159)
0.0 Esaura Richard Rodgers 0(139)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
60 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 6
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 6 Outside
107.0 Cajun Holly Lowery 28(158) 25(145 ) 19(63) 18(139) 17(85)
92.0 Terra the Terror Jerry Leist 28(145) 16(138 ) 15(139) 14(47) 19(98)
88.0 Majic Toni Yoakam 18(159) 17(158 ) 10(145) 22(34) 21(33)
79.0 Kirby Shirley Webber 15(3) 15(12 ) 14(4) 19(34) 16(33)
72.0 Red Rio Brett Young 20(158) 19(145 ) 13(146) 11(101) 9(102)
70.0 Chaos Brett Young 22(158) 17(145 ) 11(102) 10(139) 10(146)
65.0 Vinny Kevin Mccabe 14(85) 14(101 ) 14(158) 12(145) 11(63)
64.0 Petey Amy Morris 14(41) 14(42 ) 13(32) 12(3) 11(4)
54.0 Larae Richard Rodgers 16(63) 10(62 ) 9(37) 10(97) 9(98)
49.0 Messiah Angela Cordle 18(145) 14(102 ) 8(146) 5(101) 4(86)
48.0 Kelli Brett Young 15(145) 10(63 ) 9(38) 7(37) 7(85)
44.0 Bailey Toni Yoakam 16(159) 15(158 ) 4(64) 4(65) 5(34)
40.0 Catastrophic Geoff Dolan 9(85) 8(63 ) 8(101) 8(139) 7(62)
40.0 Corey Brett Young 13(145) 8(102 ) 7(101) 7(138) 5(63)
39.0 Tigger Jenny Crabtree 17(159) 8(145 ) 7(158) 4(101) 3(85)
37.0 Chiquita Aaron Dill 16(158) 6(41 ) 6(139) 5(3) 4(4)
31.0 Magnus Phillip Dill 7(32) 7(139 ) 6(11) 6(42) 5(31)
31.0 Bulldozer Donna Libbey 8(4) 7(3 ) 7(12) 5(32) 4(11)
29.0 Beeper Brett Young 9(63) 6(145 ) 5(37) 5(47) 4(38)
25.0 Peaches Toni Yoakam 14(159) 11(158 )
25.0 Speck Jenny Crabtree 10(159) 5(85 ) 5(102) 3(86) 2(101)
23.0 Willow Amy Morris 6(3) 5(12 ) 5(42) 4(41) 3(11)
23.0 Nova Jeff Dever 11(85) 6(62 ) 6(86)
23.0 King Toni Yoakam 11(159) 8(158 ) 4(34)
23.0 Wyatt Holly Lowery 8(85) 6(63 ) 5(62) 3(47) 1(37)
23.0 Tapp Kameron Miller 14(145) 9(139 )
18.0 Shiloh Bob Goins 10(158) 8(159 )
13.0 Denali Toni Yoakam 13(159)
12.0 Dyna Jerry Leist 8(97) 4(98)
12.0 Kelly Angela Cordle 6(101) 6(102 )
11.0 Jake Geoff Dolan 3(62) 2(63 ) 2(85) 2(102) 2(139)
10.5 Maya Amy Morris 5(4) 3(42 ) 2(3) 0.5(41) 0(12)
10.0 Jasmin Shirley Webber 3(3) 3(31 ) 2(11) 1(4) 1(41)
10.0 Rage Jeff Dever 4(62) 4(85 ) 2(86)
7.5 Bo Jenny Crabtree 6(158) 1(62 ) 0.5(146) 0(63)
6.0 LiL Man Richard Rodgers 6(37)
6.0 Leasar Jason Helaney 6(38)
5.0 Kelly Donna Libbey 3(12) 2(41 ) 0(11)
4.5 Alida Kathleen Kinney 4(47) 0.5(46 )
4.0 Cleo Kendall Turner 4(145)
2.0 Six Pack Daniel Justice 2(47)
1.5 Sable Diane Krupski 1(3) 0.5(4 )
1.5 Kelly Kimberly Abbey 1(32) 0.5(31 ) 0(42)
1.5 Cadene Kim Dolan 1(63) 0.5(62 ) 0(85) 0(139)
1.0 Rebel Holly Lowery 1(6)
0.5 Xena Sharon Justice 0.5(47)
0.0 Crystal Toni Yoakam 0(159)
0.0 Willo Toni Yoakam 0(159)
0.0 Diamond Angela Cordle 0(86)
0.0 Storm Tyler Lake 0(3)
0.0 Goldie Kendall Turner 0(85)
0.0 Rumoy Jenny Crabtree 0(102)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
80 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 6
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 6 Outside
59.0 Nya Jerry Leist 10(6) 10(146 ) 9(7) 16(98) 14(97)
55.0 Olive Shirley Webber 11(11) 10(12 ) 8(31) 13(33) 13(34)
45.0 Meeka Keith Ping 9(64) 9(65 ) 6(46) 12(51) 9(50)
45.0 Bernie Larry Shaferly 9(3) 9(4 ) 9(32) 9(37) 9(51)
43.0 Rawhide Richard Rodgers 11(145) 10(139 ) 7(63) 8(97) 7(98)
43.0 Ashley Holly Lowery 10(85) 9(47 ) 8(38) 8(86) 8(158)
32.0 Halley Jerry Leist 9(46) 9(138 ) 7(62) 4(63) 3(37)
29.0 Leo Todd Tripp 11(86) 7(85 ) 6(145) 3(138) 2(146)
26.0 Scout Tony Radle 8(11) 6(32 ) 5(41) 4(42) 3(4)
25.0 LiL Mama Richard Rodgers 7(138) 3(145 ) 2(139) 7(97) 6(98)
22.0 Spooky Donna Libbey 6(3) 6(4 ) 4(12) 3(11) 3(32)
9.0 Chaos Brett Young 5(86) 4(85 )
8.0 Sue Jared Lance Sinkowski 3(101) 3(102 ) 1(85) 1(86)
8.0 O-Jay Phillip Powell 5(158) 2(11 ) 1(12) 0(41)
6.0 Dude Rob Damron 5(138) 1(63 ) 0(139)
5.0 Corey Brett Young 3(86) 2(85 )
2.5 Tapp Kameron Miller 2(86) 0.5(85 )
2.0 Evy Holly Kemper 2(145)
1.5 Ty Stephanie Stoll 1(11) 0.5(4 ) 0(3) 0(12)
0.5 Kodi Toni Yoakam 0.5(158) 0(159 )
0.5 Partner Scott A. Pero 0.5(32)
0.0 Max Connie Janus 0(138)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
100 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 6
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 6 Outside
53.0 Maxine Shirley Webber 13(32) 12(31 ) 10(41) 9(3) 9(4)
47.0 Lucky Josh Leiter 12(138) 10(32 ) 9(31) 8(11) 8(51)
29.0 Haley Diane Krupski 7(32) 7(41 ) 6(42) 4(31) 5(33)
27.0 Blade Margaret Lewis 6(86) 6(146 ) 6(159) 5(145) 4(46)
26.0 Pappy Donna Libbey 6(3) 6(4 ) 6(31) 4(32) 4(41)
16.0 Sierra Jonathon Shorter 6(138) 5(85 ) 5(101)
15.0 Dakota Jonathon Shorter 12(64) 3(44)
12.0 Brass Monkey Danny Bessant 9(139) 2(138 ) 1(158)
12.0 Hanna Debbie Kennedy 8(65) 4(64 )
11.0 Harry Jenny Cousino 5(138) 3(159 ) 2(158) 1(139)
11.0 Hakuna Richard Rodgers 9(138) 2(139 )
11.0 Indy Steve Likevich 4(5) 3(64 ) 3(65) 1(6)
10.0 Traveller Diane Krupski 5(32) 3(31 ) 2(41) 0(42)
7.0 Aurora Margaret Lewis 3(146) 2(145 ) 1(46) 1(159)
6.0 Nina Richard Rodgers 3(138) 3(139 )
5.5 Hershey Donald Long 3(32) 2(31 ) 0.5(12)
3.0 Helmet Nancy Hibiske 2(32) 1(31 )
3.0 Sadie Debbie Kennedy 2(64) 1(65 )
2.0 Justice Mark Krupski 1(3) 1(4 )
1.0 Lester Jenny Cousino 0.5(158) 0.5(159 )
1.0 Oscar Phillip Dill 1(41)
1.0 Peek Todd Allen 0.5(31) 0.5(41 ) 0(3) 0(4) 0(32)
0.5 Sprout Connie Janus 0.5(139)
0.5 Sue Dan Kemper 0.5(145)
0.0 Winnie Steve Likevich 0(65)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
125 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 6
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 6 Outside
55.0 Tank Tony Radle 12(11) 12(12 ) 11(31) 11(32) 9(4)
47.0 Yukon Larry Shaferly 10(3) 10(7 ) 9(5) 9(11) 9(12)
43.0 Jake Keith Ping 11(6) 9(64 ) 9(65) 7(7) 7(47)
31.0 Napoleon Amy Pisarik 6(64) 6(65 ) 5(158) 8(45) 6(44)
28.0 Midas Shirley Webber 6(4) 6(41 ) 6(42) 5(31) 5(32)
25.5 Dakota Jonathon Shorter 8(158) 7(159 ) 5(85) 5(101) 0.5(138)
21.0 Clyde Shirley Webber 8(32) 4(11 ) 3(4) 3(12) 3(31)
17.0 Aboo Todd Allen 6(11) 6(12 ) 2(3) 2(32) 1(41)
13.0 Samson Lois Bellamy 4(38) 3(37 ) 3(46) 2(11) 1(6)
6.0 Levi Steve Houpt 3(64) 3(65 )
5.5 Bonnie Donna Libbey 3(42) 2(31 ) 0.5(32) 0(41)
5.0 Gable David Douglas 5(145)
4.0 Demi Amy Pisarik 1(64) 1(65 ) 1(159) 0.5(44) 0.5(45)
4.0 Yukon Jennifer Correll 4(47)
2.0 Peek Todd Allen 2(12) 0(11 )
2.0 Porter Donald Long 1(31) 1(32 )
1.0 Charlie Steve Likevich 0.5(5) 0.5(6 )
1.0 Remy Jerry Kennedy 0.5(64) 0.5(65 )
1.0 Rosie Stephanie Stoll 1(11) 0(12 )
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
150 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 6
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 6 Outside
39.0 Moose Larry Shaferly 9(4) 8(7 ) 8(31) 7(5) 7(6)
38.0 Monty Larry Shaferly 9(37) 8(3 ) 8(12) 7(47) 6(4)
37.0 Belle Jennifer Correll 9(38) 7(63 ) 6(62) 8(51) 7(50)
26.0 Lucca Donna Libbey 8(32) 5(31 ) 5(41) 5(42) 3(4)
25.0 Jethro Jared Lance Sinkowski 5(46) 5(85 ) 5(86) 5(101) 5(102)
20.0 Glacier Larry Shaferly 8(11) 6(38 ) 2(3) 2(7) 2(32)
4.0 Moose Jennifer Correll 4(47)
3.0 Kayak James Cope 3(158)
0.5 Freddy Joal Brisbois 0.5(4)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
Unlimited Class -- Wheels -- Region 6
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 6 Outside
30.0 Rover Joal Brisbois 6(4) 6(11 ) 6(12) 6(31) 6(32)
28.0 Little Mac Ron Dauer 6(145) 5(38 ) 5(46) 6(50) 6(51)
17.0 Crocus Mark Krupski 5(3) 3(4 ) 3(11) 3(12) 3(31)
10.0 Moose Larry Shaferly 5(158) 5(159 )
3.0 Hogan Ron Dauer 3(145)
Region 7 -- Wheels
40 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 7
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 7 Outside
33.0 Swampdog's Dutchess Brandon Pederson 9(9) 9(10 ) 8(8) 7(153)
25.0 Swampdog's Diffy Todd Pederson 7(154) 5(28 ) 4(107) 3(9) 6(35)
21.0 Swampdog's Rocko Brandon Pederson 7(107) 4(153 ) 4(154) 3(10) 3(35)
14.0 Bess Sidney Sachs 5(50) 5(78 ) 3(64) 1(65)
7.5 Swampdog's Reba Connor Pederson 6(9) 1(10 ) 0.5(8)
5.0 Swampdog's Calli Todd Pederson 1(107) 1(154 ) 3(69)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
60 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 7
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 7 Outside
59.0 Swampdog's Dutchess Brandon Pederson 14(26) 10(27 ) 9(107) 16(35) 10(36)
39.0 Ginger Debbie Lee 6(107) 5(26 ) 3(108) 13(35) 12(126)
28.0 Swampdog's Reba Connor Pederson 8(26) 7(27 ) 5(28) 8(35)
5.0 Jonathon Sidney Sachs 5(50) 0(51 ) 0(78) 0(64) 0(65)
4.0 Willougby Stacy Smith 3(144) 1(143)
2.0 Swampdog's Abby Todd Pederson 2(28)
0.0 Nu-Nu Sidney Sachs 0(50)
0.0 Harley Judy Pilkay 0(50)
0.0 Swampdog's Polly Todd Pederson 0(28)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
80 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 7
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 7 Outside
66.0 Chesty Donald Taylor 16(107) 11(78 ) 10(108) 15(69) 14(68)
51.0 Swampdog's Nala Todd Pederson 13(107) 13(108 ) 14(127) 11(126)
49.0 Swampdog's Froggy Todd Pederson 14(26) 11(27 ) 10(107) 8(10) 6(28)
25.0 Swampdog's Sobe Logan Pederson 3(28) 13(36) 9(69)
20.0 Bobbie-Sue Debbie Lee 4(107) 2(26 ) 2(27) 6(13) 6(14)
14.0 Swampdog's Rogue Todd Pederson 7(107) 7(108 )
13.0 Egret Sidney Sachs 6(51) 3(50 ) 0(78) 3(64) 1(65)
11.5 Luke Teresa Ward 5(78) 3(51 ) 3(65) 0.5(64)
8.0 Caesar Eddie Falin 8(78)
6.5 Faith John Moyers 4(51) 1(50 ) 1(64) 0.5(65)
4.5 Colby Stacy Smith 2(108) 1(107 ) 1(144) 0.5(143)
4.0 Swampdog's Angel Todd Pederson 3(10) 1(28 )
3.0 Red Ruby Eddie Falin 3(78)
2.0 Singer Sidney Sachs 2(51) 0(78 )
0.5 Yana John Moyers 0.5(50)
0.0 Kodiak Bob Greene 0(51)
0.0 Swampdog's Abby Todd Pederson 0(10)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
100 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 7
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 7 Outside
54.0 Swampdog's Zeus Todd Pederson 12(26) 11(27 ) 8(8) 13(35) 10(36)
41.0 Swampdog's Casper Todd Pederson 14(107) 9(108 ) 7(10) 6(153) 5(8)
32.0 Tom-T. Sidney Sachs 5(51) 4(50 ) 3(78) 11(65) 9(64)
19.0 Avalanche Donald Taylor 9(78) 6(107 ) 4(108)
14.0 Summer Sidney Sachs 2(51) 1(78 ) 6(64) 5(65)
12.0 Matrix Wayne Mullins 9(26) 3(27 )
11.0 Alcatraz Donald Taylor 6(78) 5(107 )
8.0 Swampdog's HEAT Todd Pederson 5(154) 3(153 )
2.0 Tyson Donald Taylor 2(8) 0(9 )
0.5 Mac Tami Greene 0.5(51)
0.0 Joe Sidney Sachs 0(78)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
125 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 7
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 7 Outside
58.0 Bone Donald Taylor 12(107) 10(108 ) 6(78) 16(69) 14(48)
30.0 Swampdog's Casper Todd Pederson 8(26) 12(35) 10(36)
22.0 Toby Caroline Howell 11(26) 11(27 )
17.0 Buster Donald Taylor 4(108) 3(107 ) 8(126) 2(144)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
150 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 7
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 7 Outside
11.5 Kirsten Barry Roland 6(152) 5(151 ) 0.5(51)
6.0 Mollee Terry Lee 3(27) 1(26 ) 1(35) 1(36)
3.0 Knute Barry Roland 3(152)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
Unlimited Class -- Wheels -- Region 7
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 7 Outside
31.0 Cleatus Debbie Lee 7(107) 7(108 ) 3(26) 7(76) 7(143)
29.0 Butkus Debbie Lee 6(26) 6(27 ) 4(107) 7(75) 6(13)
16.0 Mollee Terry Lee 1(107) 1(108 ) 7(68) 7(69)
6.0 Shadow Bill Comings 3(50) 3(51 )
Region 9 -- Wheels
40 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 9
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 9 Outside
31.0 Joker Kevin Hybeck 10(74) 7(110 ) 6(122) 3(109) 5(155)
30.0 Diamond "Lil" Dean Mircos 6(30) 6(109 ) 6(130) 6(131) 6(141)
8.0 Buzz John Lucero 7(74) 1(110 ) 0(40)
1.0 Athena Heather Davis 1(74)
1.0 Breeze Cheri Walton 0(74) 1(1)
0.0 Bart Rodney Martin 0(30)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
60 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 9
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 9 Outside
41.0 Dozer Regina Vigil 11(131) 9(74 ) 8(122) 7(130) 6(109)
41.0 Bull Tim Long 12(74) 10(30 ) 8(131) 6(66) 5(122)
34.0 Jumbo Eli Landers 9(66) 7(30 ) 7(110) 6(141) 5(1)
18.0 Dottie John Lucero 5(142) 4(74 ) 3(109) 3(131) 3(141)
16.0 Domino Roger Vigil 9(29) 2(74 ) 2(122) 2(131) 1(130)
6.0 Gracie Eli Landers 4(30) 2(1)
4.5 Silver Rodney Martin 3(29) 1(30 ) 0.5(131)
1.5 Bruzer Cheri Walton 0.5(30) 0.5(74 ) 0.5(1)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
80 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 9
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 9 Outside
44.0 Dozer Jim Walters 10(122) 10(131 ) 9(130) 8(141) 7(142)
38.0 Xydako Nacho Alvarado 11(109) 10(29 ) 7(74) 5(30) 5(40)
32.0 Chic Tim Long 7(66) 7(122 ) 7(131) 6(130) 5(74)
32.0 Dusty Ted Farmer 8(30) 7(29 ) 4(74) 7(1) 6(2)
30.0 Rodney Kevin Hybeck 6(110) 5(39 ) 5(141) 7(15) 7(43)
18.0 Smokey Gabe Casas 8(39) 4(29 ) 3(130) 2(74) 1(1)
10.0 Ditto Brian Wells 1(122) 5(139) 4(138)
8.0 Sisco John Lucero 8(40)
2.0 Gracie Eli Landers 1(110) 0.5(66 ) 0.5(131)
1.5 Lily Michael Lisle 1(74) 0.5(122 )
0.5 Mountain Mark Landers 0.5(30)
0.5 Flurry Gabriel Castro 0.5(74)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
100 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 9
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 9 Outside
57.0 Lightning Gus Mircos 13(131) 12(141 ) 11(40) 11(110) 10(109)
54.0 Renegade Tim Long 13(66) 13(74 ) 10(130) 10(131) 8(40)
45.0 Shaq Chris Stock 10(66) 10(122 ) 9(141) 8(110) 8(2)
37.0 Trooper Brian Wells 5(74) 2(122 ) 18(138) 12(139)
23.0 Sisco John Lucero 7(142) 6(141 ) 5(110) 4(131) 1(109)
21.0 Lukea Mark Landers 4(29) 4(66 ) 8(1) 5(2)
19.0 Blade Runner Rick Williams 5(131) 4(141 ) 2(66) 4(43) 4(155)
16.0 Donney Eli Landers 5(66) 4(30 ) 3(40) 2(1) 2(2)
15.0 Shadow Justine Alvarado 4(109) 3(66 ) 3(74) 3(110) 2(142)
8.0 Mountain Mark Landers 3(131) 3(141 ) 2(40)
4.0 Nugget Fred Jenson 3(39) 1(40 )
2.5 Ripley Michael Reddin 1(66) 1(74 ) 0.5(40)
2.0 Kenosha Kelly Williams 1(43) 1(155)
2.0 Bill Eli Landers 2(141)
1.0 Matrix Scot Dowd 0.5(1) 0.5(2)
0.5 Hunter Todd Snyder 0.5(74)
0.5 Racer Phil Goerner 0.5(66)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
125 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 9
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 9 Outside
43.0 Thunder Dean Mircos 11(74) 8(40 ) 8(66) 8(130) 8(131)
32.0 Boogie Mark Landers 8(74) 7(29 ) 5(40) 6(1) 6(2)
28.0 Gabriel Randy Ferguson 7(30) 7(39 ) 5(66) 5(74) 4(29)
14.0 Secoya Chris Stock 4(39) 1(29 ) 1(30) 5(15) 3(1)
11.5 Luc Michael Reddin 5(130) 2(66 ) 2(74) 2(131) 0.5(40)
10.5 Tegan Karen Becker 5(131) 3(74 ) 2(130) 0.5(66)
2.5 Oscar Brian Hosfelt 1(74) 1(138) 0.5(139)
1.0 Mack Hazel Jenson 1(39)
1.0 Ripley Michael Reddin 0.5(130) 0.5(131 )
0.5 Trigger Todd Snyder 0.5(74)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
150 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 9
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 9 Outside
24.0 Falcor Robert Riddle 6(122) 5(74 ) 5(109) 5(110) 3(29)
12.0 Highland Warrior Robert Riddle 6(29) 6(30 )
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
Unlimited Class -- Wheels -- Region 9
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 9 Outside
28.0 Winston Thomas Roberts 6(74) 6(109 ) 6(122) 5(29) 5(39)
14.0 Highland Warrior Robert Riddle 5(110) 3(74 ) 3(109) 3(122)
Region 10 -- Wheels
125 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 10
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 10 Outside
16.0 Tacoma James Galli 9(24) 7(118)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
150 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 10
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 10 Outside
7.0 Tacoma James Galli 4(87) 3(88)
Region 11 -- Wheels
20 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 11
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 11 Outside
25.0 Sugar Emmanual Faxio 8(126) 5(127 ) 6(108) 6(125)
21.0 Spanky Deangelo Faxio 5(75) 5(126 ) 0(76) 8(107) 3(108)
16.0 Taz Ellen Parkin 6(68) 6(69 ) 2(126) 2(107)
3.0 AJ Ellen Parkin 3(69) 0(126 ) 0(107)
0.0 Breanne Ellen Parkin 0(68)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
40 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 11
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 11 Outside
26.0 Gypsy Stephanie Coleman 6(69) 5(52 ) 5(53) 5(68) 5(75)
20.0 Rummy Charlie Johnson 6(76) 9(98) 5(97)
2.5 Alexis Jose' Cintron 2(27) 0.5(9)
1.0 Dixie Dave Coleman 0.5(26) 0.5(27)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
60 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 11
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 11 Outside
82.0 Cody Larry Brillhart 19(35) 17(52 ) 13(36) 17(13) 16(14)
66.0 Jaws Ed St Lawrence 12(69) 10(53 ) 10(75) 21(97) 13(98)
55.0 Star Larry Brillhart 16(53) 11(52 ) 10(35) 11(13) 7(14)
54.0 Lady Bug Wendell Faxio 9(126) 7(127 ) 22(145) 16(146)
48.0 Katy Pam Brillhart 14(52) 9(35 ) 8(53) 10(14) 7(13)
34.0 Precious Dwayne Phipps 7(68) 7(69 ) 7(75) 7(76) 6(136)
24.0 Comet Shawna Kronschnable 11(35) 4(126 ) 4(127) 3(36) 2(68)
19.0 Alexis Jose' Cintron 5(35) 4(57 ) 4(69) 3(52) 3(49)
13.0 Mulan Robert Edwards 8(52) 5(53 )
13.0 Missy Ed St Lawrence 4(35) 5(27) 4(26)
10.5 Chika Jose Wood 6(126) 2(35 ) 2(127) 0.5(36)
10.0 Oalie Philisity Kitson 5(153) 5(154)
6.0 Elsie Jose' Cintron 3(68) 2(69 ) 1(127)
6.0 Ox Stephanie Coleman 3(53) 2(52 ) 1(126)
5.0 Gypsy Stephanie Coleman 3(35) 1(26) 1(27)
4.5 Maverick Stephanie Coleman 2(53) 2(76 ) 0.5(75)
3.5 Ravin Stephanie Coleman 3(126) 0.5(69 )
3.0 Maggie Stephanie Coleman 3(13)
2.0 Pearl Stephanie Coleman 1(35) 0.5(26) 0.5(27)
2.0 Trench Stephanie Coleman 1(75) 1(76 )
1.0 Buster Ricky Stevens 1(57)
0.0 Soabi Beth Hogge 0(126)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
80 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 11
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 11 Outside
72.0 Sitting Bull Charlie Johnson 16(52) 14(76 ) 12(53) 17(97) 13(49)
56.0 Shane Dave Coleman 10(35) 8(52 ) 6(69) 17(13) 15(14)
54.0 Xena Shannon Turner Dodds 16(35) 11(68 ) 7(52) 11(13) 9(14)
39.0 Tyler Larry Brillhart 10(36) 10(52 ) 6(53) 6(68) 7(14)
33.0 Keno Kim Willis 8(127) 7(143 ) 6(144) 4(35) 8(107)
31.0 Kevlar Ed St Lawrence 9(75) 8(76 ) 5(69) 5(97) 4(98)
29.0 Zorro Woody Butler 13(35) 7(36 ) 5(52) 4(53)
22.0 Darla Stephanie Coleman 6(35) 5(75 ) 4(69) 4(13) 3(26)
22.0 Crystal Larry Brillhart 13(52) 9(53 )
17.0 BB Emmanual Faxio 8(68) 3(69 ) 3(75) 3(76)
17.0 Shasta Valarie Thawley 4(68) 2(52 ) 2(75) 5(107) 4(97)
11.0 Georgie Lisa Cook 4(143) 2(126 ) 3(108) 2(107)
11.0 Mulan Robert Edwards 7(35) 4(36 )
8.0 Boogieman Dwayne Phipps 8(13)
5.0 Rocky Larry Brillhart 3(14) 2(13)
4.5 Copper Mark Pickrel 3(57) 1(143 ) 0.5(144) 0(56)
4.0 George Kim Downing 0.5(35) 0.5(68 ) 0(36) 2(10) 1(108)
3.0 Brutus Jaried Frogosa 3(35)
2.0 Candy Jaried Frogosa 2(35)
1.0 Exasty Dwayne Phipps 1(75)
0.5 Sumo Dave Coleman 0.5(75) 0(127 )
0.0 Fantasy Rene Schreiber 0(127)
0.0 King Jose Wood 0(126)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
100 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 11
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 11 Outside
71.0 Nitro Dwayne Phipps 14(76) 13(69 ) 12(75) 20(125) 12(13)
59.0 Ozone Dwayne Phipps 12(52) 9(75 ) 8(76) 17(125) 13(137)
56.0 Diesel Charlie Johnson 18(52) 16(69 ) 11(53) 1(76) 10(49)
39.0 Moose Dave Coleman 9(52) 7(126 ) 6(127) 9(13) 8(14)
30.0 Blitz Charlie Johnson 15(97) 15(98)
25.0 Dozer Stephanie Coleman 5(35) 5(52 ) 5(69) 5(75) 5(27)
23.0 Romeo Wendell Faxio 6(52) 5(53 ) 4(36) 4(68) 4(69)
22.0 Mister Ed St Lawrence 6(69) 6(75 ) 6(76) 2(35) 2(36)
20.0 Ike Ricky Stevens 7(56) 7(57 ) 6(144) 0(26)
19.0 Budda Carol Dodds 5(143) 4(56 ) 4(126) 3(127) 3(108)
13.0 Torah Mark Pickrel 4(57) 2(52 ) 1(56) 6(26)
12.5 Jack Huck Bothner 4(52) 0.5(76 ) 4(6) 4(14)
8.0 Hunter Kim Willis 1(35) 1(36 ) 1(68) 4(26) 1(27)
6.5 Zena Charlie Johnson 6(97) 0.5(98)
2.0 Curly Sue Leslie Wemhoff 2(69)
2.0 Sunshine Leslie Wemhoff 1(107) 1(108)
1.0 Pinker Daphine Ratcliffe 1(52)
1.0 Darden Leslie Wemhoff 0.5(107) 0.5(108)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
125 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 11
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 11 Outside
51.0 Bogie Brenda Lemon 13(69) 9(35 ) 9(53) 11(48) 9(13)
46.0 Atom Dwayne Phipps 10(52) 10(69 ) 7(35) 10(125) 9(107)
45.0 Sarg Larry Brillhart 15(35) 11(68 ) 7(52) 6(53) 6(13)
35.0 Ralph Huck Bothner 8(69) 5(68 ) 5(76) 9(14) 8(6)
30.0 Bo-Bo Ricky Stevens 7(36) 7(57 ) 6(56) 5(35) 5(143)
22.0 Tucker Beth Hogge 6(69) 3(68 ) 3(127) 5(8) 5(10)
19.0 Riggs Dave Coleman 6(35) 6(127 ) 3(53) 1(52) 3(27)
19.0 Kodiak Doris Mow 5(69) 5(126 ) 4(57) 3(35) 2(107)
10.0 Frankie Lisa Cook 3(56) 3(69 ) 2(143) 1(57) 1(108)
8.0 Sherman Linda Draper 4(68) 4(69 )
5.0 Rex Huck Bothner 0.5(53) 0.5(76 ) 0(52) 2(6) 2(7)
4.0 Romeo Wendell Faxio 4(35)
2.5 Hamilton Joe Cullen 2(69) 0.5(35 )
2.0 Tolkin Linda Draper 2(68) 0(69 )
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
150 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 11
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 11 Outside
38.0 Largo Carol Dodds 8(126) 8(127 ) 7(36) 8(107) 7(26)
30.0 Moses Mark Pickrel 7(35) 6(52 ) 6(56) 6(57) 5(107)
10.0 Chief Kevin Catlin 5(126) 2(127 ) 2(107) 1(108)
4.5 Suki Kevin Catlin 4(108) 0.5(107)

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