Last Updated: 02:09:54 on 04-03-2001

IWPA Standings for the 2000-2001 Season
Numbers in parenthesis are the pull number with the score for that pull to the left
These pull numbers are also links to the individual pulls
Region 2 -- Snow
35 # Class -- Snow -- Region 2
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 2 Outside
12.0 Danny Annie Davis 7(57) 5(58 )
8.0 Apache Robert Reeff 8(58) 0(57 )
2.0 Giggles Robert Reeff 2(57) 0(58 )
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 , Wheels Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
60 # Class -- Snow -- Region 2
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 2 Outside
24.0 Red Ace Anthony Wines 10(56) 5(55 ) 5(57) 4(58)
7.0 Todd Robert Reeff 2(55) 2(56 ) 2(57) 1(58)
4.0 Tango Michelle Wines 4(56)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 , Wheels Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
80 # Class -- Snow -- Region 2
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 2 Outside
35.0 Nuka Tu Donna Daymude 11(57) 8(55 ) 8(56) 8(58)
27.0 Timber Judith McCauley 11(58) 8(57 ) 5(56) 3(55)
11.0 Kady Jaci Rodgers 5(57) 3(56 ) 3(58) 0(55)
8.0 Payton Pamela Reeff 5(58) 3(57 )
5.0 Roxy Ronald Overgaard 5(55)
0.0 Caper Robert Reeff 0(57)
0.0 Wylie Pamela Reeff 0(55) 0(56 )
0.0 Mica Robert Reeff 0(56)
0.0 Woof Robin O'Hearn 0(55) 0(56 )
0.0 Patti Freddy Hawley 0(57)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 , Wheels Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
100 # Class -- Snow -- Region 2
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 2 Outside
30.0 Ranger Robert Reeff 11(57) 7(55 ) 7(56) 5(58)
27.0 Jazz Ryan Wood 10(55) 8(58 ) 5(57) 4(56)
6.0 Cheyanne Carole Parsons 4(55) 2(57 )
3.0 Jackie Jeff Parsons 2(55) 1(57 )
2.0 Charlie Bob Daymude 1(55) 1(56 )
0.0 Storm Jeff Parsons 0(55)
0.0 Drifter Michele Sadloski 0(57)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 , Wheels Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
120 # Class -- Snow -- Region 2
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 2 Outside
30.0 Lakota Ryan Wood 12(56) 7(57 ) 6(58) 5(55)
21.0 Koluk Devin Crouch 11(55) 9(56 ) 1(57)
21.0 Bandit Jack Scofield 8(55) 6(56 ) 4(57) 3(58)
7.0 Avalanche George Ferrari 4(56) 3(55 )
3.0 Dakota Aviva Beach 3(56) 0(55 )
2.0 Coqueta Salvador Bibian 2(56) 0(55 )
1.0 Sunshine Kathy Wolff 1(56)
0.0 Yukia Anita Bibian 0(55) 0(56 )
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 , Wheels Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
Unlimited Class -- Snow -- Region 2
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 2 Outside
44.0 Hennessy Raymond Slish 16(55) 15(56 ) 7(57) 6(58)
29.0 Storm Tim Broere 10(55) 10(57 ) 6(56) 3(58)
27.0 Chunka Nathan Sellers 9(56) 9(58 ) 5(55) 4(57)
19.0 Iceman Toni Beninger 12(56) 7(55 )
18.0 Barry Raymond Slish 13(55) 5(56 )
15.5 Rebel Ryan Wood 8(55) 7(56 ) 0.5(57)
11.5 Lewis Ron Rodgers 6(55) 3(56 ) 2(57) 0.5(58)
8.0 Tug Tim Broere 4(55) 2(56 ) 1(57) 1(58)
4.0 Kiska James Charles 4(56)
3.0 Grizzly Nathan Sellers 3(55)
3.0 Big Thunder Sue Ferrari 2(55) 1(56 )
Region 3 -- Snow
35 # Class -- Snow -- Region 3
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 3 Outside
24.0 Two Dogs Larry McGee 7(43) 6(65 ) 6(66) 5(64)
21.0 Eddie Dixie Smith 11(58) 10(57)
9.0 Misty Dani Kay Paige 3(65) 0(66 ) 4(57) 2(58)
4.0 Missy Larry McGee 4(43)
3.0 Harry Potter Scott Smith 3(55) 0(56)
1.0 Minnie Kyle Paige 1(58)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 , Wheels Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
60 # Class -- Snow -- Region 3
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 3 Outside
32.0 ILB Long gone Larry McGee 12(66) 11(43 ) 3(65) 6(64)
28.0 Izzy 2 Much Larry McGee 13(65) 6(66 ) 9(64)
23.0 Inferno Karen James 9(66) 7(65 ) 0(43) 7(64)
17.5 Poe Ingrid Rosenquist 1(66) 0.5(65 ) 8(55) 8(57)
16.0 TuLuck Roger Bramson 8(43) 2(66 ) 1(65) 5(64)
14.0 Chinook Roger Bramson 5(65) 3(66 ) 2(43) 4(64)
8.5 Gus Darryl Williams 4(65) 3(43 ) 0.5(66) 1(64)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 , Wheels Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
80 # Class -- Snow -- Region 3
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 3 Outside
25.0 Aky Teressa Keenan 14(57) 11(55)
9.5 Chena Roger Bramson 7(66) 2(65 ) 0.5(43)
8.0 Cito Teressa Keenan 6(57) 2(58)
2.0 Scrappy Kyle Paige 2(57) 0(58)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 , Wheels Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
100 # Class -- Snow -- Region 3
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 3 Outside
19.0 Frosty Dani Kay Paige 6(65) 3(66 ) 8(57) 2(58)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 , Wheels Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
120 # Class -- Snow -- Region 3
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 3 Outside
17.0 Dakota Leslie Watkins 7(65) 5(66 ) 5(64)
Region 4 -- Snow
35 # Class -- Snow -- Region 4
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 4 Outside
6.0 Jackie Bob Bonacorsi 4(53) 2(84)
0.0 Stewart Little Daryl Spauldin 0(84)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 , Wheels Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
60 # Class -- Snow -- Region 4
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 4 Outside
23.0 Vito Bob Bonacorsi 13(54) 10(53)
7.0 Sammi Bob Bonacorsi 4(53) 3(54)
4.0 Bronco Daryl Spauldin 4(84) 0(85)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 , Wheels Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
80 # Class -- Snow -- Region 4
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 4 Outside
38.0 Porky Bob Bonacorsi 20(54) 18(53)
26.0 Rosie Bob Bonacorsi 14(84) 12(54)
13.0 Miss-N Daryl Spauldin 9(84) 4(85)
9.0 Buck David Heil 5(54) 4(53)
3.0 Milo Brant Ungerer 3(84) 0(85)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 , Wheels Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
100 # Class -- Snow -- Region 4
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 4 Outside
20.0 Cat Bob Bonacorsi 11(54) 9(85)
20.0 Reba David Heil 10(53) 10(60)
5.5 Beef Bob Bonacorsi 5(54) 0.5(53)
4.0 Chevy Daryl Spauldin 4(85)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 , Wheels Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
120 # Class -- Snow -- Region 4
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 4 Outside
17.0 Bubbadog Bob Bonacorsi 11(85) 6(53)
14.0 Big Bob Bonacorsi 9(53) 5(85)
1.0 Buddy Bob Bonacorsi 0.5(53) 0.5(54)
Region 5 -- Snow
35 # Class -- Snow -- Region 5
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 5 Outside
19.0 Tucker Douglas Marrero 6(68) 5(80 ) 5(81) 3(67)
1.0 Kyrie Roberta Cutshall 1(54)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 , Wheels Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
60 # Class -- Snow -- Region 5
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 5 Outside
99.0 Starbuck Steve Jackson 23(67) 19(74 ) 19(75) 19(53) 19(54)
76.0 Missy Douglas Marrero 25(80) 19(81 ) 12(68) 11(54) 9(53)
71.0 Saint Douglas Marrero 22(80) 17(67 ) 10(68) 8(81) 14(54)
63.0 Kindr Debi Pruznick 17(80) 13(74 ) 13(81) 11(75) 9(54)
57.0 Shanya Gary Smith 16(74) 16(75 ) 14(67) 11(68)
57.0 Zorro Steve Jackson 13(80) 12(67 ) 12(81) 10(74) 10(75)
56.0 Jake Wendy Leister 16(80) 13(67 ) 11(81) 8(68) 8(75)
46.0 Prince Douglas Marrero 15(80) 10(81 ) 6(67) 11(53) 4(54)
41.0 Tundra Daniel Plosila 9(74) 9(75 ) 9(80) 7(67) 7(81)
27.0 Owl Daniel Plosila 6(74) 6(75 ) 6(81) 5(80) 4(68)
23.0 Blue Douglas Marrero 11(67) 12(54)
20.0 Czar Nicholas Mary Anne Allen 14(81) 6(80 )
16.0 Spot Douglas Marrero 12(80) 4(81 ) 0(53)
8.0 Natasha Douglas Marrero 7(68) 1(53)
8.0 Sonya Carol Kinne 8(80)
7.0 Pan Carol Kinne 7(80)
5.0 Victor Carolyn Brandt 5(67)
4.0 Jack Carolyn Brandt 4(67)
2.0 Chevy Steve Jackson 2(81) 0(80 )
1.0 Feather Roberta Cutshall 1(54)
0.5 Tally Roberta Cutshall 0.5(54)
0.0 Queen Noel Palmer 0(80)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 , Wheels Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
80 # Class -- Snow -- Region 5
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 5 Outside
46.0 Maxine Robert Viereck 20(67) 16(68 ) 10(81)
45.0 Yuengling Steve Jackson 10(74) 9(67 ) 9(80) 7(75) 10(54)
45.0 Teddy Douglas Marrero 10(67) 10(68 ) 4(80) 12(53) 9(54)
32.0 Chief Douglas Marrero 8(67) 7(81 ) 6(80) 4(68) 7(53)
31.0 Tipsy John Moses Martin 11(67) 8(68 ) 7(74) 4(81) 1(75)
29.0 Irish Gary Smith 12(67) 10(75 ) 6(68) 1(74)
28.0 Tasha John Moses Martin 13(68) 6(67 ) 4(74) 4(75) 1(81)
25.0 Loki Melanie Morehouse 13(81) 12(80 )
14.0 Bandit Gary Smith 5(67) 5(68 ) 2(74) 2(75)
7.0 Tory Cathy Martin 4(67) 2(68 ) 0.5(74) 0.5(75)
7.0 Stony Laura Heft 6(54) 1(53)
5.0 Laika Frank Caldwell 3(81) 2(80 )
3.5 Toby Douglas Marrero 1(80) 0.5(81 ) 2(53) 0(54)
3.0 Casper Joe Borkowski 3(67) 0(68 )
3.0 Blitzen Deborah Sien 3(80)
1.0 Spot Douglas Marrero 1(68) 0(67 )
0.5 Buddy-Bear Deborah Sien 0.5(80)
0.0 Casper Joel Stephens 0(54)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 , Wheels Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
100 # Class -- Snow -- Region 5
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 5 Outside
36.0 Rebull Dawg Gary Smith 14(67) 10(68 ) 7(75) 5(74)
25.0 Malcom John Stephens 11(67) 7(68 ) 6(54) 1(53)
19.0 Broc John Moses Martin 8(74) 5(67 ) 4(75) 1(68) 1(81)
14.0 Xena Joan Lincoln 9(81) 5(80 )
8.0 Natane Joshua Heft 8(67)
8.0 Balder Fabiann Conlan 6(81) 2(80 )
6.0 Mackenzie Brian Heft 6(67)
6.0 Takoma Frank Caldwell 3(67) 2(68 ) 0.5(80) 0.5(81)
5.5 Ice John Moses Martin 3(81) 1(67 ) 1(75) 0.5(74) 0(68)
2.0 Brie Tracey Brant-Cornell 2(67)
2.0 Jessie Mikelia Bradford 2(74)
1.0 Elyas Sharon Robinson 1(54)
0.5 Chinook Brian Heft 0.5(67)
0.0 Ashlar Laura Heft 0(54)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 , Wheels Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
120 # Class -- Snow -- Region 5
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 5 Outside
23.0 Fiacc Regina Caldwell 6(75) 5(80 ) 5(81) 4(67) 3(68)
8.0 Diablo Gary Smith 5(74) 3(75 ) 0(67)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 , Wheels Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
Unlimited Class -- Snow -- Region 5
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 5 Outside
19.0 Kobe John Stephens 6(68) 3(67 ) 5(53) 5(54)
19.0 Lady Charm Lee Smith 6(67) 5(74 ) 5(75) 3(68)
Region 6 -- Snow
35 # Class -- Snow -- Region 6
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 6 Outside
32.0 Cee Joal Brisbois 7(59) 7(60 ) 7(109) 6(72) 5(84)
29.0 Fly Donna Libbey 8(84) 7(85 ) 6(73) 4(59) 4(60)
10.0 Denali Toni Yoakam 1(59) 0(60 ) 0(109) 6(67) 3(68)
9.0 Irish Rose Richard Rodgers 9(54)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 , Wheels Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
60 # Class -- Snow -- Region 6
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 6 Outside
75.0 Majic Toni Yoakam 14(109) 13(84 ) 13(85) 22(81) 13(75)
70.0 Star Larry Brillhart 22(54) 16(53 ) 17(68) 15(67)
69.0 Cody Larry Brillhart 16(54) 13(53 ) 20(67) 20(68)
57.0 Petey Amy Morris 14(59) 14(60 ) 12(73) 9(72) 8(109)
51.0 Kirby Shirley Webber 11(60) 11(109 ) 10(84) 10(85) 9(73)
32.0 Bulldozer Donna Libbey 8(60) 7(85 ) 6(73) 6(109) 5(84)
32.0 Bailey Toni Yoakam 5(54) 3(53 ) 1(72) 14(80) 9(81)
28.0 Badger Shirley Webber 11(59) 5(60 ) 5(85) 4(73) 3(84)
19.0 King Toni Yoakam 0(73) 10(80) 9(67)
12.0 Jasmin Shirley Webber 4(72) 3(59 ) 3(60) 1(73) 1(84)
10.0 Larae Richard Rodgers 10(54)
9.0 Maya Amy Morris 5(59) 4(60 ) 0(109)
8.0 Vinny Kevin Mccabe 2(53) 2(54 ) 2(59) 2(60)
7.0 Willo Toni Yoakam 4(80) 3(81)
7.0 Shiloh Bob Goins 5(74) 2(67)
5.0 Tyson Toni Yoakam 0(109) 5(81) 0(74)
3.0 Willow Amy Morris 2(73) 0.5(72 ) 0.5(84) 0(85) 0(109)
2.0 Jack Todd Allen 2(84) 0(85 ) 0(109)
0.0 Precious Cricket Mummey 0(59) 0(60 ) 0(109)
0.0 Sarah Toni Yoakam 0(74) 0(75)
0.0 Peaches Toni Yoakam 0(74) 0(75)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 , Wheels Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
80 # Class -- Snow -- Region 6
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 6 Outside
66.0 Barney Jim Fockler 17(84) 14(85 ) 12(59) 12(73) 11(109)
46.0 Crystal Larry Brillhart 17(54) 8(53 ) 14(67) 7(68)
31.0 Moose Marshall Mummey 8(109) 7(72 ) 6(59) 6(60) 4(73)
23.0 Jerry Josh Fockler 9(59) 5(84 ) 3(60) 3(73) 3(109)
22.0 Spooky Donna Libbey 12(60) 9(73 ) 1(72) 0(59) 0(84)
21.0 Tyler Larry Brillhart 11(54) 10(53 )
18.0 Olive Shirley Webber 6(85) 4(60 ) 4(72) 2(73) 2(109)
10.0 Atka Raissa Hinman 6(73) 4(84 )
9.0 Sister Raissa Hinman 8(84) 1(73 )
8.5 Kodi Toni Yoakam 4(59) 2(60 ) 0.5(53) 0(54) 2(67)
8.0 Iceman Toni Yoakam 4(54) 3(53 ) 1(60) 0(59) 0(67)
5.0 Scout Tony Radle 5(109)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 , Wheels Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
100 # Class -- Snow -- Region 6
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 6 Outside
46.0 Maxine Shirley Webber 12(85) 9(72 ) 9(73) 9(109) 7(60)
23.0 Haley Diane Krupski 7(84) 6(72 ) 4(60) 3(59) 3(85)
16.0 Moose Marshall Mummey 10(84) 6(85 )
13.0 Peek Todd Allen 4(84) 3(72 ) 3(73) 2(60) 1(59)
11.0 Pappy Donna Libbey 6(109) 2(84 ) 2(85) 0.5(59) 0.5(73)
7.0 Clyde Shirley Webber 6(73) 1(72 ) 0(84) 0(85)
3.0 Traveller Diane Krupski 3(109)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 , Wheels Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
120 # Class -- Snow -- Region 6
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 6 Outside
47.0 Tank Tony Radle 10(59) 10(60 ) 9(72) 9(73) 9(84)
25.0 Grizz Marshall Mummey 10(109) 7(59 ) 3(72) 3(85) 2(60)
24.0 Sarg Larry Brillhart 10(54) 1(53 ) 7(67) 6(68)
24.0 Midas Shirley Webber 6(73) 6(84 ) 4(59) 4(60) 4(109)
20.0 Aboo Todd Allen 7(60) 6(72 ) 3(73) 2(59) 2(109)
11.0 Lucca Donna Libbey 8(85) 3(84 )
10.0 Ralph Huck Bothner 7(54) 3(53 )
2.0 Bonnie Donna Libbey 1(60) 0.5(72 ) 0.5(73) 0(59)
1.0 Hakuna Richard Rodgers 1(54)
0.0 Clyde Shirley Webber 0(109)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 , Wheels Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
Unlimited Class -- Snow -- Region 6
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 6 Outside
34.0 Rover Joal Brisbois 8(73) 7(60 ) 7(72) 6(84) 6(85)
23.0 Crocus Mark Krupski 7(59) 6(109 ) 4(60) 3(84) 3(85)
12.0 Lucca Donna Libbey 5(73) 4(72 ) 3(109)
1.0 Fred Amy Morris 1(59) 0(60 )
Region 7 -- Snow
35 # Class -- Snow -- Region 7
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 7 Outside
10.0 Diffy Todd Pederson 7(53) 3(54)
7.0 Calli Todd Pederson 6(54) 1(53)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 , Wheels Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
80 # Class -- Snow -- Region 7
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 7 Outside
29.0 Nala Todd Pederson 15(53) 14(54)
14.0 Froggy Todd Pederson 8(54) 6(53)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 , Wheels Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
100 # Class -- Snow -- Region 7
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 7 Outside
18.0 Casper Tina Pederson 14(54) 4(53)
4.0 Zeus Todd Pederson 2(53) 2(54)
Region 9 -- Snow
35 # Class -- Snow -- Region 9
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 9 Outside
1.0 Penni Tim Long 1(43)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 , Wheels Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
60 # Class -- Snow -- Region 9
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 9 Outside
22.0 Dozer Regina Vigil 12(64) 10(65)
21.0 Trek Jeffrey Bott 15(64) 4(66) 2(65)
7.0 Bull Tim Long 2(64) 5(43)
3.0 Domino Roger Vigil 3(64)
1.5 Malkia Steve Riggs 0.5(64) 1(43)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 , Wheels Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
80 # Class -- Snow -- Region 9
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 9 Outside
22.0 Xydako Nacho Alvarado 9(64) 8(43) 5(65)
14.0 Prince Apollo Terry Reed 1(64) 8(65) 5(43)
10.5 Blitzen Jeffrey Bott 6(64) 4(66) 0.5(65)
3.0 Chic Tim Long 3(64)
2.0 Trek Jeffrey Bott 2(43)
0.5 Dusty Ted Farmer 0.5(64)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 , Wheels Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
100 # Class -- Snow -- Region 9
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 9 Outside
18.0 Kenosha Kelly Williams 9(65) 9(66)
14.0 Bounder Steve Riggs 4(64) 6(66) 4(43)
11.0 Kobuk Steve Riggs 1(64) 7(43) 3(65)
8.0 Secoya Chris Stock 7(64) 1(43)
1.0 Palakwayo Rick Williams 0.5(65) 0.5(66)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 , Wheels Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
120 # Class -- Snow -- Region 9
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 9 Outside
12.0 Tegan Karen Becker 8(64) 4(65)
3.0 Luc Michael Reddin 2(64) 1(65)
0.5 Kenosha Kelly Williams 0.5(64)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 , Wheels Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home
Unlimited Class -- Snow -- Region 9
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 9 Outside
5.0 Winston Thomas Roberts 5(64)
Region 10 -- Snow
Unlimited Class -- Snow -- Region 10
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 10 Outside
1.5 Tacoma James Galli 1(55) 0.5(56)

Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 , Wheels Standings , Pull Index , Upcoming Pulls , Home