Last Updated: 02:09:54 on 04-03-2001

IWPA Standings for the 2000-2001 Season
Numbers in parenthesis are the pull number with the score for that pull to the left
These pull numbers are also links to the individual pulls
Region 2 -- Wheels
35 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 2
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 2 Outside
30.0 Gabby Susie Malcolm 7(83) 6(82 ) 5(13) 5(14) 7(104)
21.0 Tia Debby Glasspoole 6(8) 5(7 ) 5(96) 5(97)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
60 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 2
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 2 Outside
43.0 Roxy Ronald Overgaard 10(101) 10(102 ) 8(112) 8(114) 7(113)
29.0 Todd Robert Reeff 5(13) 5(14 ) 5(37) 7(104) 7(105)
27.0 Cher Tim Auringer 7(101) 6(82 ) 5(112) 5(114) 4(113)
11.0 Hobo Stan Hiller 6(38) 5(83 )
4.0 Red Ace Anthony Wines 1(101) 1(102 ) 1(113) 0.5(82) 0.5(112)
0.0 Alex Judith McCauley 0(24) 0(104)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
80 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 2
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 2 Outside
75.0 Nuka Tu Donna Daymude 13(14) 11(7 ) 10(13) 22(104) 19(105)
57.0 Timber Judith McCauley 10(14) 10(96 ) 5(7) 16(104) 16(105)
56.0 Talon Ronald Overgaard 15(114) 12(112 ) 10(83) 10(113) 9(102)
42.0 Wild Sky Magoo Gary Romane 11(82) 9(112 ) 9(114) 7(83) 6(102)
39.0 Summit Jim Malcolm 7(13) 5(14 ) 3(82) 13(105) 11(104)
30.0 Mica Robert Reeff 4(13) 2(14 ) 2(82) 14(104) 8(105)
27.0 Soapy Susie Malcolm 14(105) 13(104)
23.0 Smokey Steven Duren 4(14) 11(105) 8(104)
20.0 Rock Gary Romane 12(8) 8(7 )
19.0 Chena Donna Daymude 10(104) 9(105)
18.0 Skeena David Crowe 10(97) 3(7 ) 3(8) 2(96)
16.0 Monty Jim Malcolm 10(105) 6(104)
15.0 Susie David Crowe 7(96) 7(97 ) 0.5(7) 0.5(8)
13.5 Tango Michelle Wines 6(114) 4(112 ) 3(102) 0.5(113) 0(82)
10.5 Kady Jaci Rodgers 2(38) 1(37 ) 0.5(14) 4(104) 3(105)
10.0 Red Ruckus Tim Auringer 7(114) 2(113 ) 1(102) 0(112)
9.0 Venture Bob Daymude 6(105) 3(104)
7.0 Payton Pamela Reeff 7(14)
7.0 Slip Susie Malcolm 7(104) 0(105)
5.5 Dawson Debby Glasspoole 2(7) 2(97 ) 1(8) 0.5(96)
5.0 Woof Robin O'Hearn 3(14) 2(13 )
3.0 Quest Susie Malcolm 2(105) 1(104)
2.0 Moonshine Jennifer Crowe 1(96) 1(97 )
1.0 Patti Freddy Hawley 1(13)
1.0 Wylie Pamela Reeff 1(14)
0.0 Icy Judith McCauley 0(104) 0(105)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
100 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 2
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 2 Outside
68.0 Rock Gary Romane 19(13) 18(14 ) 14(112) 9(82) 8(38)
60.0 Jazz Ryan Wood 14(101) 13(13 ) 11(37) 11(38) 11(112)
56.0 T Kent Stuart 15(113) 14(114 ) 11(101) 10(102) 6(112)
56.0 Ranger Robert Reeff 15(14) 11(13 ) 8(37) 11(104) 11(105)
47.0 Riley David Crowe 10(13) 10(96 ) 9(8) 9(14) 9(97)
46.0 Truman Ronald Overgaard 13(102) 11(114 ) 8(101) 8(112) 6(113)
44.0 Glacier Gary Romane 16(13) 12(14 ) 10(7) 6(8)
41.0 Tim Susie Malcolm 9(13) 8(14 ) 5(37) 10(105) 9(104)
25.0 T. J. Ronald Overgaard 6(114) 5(101 ) 5(112) 5(113) 4(102)
24.0 Jackie Jeff Parsons 8(13) 7(14 ) 4(7) 3(8) 2(37)
19.0 Smokey Sharie Holmes 10(104) 9(105)
19.0 Charlie Bob Daymude 5(14) 4(13 ) 1(37) 6(104) 3(105)
16.0 Trapper Jim Malcolm 8(104) 8(105)
14.5 Cheyanne Carole Parsons 7(13) 6(14 ) 1(38) 0.5(37)
12.5 Drifter Michele Sadloski 1(14) 0.5(13 ) 7(104) 4(105)
9.0 Attu Bob Daymude 6(105) 3(104)
9.0 Eccho Jim Irwin 6(13) 3(14 )
8.5 Shiloh Carole Parsons 4(14) 3(13 ) 1(101) 0.5(102)
8.0 Apple Annie David Crowe 4(96) 3(97 ) 1(8)
8.0 Annie Ryan Wood 4(112) 4(113 )
6.0 Pack Ronald Overgaard 4(114) 1(112 ) 1(113)
5.5 Eskimo Bob Daymude 5(105) 0.5(104)
5.0 Steger Susie Malcolm 4(104) 1(105)
5.0 Willow Steven Duren 5(13)
4.5 Storm Jeff Parsons 2(13) 2(14 ) 0.5(82) 0(83)
4.0 Talon Ronald Overgaard 4(82)
4.0 Loki Jim Malcolm 2(104) 2(105)
2.5 Misty Marg Jones 2(7) 0.5(8 )
2.0 Kady Jaci Rodgers 1(82) 1(83 )
1.5 Misty 2 Jennifer Crowe 1(96) 0.5(7 ) 0(97)
1.0 Windy Bob Daymude 1(104) 0(105)
1.0 Coqueta Salvador Bibian 1(13) 0(14 )
1.0 Moonshine Jennifer Crowe 1(7)
0.5 Zena Chuck Gerson 0.5(101)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
120 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 2
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 2 Outside
71.0 Bandit Jack Scofield 15(101) 15(113 ) 14(37) 14(112) 13(102)
60.0 Sam Kent Stuart 15(114) 12(101 ) 12(113) 11(112) 10(102)
45.0 Koluk Devin Crouch 12(13) 9(14 ) 9(82) 9(83) 6(37)
41.0 Avalanche George Ferrari 11(37) 9(13 ) 9(38) 7(101) 5(102)
41.0 Glacier Ryan Wood 12(14) 9(101 ) 8(37) 6(8) 6(13)
17.0 Sitka Andre Green 5(37) 4(82 ) 3(13) 3(38) 2(14)
17.0 Dakota Aviva Beach 6(101) 4(37 ) 3(102) 2(13) 2(38)
15.0 Lakota Ryan Wood 7(102) 5(101 ) 3(14) 0(13)
12.0 Kenai Craig Hohnbaum 4(112) 3(82 ) 3(113) 2(37) 0(83)
11.0 Coqueta Salvador Bibian 3(37) 3(83 ) 3(101) 1(38) 1(82)
11.0 Chase Mike Jones 6(97) 4(96 ) 1(8)
10.0 Juneau Karl Welle 6(14) 4(13 )
10.0 Rayne Marg Jones 7(96) 3(97 )
4.0 Yukia Anita Bibian 1(13) 1(83 ) 1(102) 0.5(82) 0.5(101)
1.0 Barbie Amy Gerson 1(101)
1.0 Anautuk Mike Jones 0.5(7) 0.5(8 )
0.0 Cheyanne Rhonda Wood 0(37)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
Unlimited Class -- Wheels -- Region 2
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 2 Outside
64.0 Moses Ronald Overgaard 15(113) 14(112 ) 12(101) 12(114) 11(102)
64.0 Hennessy Raymond Slish 15(37) 15(83 ) 14(82) 11(38) 9(7)
50.0 Grizzly Nathan Sellers 12(83) 11(82 ) 11(112) 9(37) 7(113)
44.0 Nuke Karl Welle 12(13) 12(14 ) 10(8) 6(7) 4(96)
35.0 Rebel Ryan Wood 8(38) 7(8 ) 7(37) 7(83) 6(13)
24.0 Lewis Ron Rodgers 5(37) 5(83 ) 4(38) 5(104) 5(105)
20.0 Chunka Nathan Sellers 12(113) 8(112 )
17.0 Kiska James Charles 5(38) 5(82 ) 4(37) 2(83) 1(14)
15.0 Barry Raymond Slish 6(83) 4(82 ) 2(13) 2(37) 1(101)
14.5 Kodiak James Charles 4(13) 4(14 ) 3(37) 3(38) 0.5(82)
14.0 Iceman Toni Beninger 7(96) 7(97 )
14.0 Big Thunder Sue Ferrari 4(83) 3(13 ) 3(82) 2(14) 2(101)
12.5 Alkis Sam Sarah Miller 6(113) 6(114 ) 0.5(37)
5.0 Juneau Karl Welle 2(8) 1(7 ) 1(96) 1(97)
4.0 Dakota Aviva Beach 3(83) 1(82 )
1.0 Lakota Ryan Wood 1(83)
0.5 Tonka Chuck Gerson 0.5(101)
Region 3 -- Wheels
35 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 3
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 3 Outside
44.0 Eddie Dixie Smith 10(104) 10(105 ) 8(78) 8(79) 8(101)
35.0 Missy Larry McGee 8(116) 5(27 ) 4(115) 9(98) 9(100)
33.0 Two Dogs Larry McGee 7(115) 6(117 ) 5(116) 8(99) 7(51)
21.0 Kizzy Vicki Correia 7(105) 5(78 ) 5(79) 4(104)
7.0 Misty Dani Kay Paige 2(78) 2(79 ) 2(104) 1(105) 0(82)
3.0 Harry Potter Scott Smith 2(105) 1(104 )
1.0 Minnie Kyle Paige 0.5(104) 0.5(105 ) 0(78) 0(79)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
60 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 3
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 3 Outside
53.0 ILB Long gone Larry McGee 11(27) 10(115 ) 6(116) 14(52) 12(89)
46.0 Izzy 2 Much Larry McGee 9(116) 9(117 ) 7(115) 11(100) 10(98)
44.0 Poe Ingrid Rosenquist 10(104) 10(105 ) 7(32) 9(82) 8(83)
35.0 Inferno Karen James 8(27) 7(24 ) 7(78) 7(79) 6(23)
17.0 Sadie Vicki Correia 4(32) 4(33 ) 4(104) 4(105) 1(78)
9.0 Tessa Ingrid Rosenquist 3(39) 2(104 ) 2(105) 1(40) 1(82)
5.0 Red Dawg Larry McGee 5(36)
4.0 Chinook Roger Bramson 2(115) 0.5(27 ) 1(51) 0.5(12)
4.0 Eddie Dixie Smith 4(40)
3.5 Gus Darryl Williams 3(27) 0.5(51) 0(36)
3.0 Jam - N - Anna Larry McGee 3(117)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
80 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 3
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 3 Outside
62.0 Aky Teressa Keenan 22(105) 19(104 ) 9(24) 6(23) 6(39)
30.5 Scrappy Kyle Paige 12(104) 12(105 ) 5(79) 1(82) 0.5(83)
29.0 ILB Long gone Larry McGee 6(117) 12(69) 11(98)
28.0 Cito Teressa Keenan 9(104) 7(105 ) 6(78) 3(39) 3(40)
7.5 Chena Roger Bramson 3(27) 1(115 ) 1(117) 2(100) 0.5(89)
6.0 Max Gail Verworn 3(23) 3(24 )
1.5 Gus Darryl Williams 0.5(115) 0.5(117 ) 0.5(100)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
100 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 3
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 3 Outside
66.0 Frosty Dani Kay Paige 19(104) 16(105 ) 8(79) 12(82) 11(83)
31.0 Ruger Denise Heikkila 7(32) 7(33 ) 7(40) 5(24) 5(79)
24.0 Khara Marielle Schmidt 7(39) 5(23 ) 4(32) 4(33) 4(40)
15.0 Ara Gail Verworn 7(105) 5(104 ) 1(33) 1(39) 1(78)
2.0 Quincy Denise Heikkila 2(79)
2.0 Max Gail Verworn 1(32) 1(40 )
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
120 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 3
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 3 Outside
20.0 Dakota Leslie Watkins 6(117) 3(115 ) 1(116) 5(36) 5(51)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
Unlimited Class -- Wheels -- Region 3
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 3 Outside
13.0 Nikeyta Leslie Watkins 5(115) 3(116 ) 5(98)
Region 4 -- Wheels
35 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 4
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 4 Outside
26.0 Jackie Bob Bonacorsi 7(92) 7(93 ) 6(110) 6(118)
9.5 Stewart Little Daryl Spauldin 4(92) 4(93 ) 1(52) 0.5(110)
9.0 Titi Daryl Spauldin 9(52)
6.5 Tommy Daryl Spauldin 6(28) 0.5(29)
0.0 Tulse Daryl Spauldin 0(28)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
60 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 4
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 4 Outside
45.0 Sammi Bob Bonacorsi 15(92) 12(93 ) 11(110) 7(111)
44.0 Bronco Daryl Spauldin 17(93) 9(92 ) 10(29) 8(28)
18.0 Czar Ernesto Delao 18(92)
14.0 Ginger Payton Gonzales 14(93)
10.0 Venus David DeLaO 10(92)
8.0 Maize Michael Keller 8(93)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
80 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 4
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 4 Outside
68.0 Judo Ben Scott 21(93) 20(92 ) 14(110) 13(111)
60.0 Porky Bob Bonacorsi 18(93) 9(92 ) 17(110) 16(111)
40.0 Buck David Heil 12(92) 10(93 ) 10(44) 8(45)
38.0 Cheyenne Ben Scott 14(92) 13(93 ) 11(110)
36.0 Miss-N Daryl Spauldin 12(93) 11(92 ) 7(52) 6(110)
30.0 Rosie Bob Bonacorsi 11(93) 10(92 ) 5(110) 4(111)
15.0 Yankee Michael Keller 15(93)
11.0 Milo Brant Ungerer 3(93) 1(92 ) 4(48) 3(47)
10.0 Buck Tim Cunningham 5(92) 5(93 )
8.0 Cesar David DeLaO 8(92)
7.0 Bo Michael Keller 7(93)
7.0 Boo Kenny Mccallister 7(111)
1.0 Jackie Daryl Spauldin 1(52)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
100 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 4
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 4 Outside
48.0 Chevy Daryl Spauldin 13(92) 12(93 ) 12(52) 11(110)
35.0 Cat Bob Bonacorsi 10(92) 9(93 ) 8(110) 8(111)
32.0 Reba David Heil 7(92) 4(93 ) 11(6) 10(5)
12.0 Tess Molly Caslin 6(44) 6(45)
10.0 Dakota Madelaine Friddle 6(93) 4(92 )
6.0 Bubba David Caslin 3(44) 3(45)
4.0 Sidekick Daryl Spauldin 4(28)
2.0 Emma Tim Cunningham 1(92) 1(93 )
1.0 Chance Tim Cunningham 0.5(92) 0.5(93 )
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
120 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 4
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 4 Outside
47.0 Buddy Bob Bonacorsi 15(93) 12(92 ) 11(111) 9(110)
38.0 Big Bob Bonacorsi 12(93) 6(92 ) 12(110) 8(111)
18.0 Bubbadog Bob Bonacorsi 5(93) 4(92 ) 5(111) 4(110)
15.0 Chevy Daryl Spauldin 8(29) 7(28)
9.0 Bob Mike Friddle 6(93) 3(92 )
3.0 Babe Betsy Caslin 2(44) 1(45)
1.0 Odin Sunday Petosky 1(93)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
Unlimited Class -- Wheels -- Region 4
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 4 Outside
11.0 Max Kathleen Caslin 6(44) 5(45)
4.0 Timber Rhonda Schreider 2(92) 2(93 )
1.0 Kamots Doug Suiter 0.5(92) 0.5(93 )
Region 5 -- Wheels
35 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 5
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 5 Outside
29.0 Bella Robert Viereck 5(9) 5(10 ) 1(28) 9(15) 9(16)
11.0 Tucker Douglas Marrero 6(20) 5(34 ) 0(41) 0(90)
6.0 Ben There Frank Perez 3(28) 3(29 )
0.0 Topaz Steve Jackson 0(90)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
60 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 5
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 5 Outside
89.0 Tuco Anthony Statuto 19(61) 19(62 ) 19(71) 17(70) 15(15)
87.0 Shanya Gary Smith 19(19) 18(20 ) 18(70) 16(62) 16(71)
86.0 Prince Douglas Marrero 23(20) 18(3 ) 17(4) 16(19) 12(35)
79.0 Starbuck Steve Jackson 19(90) 16(20 ) 16(70) 14(19) 14(103)
74.0 Kindr Debi Pruznick 16(61) 16(90 ) 15(35) 14(48) 13(50)
55.0 Jake Wendy Leister 13(20) 13(70 ) 11(71) 9(61) 9(62)
50.0 Zorro Steve Jackson 12(20) 11(62 ) 10(70) 9(19) 8(61)
46.0 Natasha Douglas Marrero 20(20) 11(103 ) 8(34) 4(41) 3(35)
44.0 Blue Douglas Marrero 17(20) 13(19 ) 12(3) 2(4)
39.0 Zeus Beverly Detwiler 12(19) 11(20 ) 10(61) 6(62)
39.0 Saint Douglas Marrero 11(4) 9(90 ) 8(103) 6(3) 5(19)
37.0 Missy Douglas Marrero 14(20) 11(19 ) 5(103) 4(90) 3(42)
36.5 Nova John Figart 10(62) 10(71 ) 9(20) 7(19) 0.5(61)
36.0 Thorn Jackie Baker 9(70) 9(71 ) 7(35) 6(90) 5(34)
35.0 Bella Robert Viereck 13(90) 10(19 ) 10(20) 2(95)
30.0 Spot Douglas Marrero 11(42) 7(34 ) 6(35) 3(3) 3(41)
28.0 Chena Anthony Statuto 15(70) 13(71 )
27.0 Owl Daniel Plosila 7(61) 7(70 ) 5(20) 5(71) 3(62)
21.0 Tundra Daniel Plosila 8(20) 5(62 ) 4(19) 4(61)
18.0 Sonya Carol Kinne 6(70) 6(71 ) 4(62) 2(61)
16.0 Took Noel Palmer 6(61) 3(9 ) 3(28) 2(29) 2(35)
15.5 Jack Carolyn Brandt 9(3) 6(4 ) 0.5(46)
15.0 Czar Nicholas Mary Anne Allen 8(70) 7(62 )
14.0 Toby Douglas Marrero 14(4)
14.0 Cady Anthony Statuto 5(28) 4(29 ) 5(15)
14.0 Sierra John Figart 4(20) 4(70 ) 3(71) 2(62) 1(61)
13.0 Victor Carolyn Brandt 7(3) 5(4 ) 1(46)
13.0 Delila Richard Dunn 13(29)
11.0 Pan Carol Kinne 5(70) 3(61 ) 2(71) 1(62)
10.0 Tae Bo Frank Perez 7(28) 3(29 )
9.0 Sasha Melissa Kehler 3(4) 3(90 ) 2(3) 0.5(9) 0.5(10)
7.0 Queen Noel Palmer 4(71) 3(70 )
5.0 Jewel Tom Baker 2(90) 2(103 ) 1(42) 0(35) 0(41)
5.0 Zeus Anthony Statuto 5(46)
5.0 Dottie Ron Siver 5(61)
5.0 Jake Steve Jackson 5(3) 0(4 )
2.0 Sonny Nancy Bobik 1(3) 1(4 ) 0(28)
2.0 Ember Diane Geitzenauer 2(70) 0(71 )
1.0 Sambucco James Prastio 1(70)
0.0 Chevy Steve Jackson 0(90) 0(103 )
0.0 Kista Ingelore Mc Laughlin 0(62)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
80 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 5
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 5 Outside
72.0 Tipsy John Moses Martin 16(3) 15(103 ) 14(4) 14(41) 13(9)
70.0 Loki Melanie Morehouse 20(19) 20(20 ) 11(61) 10(62) 9(95)
66.0 Maxine Robert Viereck 17(19) 17(20 ) 16(9) 10(10) 6(28)
58.0 Irish Gary Smith 16(10) 14(19 ) 12(20) 8(9) 8(28)
52.0 Babe Ron Poitras 11(4) 11(19 ) 10(3) 10(9) 10(20)
52.0 Teddy Douglas Marrero 13(3) 11(41 ) 10(19) 9(20) 9(103)
49.0 Yuengling Steve Jackson 12(19) 12(103 ) 11(20) 7(3) 7(10)
40.0 Justice Joseph Armstrong 12(90) 9(70 ) 8(29) 7(71) 4(28)
33.0 Bandit Gary Smith 9(19) 7(9 ) 7(20) 5(10) 5(28)
30.0 Tasha John Moses Martin 9(41) 6(3 ) 6(9) 5(42) 4(4)
25.0 Norman Michelle Falcon 13(29) 12(28 )
25.0 Bernie Gregory Pineo 10(94) 9(28 ) 6(70)
23.0 Cognac Walter Gorman 12(29) 11(28 )
22.0 Toby Douglas Marrero 7(19) 5(20 ) 4(41) 4(42) 2(103)
20.0 Chief Douglas Marrero 6(41) 5(103 ) 3(3) 3(35) 3(42)
18.0 Tory Cathy Martin 10(42) 3(41 ) 2(3) 2(10) 1(4)
17.0 Chena Anthony Statuto 7(28) 6(29 ) 4(15)
16.0 Spot Douglas Marrero 8(20) 6(103 ) 2(19)
14.0 Blitzen Deborah Sien 6(19) 6(20 ) 1(70) 1(71)
11.5 Princess Barbara Pisch 5(41) 4(103 ) 2(90) 0.5(46)
11.0 Piggy Richard Dunn 11(29)
11.0 Laika Frank Caldwell 5(9) 3(10 ) 3(103)
11.0 Montauk Robert Boudreau 9(29) 1(94 ) 1(95)
8.0 Natane Joshua Heft 8(41)
7.0 Sabrina Stephen Palinkas 7(103)
7.0 Speckles Wendy Leister 5(19) 2(20 )
6.0 Magnus Daniel Plosila 3(19) 3(20 )
5.0 Bravo Barbara Pisch 5(3)
3.0 Hank Bruce Schrom 3(28)
3.0 Looker Richard Deutsch 2(41) 1(42 )
2.5 Troika Diane Geitzenauer 1(20) 0.5(19 ) 0.5(70) 0.5(71)
2.0 Breyer Roseann Deutsch 2(42) 0(41 )
2.0 Nova John Figart 2(70)
1.5 Icey Jeannine Theriaque 1(29) 0.5(28 )
1.0 Buddy-Bear Deborah Sien 0.5(61) 0.5(62 )
1.0 Keannu Regina Caldwell 1(103)
1.0 Chessie Ron Siver 1(61)
0.0 Keno Ron McAlvage 0(3) 0(4 )
0.0 Fuschia Roseann Deutsch 0(41) 0(42 )
0.0 Speckles Steve Jackson 0(103)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
100 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 5
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 5 Outside
40.0 Rebull Dawg Gary Smith 8(9) 8(10 ) 8(19) 8(20) 8(62)
38.0 Broc John Moses Martin 9(35) 8(34 ) 7(3) 7(4) 7(41)
27.0 Cyrus Richard Dunn 9(94) 8(95 ) 6(28) 4(29)
16.0 Hatchett Gregory Pineo 7(70) 6(94 ) 3(28)
15.0 Xena Joan Lincoln 5(62) 5(70 ) 5(71)
14.0 Mickey Jim Mazonkey 7(103) 3(90 ) 2(70) 2(71)
13.0 Bravo Barbara Pisch 8(90) 2(41 ) 1(103) 2(46)
13.0 Takoma Frank Caldwell 5(20) 2(9 ) 2(10) 2(19) 2(90)
11.0 Hank Bruce Schrom 5(90) 3(34 ) 2(103) 0.5(94) 0.5(95)
9.0 Chinook Brian Heft 5(34) 3(35 ) 1(41)
8.0 Buz Cathie Reinhard 4(3) 4(4 )
7.0 Denali Melissa Kehler 3(71) 1(3 ) 1(34) 1(35) 1(42)
6.5 Natane Joshua Heft 6(35) 0.5(34 )
6.0 Eric Lee Barrett 6(29)
6.0 Brie Tracey Brant-Cornell 4(61) 2(62 )
6.0 Mackenzie Brian Heft 4(41) 2(34 ) 0(35)
4.0 Ice John Moses Martin 4(42)
3.0 Loki Melanie Morehouse 3(70)
3.0 Crude Lee Barrett 3(29)
2.0 Jazz Carlene Way 1(28) 1(29 )
2.0 Sabrina Stephen Palinkas 2(95) 0(90 )
1.5 Blitzen Deborah Sien 1(61) 0.5(62 )
0.5 Keannu Regina Caldwell 0.5(19)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
120 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 5
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 5 Outside
57.0 Ox Ron Poitras 12(9) 12(90 ) 11(3) 11(4) 11(10)
33.0 Digger Nancy Bobik 9(34) 9(35 ) 7(71) 4(28) 4(70)
24.0 Brutus Melissa Kehler 6(34) 6(41 ) 6(42) 3(4) 3(9)
23.5 Baloo Stephen Palinkas 9(90) 8(103 ) 3(94) 3(95) 0.5(19)
22.0 Goldie Melissa Kehler 9(41) 5(103 ) 2(71) 2(90) 4(46)
17.5 Fiacc Regina Caldwell 6(20) 5(19 ) 4(90) 2(9) 0.5(10)
12.0 Dragon Gary Smith 8(10) 4(9 )
12.0 Diablo Gary Smith 4(61) 4(62 ) 2(19) 1(20) 1(28)
10.0 Jazz Carlene Way 3(42) 3(90 ) 2(103) 1(34) 1(35)
5.0 Bison Lee Barrett 5(29)
3.5 Montana Melissa Kehler 1(9) 1(10 ) 0.5(3) 0.5(4) 0.5(35)
2.0 Blazer Steve Jackson 1(3) 1(4 )
1.0 Pistol Roseann Deutsch 0.5(41) 0.5(42 )
1.0 Buz Cathie Reinhard 1(46)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
Unlimited Class -- Wheels -- Region 5
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 5 Outside
25.0 Lady Charm Lee Smith 5(19) 5(20 ) 5(28) 5(29) 5(61)
18.5 Bella Pat Postma 8(94) 8(95 ) 2(29) 0.5(28)
12.5 Goldie Melissa Kehler 5(34) 5(35 ) 1(9) 1(10) 0.5(3)
4.5 Theodore Joost Postma 2(28) 2(94 ) 0.5(29)
2.5 Ike Joost Postma 2(95) 0.5(94 )
Region 6 -- Wheels
35 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 6
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 6 Outside
39.0 Rummy Nella Johnson 9(110) 8(49 ) 8(111) 7(70) 7(71)
35.0 Jubilee Charlie Johnson 6(17) 6(26 ) 5(18) 9(28) 9(29)
33.0 Irish Rose Richard Rodgers 11(49) 9(50 ) 5(47) 5(48) 3(118)
21.0 Denali Toni Yoakam 5(44) 5(45 ) 3(26) 5(19) 3(20)
18.0 Fly Donna Libbey 6(30) 6(31 ) 6(108)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
60 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 6
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 6 Outside
93.0 Kirby Shirley Webber 16(31) 15(17 ) 14(18) 26(20) 22(19)
88.0 Jaws Charlie Johnson 14(49) 12(17 ) 11(18) 26(70) 25(71)
76.0 Cody Larry Brillhart 17(49) 14(46 ) 14(110) 17(71) 14(70)
72.0 Precious Dwayne Phipps 10(118) 9(86 ) 8(46) 23(70) 22(71)
70.0 Larae Richard Rodgers 17(48) 16(50 ) 10(47) 15(71) 12(70)
62.0 Petey Amy Morris 18(47) 15(5 ) 11(48) 10(93) 8(92)
59.0 Majic Toni Yoakam 13(31) 11(30 ) 11(108) 9(5) 15(20)
57.0 Star Larry Brillhart 8(49) 8(50 ) 6(46) 20(70) 15(3)
44.0 Bulldozer Donna Libbey 14(6) 12(5 ) 10(31) 8(108)
41.0 Diamond Sean Harrison 8(21) 5(22 ) 2(17) 14(34) 12(41)
39.0 Jasmin Shirley Webber 15(47) 8(6 ) 6(48) 6(108) 4(5)
31.0 Bailey Toni Yoakam 7(47) 7(48 ) 5(6) 6(20) 6(93)
30.0 Maya Amy Morris 8(30) 8(31 ) 5(5) 5(108) 4(18)
25.0 Shiloh Bob Goins 8(47) 4(48 ) 3(30) 7(20) 3(19)
21.0 Badger Shirley Webber 7(31) 5(30 ) 5(48) 4(47)
20.0 Alexis Jose' Cintron 5(49) 5(107 ) 3(21) 4(95) 3(15)
20.0 King Toni Yoakam 5(31) 5(47 ) 4(6) 3(5) 3(45)
15.0 Willow Amy Morris 4(31) 3(48 ) 2(47) 3(92) 3(93)
14.5 Sable Diane Krupski 6(30) 6(31 ) 2(5) 0.5(17)
14.0 Vinny Kevin Mccabe 5(45) 4(44 ) 3(47) 1(110) 1(111)
13.0 Jack Todd Allen 3(108) 5(92) 5(93)
10.5 Justice Janet McMillan 3(50) 0.5(49 ) 4(15) 3(16)
10.0 Fly Donna Libbey 7(5) 3(6 )
9.0 Kelli Brett Young 9(44)
8.0 Tyson Toni Yoakam 1(108) 7(93)
7.0 Koala Stephanie Coleman 2(49) 4(16) 1(76)
7.0 Peaches Toni Yoakam 2(45) 0(6 ) 0(47) 3(20) 2(92)
6.0 Beeper Brett Young 6(44)
4.0 Katy Pam Brillhart 2(110) 2(111 )
4.0 Maggie Stephanie Coleman 3(49) 1(50 )
2.5 Gypsy Stephanie Coleman 1(21) 0.5(22 ) 1(16)
2.0 Zeka Phyllis Smuland 2(107)
2.0 Genesis Shawna Kronschnable 2(16) 0(15)
1.0 Comet Rene Schreiber 0(21) 0.5(2) 0.5(16)
1.0 Judge Erin Blanchette 1(6)
1.0 Trouble Kevin Mccabe 0.5(110) 0.5(111 )
1.0 Snow Larry Brillhart 1(26)
0.0 Buddy Mark Krupski 0(5)
0.0 Precious Cricket Mummey 0(108)
0.0 Sarah Toni Yoakam 0(47) 0(48 ) 0(20)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
80 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 6
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 6 Outside
79.0 Blood Charlie Johnson 13(17) 13(18 ) 12(22) 21(29) 20(28)
75.0 Sitting Bull Charlie Johnson 17(49) 14(46 ) 12(26) 18(29) 14(28)
63.0 Nitro Dwayne Phipps 11(46) 10(17 ) 8(86) 17(41) 17(71)
52.0 Olive Shirley Webber 10(18) 10(31 ) 9(5) 9(47) 14(20)
51.0 Spooky Donna Libbey 12(5) 11(30 ) 11(108) 10(6) 7(31)
35.0 Rawhide Richard Rodgers 8(110) 6(47 ) 6(49) 6(111) 9(71)
32.0 Xena Shannon Turner Dodds 8(25) 7(107 ) 6(22) 5(86) 6(2)
26.0 Shane Dave Coleman 9(50) 7(49 ) 2(86) 5(77) 3(76)
24.0 Iceman Toni Yoakam 8(30) 6(5 ) 3(17) 3(108) 4(92)
23.0 Crystal Larry Brillhart 3(86) 3(110 ) 3(111) 8(3) 6(4)
22.0 Tyler Larry Brillhart 8(46) 5(50 ) 4(49) 3(26) 2(25)
19.0 Kodi Toni Yoakam 5(30) 4(31 ) 2(5) 4(19) 4(20)
18.0 Gator Cliff Pruitt 9(1) 9(2)
16.0 Zorro Woody Butler 6(26) 5(46 ) 1(25) 4(34)
14.0 Barney Jim Fockler 14(108)
13.0 Meeka Keith Ping 5(45) 4(44 ) 2(110) 2(111)
13.0 Darla Stephanie Coleman 4(50) 3(49 ) 1(86) 3(2) 2(1)
9.0 Sugar Sean Harrison 2(26) 7(41)
7.0 Ashley Brett Young 7(44)
6.0 Moose Marshall Mummey 6(108)
5.0 Scout Tony Radle 5(108)
3.0 Snoozer James Webber 3(30) 0(31 )
3.0 Koala Stephanie Coleman 0(21) 0(22 ) 2(2) 1(1)
3.0 Chloe Scott Verhage 3(5)
2.0 Tarna Phyllis Smuland 2(107)
1.5 Keno Kim Willis 1(50) 0.5(49 )
1.0 Judge Erin Blanchette 1(5)
1.0 Precious Dwayne Phipps 1(2)
0.5 Comet Rene Schreiber 0.5(1)
0.5 Goldberg Pam Peterson 0.5(110) 0(111 )
0.5 Shiloh Phyllis Smuland 0.5(107)
0.0 G. I. Jane Mark Krupski 0(30)
0.0 Dallas Donna Libbey 0(30) 0(31 )
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
100 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 6
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 6 Outside
67.0 Blitz Charlie Johnson 15(49) 14(18 ) 13(17) 12(22) 13(71)
66.0 Diesel Charlie Johnson 18(49) 12(21 ) 11(18) 13(70) 12(29)
44.0 Peek Todd Allen 11(30) 10(31 ) 8(6) 8(47) 7(48)
31.0 Moose Dave Coleman 11(50) 6(49 ) 5(86) 6(76) 3(77)
28.0 Haley Diane Krupski 8(18) 5(6 ) 5(17) 5(30) 5(19)
23.0 Ringo Charlie Johnson 2(26) 11(34) 10(41)
20.0 Justice Mark Krupski 7(31) 5(18 ) 3(6) 3(30) 2(17)
19.0 Maxine Shirley Webber 7(108) 4(31 ) 4(48) 2(6) 2(18)
16.0 Pappy Donna Libbey 7(5) 4(18 ) 3(17) 1(6) 1(30)
12.5 Crystal Larry Brillhart 5(46) 3(50 ) 2(25) 2(49) 0.5(26)
12.0 Dozer Stephanie Coleman 5(49) 5(50 ) 0.5(86) 1(77) 0.5(16)
9.0 Nina Richard Rodgers 7(49) 2(50 )
8.0 Olive Shirley Webber 8(30)
3.0 Traveller Diane Krupski 3(18)
3.0 Clyde Shirley Webber 2(5) 0.5(6 ) 0.5(17) 0(18) 0(30)
2.5 Riggs Dave Coleman 1(21) 1(49 ) 0.5(22)
2.5 Ike Ricky Stevens 2(76) 0.5(15)
2.0 Hannah Amy Wiley 1(44) 1(45 )
1.0 Ty Pam Peterson 1(110) 0(111 )
1.0 Kiska Linda Ping 0.5(44) 0.5(45 )
1.0 Chacoby Scott Carter 1(107)
1.0 Sugar Sean Harrison 1(25)
1.0 Hinter Kim Willis 0.5(49) 0.5(50 )
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
120 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 6
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 6 Outside
45.0 Sarg Larry Brillhart 10(46) 10(50 ) 8(25) 9(9) 8(3)
41.0 Bo-Bo Ricky Stevens 10(49) 10(86 ) 5(21) 8(76) 8(77)
36.0 Yukon Larry Shaferly 10(5) 9(6 ) 6(17) 6(9) 5(3)
35.0 Aboo Todd Allen 9(17) 8(18 ) 7(47) 6(6) 5(30)
31.0 Tank Tony Radle 8(30) 8(31 ) 7(5) 4(47) 4(48)
26.0 Bogie Brenda Lemon 7(46) 2(86 ) 2(87) 9(42) 6(35)
25.0 Midas Shirley Webber 8(108) 7(48 ) 5(18) 3(17) 2(30)
22.0 Ralph Huck Bothner 7(107) 6(106 ) 9(93)
21.0 Jake Keith Ping 10(44) 9(45 ) 1(110) 1(111)
15.0 Atom Dave Coleman 4(22) 2(21 ) 2(49) 5(77) 2(16)
10.0 Levi Steve Houpt 7(44) 3(45 )
10.0 Napoleon Amy Pisarik 6(45) 4(44 )
8.5 Hakuna Richard Rodgers 4(49) 2(110 ) 2(118) 0.5(111) 0(50)
5.5 Bonnie Donna Libbey 2(5) 2(31 ) 0.5(6) 0.5(17) 0.5(18)
5.0 Ike Ricky Stevens 4(107) 1(106 )
5.0 Kodiak Doris Mow 2(50) 1(22 ) 1(107) 0.5(21) 0.5(16)
5.0 Grizz Marshall Mummey 5(108)
5.0 Riggs Dave Coleman 3(2) 2(1)
4.5 Sherman Linda Draper 4(50) 0.5(49 )
1.5 Sadie Debbie Kennedy 1(44) 0.5(45 )
0.5 Rex Huck Bothner 0.5(106) 0(93)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
Unlimited Class -- Wheels -- Region 6
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 6 Outside
39.0 Rover Joal Brisbois 8(17) 8(118 ) 7(30) 8(92) 8(93)
30.0 Moose Larry Shaferly 7(110) 6(111 ) 5(17) 5(118) 7(10)
29.0 Glacier Larry Shaferly 7(5) 7(6 ) 4(110) 7(9) 4(10)
23.0 Crocus Mark Krupski 5(18) 4(30 ) 4(31) 5(92) 5(93)
16.0 Largo Carol Dodds 3(106) 2(22 ) 2(50) 6(77) 3(76)
7.0 Fred Amy Morris 4(47) 1(30 ) 1(31) 1(48)
6.0 Lucca Donna Libbey 6(108)
5.0 Moses Mark Pickrel 3(49) 0.5(86 ) 0.5(106) 0.5(15) 0.5(76)
1.0 Tolkin Linda Draper 0.5(49) 0.5(50 )
1.0 Ralph Huck Bothner 0.5(46) 0.5(1)
Region 7 -- Wheels
35 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 7
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 7 Outside
29.0 Rocko Brandon Pederson 8(2) 7(1 ) 6(16) 3(15) 5(106)
23.0 Diffy Todd Pederson 6(15) 4(1 ) 2(2) 8(21) 3(49)
10.0 Reba Todd Pederson 5(76) 5(77 )
4.0 Calli Todd Pederson 1(1) 1(15 ) 1(16) 0.5(2) 0.5(21)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
60 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 7
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 7 Outside
44.0 Ginger Debbie Lee 11(16) 9(15 ) 8(2) 8(3) 8(107)
23.0 Reno Robert Slone 12(44) 11(45)
19.0 Dutchess Brandon Pederson 8(77) 4(76 ) 7(106)
10.0 Blondie Kate LaMont 7(17) 3(18)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
80 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 7
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 7 Outside
52.0 Froggy Todd Pederson 12(1) 12(2 ) 11(76) 9(22) 8(49)
48.0 Chesty Donald Taylor 11(77) 5(76 ) 17(28) 15(29)
42.0 Nala Todd Pederson 8(76) 8(77 ) 3(16) 12(50) 11(49)
19.0 Bobbie-Sue Debbie Lee 6(1) 4(2 ) 2(76) 4(107) 3(22)
8.0 Beef Kate LaMont 4(17) 4(18)
3.0 Yana John Moyers 2(44) 1(110)
3.0 Angel Todd Pederson 3(1)
1.0 Faith John Moyers 1(118)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
100 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 7
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 7 Outside
59.0 Zeus Todd Pederson 12(15) 12(77 ) 11(16) 14(50) 10(49)
49.0 Avalanche Donald Taylor 12(76) 9(77 ) 8(16) 12(49) 8(46)
27.0 Max Wayne Mullins 6(77) 5(16 ) 4(76) 3(1) 9(49)
25.0 Casper Tina Pederson 9(1) 1(15 ) 1(76) 8(49) 6(22)
17.0 Alcatraz Donald Taylor 4(77) 3(76 ) 2(15) 4(49) 4(50)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
120 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 7
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 7 Outside
34.0 Toby Caroline Howell 8(1) 6(2 ) 5(16) 8(21) 7(22)
19.0 Chubbs Jeff Rushing 10(107) 9(106)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
Unlimited Class -- Wheels -- Region 7
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 7 Outside
46.0 Cleatus Debbie Lee 9(15) 9(76 ) 9(77) 10(3) 9(25)
36.0 Butkus Debbie Lee 9(1) 6(15 ) 5(2) 9(46) 7(3)
28.0 Anna Terry Lee 6(76) 3(1 ) 3(15) 10(4) 6(49)
Region 8 -- Wheels
100 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 8
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 8 Outside
4.0 Bocephus Bryan Williams 4(52)
Region 9 -- Wheels
35 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 9
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 9 Outside
27.0 Buzz John Lucero 7(63) 7(69 ) 5(11) 5(12) 3(52)
11.0 Breeze Cheri Walton 4(63) 4(69 ) 1(51) 1(98) 1(100)
8.0 Lucky Jeffrey Bott 3(91) 3(98 ) 1(88) 1(89)
5.0 Penni Tim Long 5(36)
2.0 Georgia John Lucero 1(63) 1(69 )
2.0 Odd Job Mark Landers 2(116)
0.5 Jumbo Eli Landers 0.5(98)
0.5 Betty Thomas Roberts 0.5(100)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
60 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 9
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 9 Outside
49.0 Domino Roger Vigil 12(88) 11(52 ) 9(69) 9(89) 8(36)
28.0 Bull Tim Long 8(91) 6(52 ) 5(11) 5(100) 4(88)
27.0 Dozer Regina Vigil 8(63) 7(98 ) 5(91) 4(99) 3(36)
14.0 Trek Jeffrey Bott 5(52) 3(69 ) 2(89) 2(91) 2(27)
2.5 Silver Rodney Martin 0.5(100) 1(115) 1(116)
2.0 Dragon Angelina Turnbull 2(52)
1.0 Malkia Steve Riggs 1(27)
1.0 Bruzer Cheri Walton 0.5(115) 0.5(116)
1.0 Dottie John Lucero 0.5(63) 0.5(69 )
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
80 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 9
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 9 Outside
56.0 VooDoo Tim Long 12(52) 11(91 ) 10(89) 12(117) 11(116)
47.0 Xydako Nacho Alvarado 13(100) 10(12 ) 8(91) 8(115) 8(116)
40.0 Chic Tim Long 15(52) 8(11 ) 7(63) 5(99) 5(100)
40.0 Prince Apollo Terry Reed 9(69) 9(88 ) 7(89) 9(117) 6(27)
39.0 Dusty Ted Farmer 11(99) 10(100 ) 7(12) 6(52) 5(91)
27.0 Dozer Jim Walters 10(63) 9(52 ) 4(12) 2(69) 2(91)
20.0 Smokey Gabe Casas 4(52) 1(63 ) 1(69) 11(115) 3(116)
7.0 Dottie John Lucero 3(100) 2(52 ) 2(99)
4.0 Rodney Kevin Hybeck 1(100) 0.5(99 ) 2(115) 0.5(116)
2.0 Trek Jeffrey Bott 2(36)
1.5 Hunter Todd Snyder 1(51) 0.5(52 )
0.5 Blitzen Jeffrey Bott 0.5(88)
0.5 Malkia Steve Riggs 0.5(12)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
100 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 9
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 9 Outside
52.0 Secoya Chris Stock 8(51) 6(52 ) 3(69) 19(105) 16(104)
43.0 Lighting Gus Mircos 9(91) 9(100 ) 8(63) 9(116) 8(115)
41.0 Sarge Tim Long 9(52) 9(88 ) 9(99) 7(36) 7(89)
28.0 Lukea Mark Landers 10(98) 6(69 ) 3(52) 3(100) 6(116)
27.0 Gabriel Randy Ferguson 9(69) 6(91 ) 4(98) 3(88) 5(115)
26.0 Shaq Chris Stock 13(104) 13(105)
23.0 Bounder Steve Riggs 5(11) 5(51 ) 4(12) 4(36) 5(27)
7.5 Sly Guy Janice Guetzmacher 7(12) 0.5(51 ) 0(52)
7.0 Kobuk Steve Riggs 2(51) 1(52 ) 1(99) 2(115) 1(116)
4.0 Kenosha Kelly Williams 1(88) 1(91 ) 2(117)
3.0 Dovan Brook Mark Landers 3(116)
0.5 Smokey Gabe Casas 0.5(88)
0.5 Hunter Todd Snyder 0.5(91) 0(69 ) 0(99)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
120 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 9
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 9 Outside
46.0 Thunder Dean Mircos 12(52) 10(51 ) 8(36) 8(63) 8(27)
39.0 Lighting Gus Mircos 13(51) 11(36 ) 6(52) 4(12) 5(27)
35.0 Tegan Karen Becker 5(63) 5(89 ) 4(51) 12(114) 9(92)
28.0 Boogie Mark Landers 9(52) 5(98 ) 4(100) 3(69) 7(116)
24.0 Luc Michael Reddin 7(51) 3(52 ) 2(36) 7(113) 5(114)
5.0 Secoya Chris Stock 3(36) 2(27)
5.0 Kobuk Steve Riggs 3(11) 1(12 ) 0.5(36) 0.5(27)
4.0 Yukon Dreamer Robert Riddle 3(51) 1(52 )
4.0 Trigger Todd Snyder 2(51) 2(52 )
1.5 Kenosha Kelly Williams 1(51) 0.5(63 )
1.0 Falcor Robert Riddle 0.5(51) 0.5(52 )
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
Unlimited Class -- Wheels -- Region 9
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 9 Outside
34.0 Winston Thomas Roberts 7(51) 7(52 ) 7(91) 7(99) 6(69)
19.0 Highland Warrior Robert Riddle 4(51) 4(52 ) 4(91) 4(99) 3(88)
5.0 Trigger Todd Snyder 3(69) 1(91 ) 1(99)
1.0 Drifter Rodney Oldfield 1(52)
Region 10 -- Wheels
Unlimited Class -- Wheels -- Region 10
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 10 Outside
8.0 Tacoma James Galli 6(37) 2(38)

Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home