Last Updated: 12:08:44 on 04-05-2006

IWPA Standings for the 2005-2006 Season
Numbers in parenthesis are the pull number with the score for that pull to the left
These pull numbers are also links to the individual pulls
Qualifications and Standings are NOT Final
They are just an indication of the standings at this time
Region 2 -- Wheels
20 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 2
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 2 Outside
10.0 Sheba Ella Louise Hyzer 5(9) 5(102 )
0.0 Macho Man Morris Hyzer 0(8)
0.0 Thor Ella Louise Hyzer 0(9)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
40 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 2
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 2 Outside
30.0 Riky Steve Russell 6(1) 6(8 ) 6(12) 6(32) 6(33)
24.0 Frosty Justin Ferrari 6(82) 5(83 ) 5(101) 5(102) 3(111)
11.0 Little Bit Heather Leu 5(47) 3(32 ) 3(33)
6.0 Troubles Michelle Wines 3(8) 3(12 )
3.0 Eddie Bob Daymude 3(1)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
60 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 2
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 2 Outside
54.0 Rizzo Steve Russell 14(82) 13(111 ) 10(83) 9(32) 8(101)
44.0 Chara Jeffrey Bushaw 13(83) 11(82 ) 10(111) 5(102) 5(112)
42.0 Herbe Stan Hiller 11(112) 8(2 ) 8(8) 8(33) 7(12)
33.0 Arson Scotty Wheeler 8(112) 7(83 ) 7(111) 6(82) 5(33)
24.0 Zena Ebrahim Aljarmouzi 9(1) 5(8 ) 4(12) 3(9) 3(13)
15.0 Gambler's Blues Phillip Vandever 8(82) 4(83 ) 2(111) 1(112)
12.0 Kane Megan Ahlstrom 4(111) 3(82 ) 3(83) 2(112)
11.0 Courtney Cheryl Reehill 6(1) 5(2 )
10.5 Canuck Scotty Wheeler 4(82) 3(112 ) 2(83) 1(111) 0.5(101)
7.5 Ariel Heather Leu 3(47) 3(111 ) 1(32) 0.5(33)
3.5 Mecca Dan Riddle 2(82) 0.5(83 ) 0.5(111) 0.5(112)
1.5 Gracie Wyatt Reehill 1(1) 0.5(2 )
1.5 Red Ace Anthony Wines 1(12) 0.5(8 )
0.5 Balto Jenni Storms 0.5(1) 0(2 )
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
80 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 2
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 2 Outside
65.0 Goliath Jeff Russell 15(82) 14(111 ) 13(83) 12(102) 11(101)
48.0 Loco John (Woody) Armour 12(12) 11(13 ) 9(32) 8(8) 8(9)
45.0 Gabriel Ebrahim Aljarmouzi 11(8) 10(1 ) 9(12) 9(33) 6(32)
44.0 Cain Shane Goin 14(112) 8(101 ) 8(111) 7(82) 7(83)
42.0 Flex Dan Riddle 11(111) 9(82 ) 8(13) 8(112) 6(33)
28.0 Enzo Jeffrey Bushaw 12(82) 6(112 ) 4(83) 3(102) 3(111)
28.0 Jade Rorie Roberts 10(83) 6(12 ) 6(82) 3(13) 3(32)
23.0 Kali Shane Goin 9(102) 5(101 ) 3(33) 3(82) 3(112)
18.0 Spook Timothy Strangeway 6(111) 4(102 ) 4(112) 2(12) 2(13)
15.0 Romeo Robert Bober 11(112) 4(111 )
15.0 Kasatria Shane Rodin 8(2) 7(1 )
10.0 Sampson Robert Bober 5(111) 5(112 )
6.5 Tango Michelle Wines 3(12) 2(82 ) 1(112) 0.5(8)
3.5 Spike Nick Rodgers 1(1) 1(13 ) 0.5(2) 0.5(12) 0.5(82)
2.0 Bullet David Roberts 2(8)
1.5 Drake Katrina Strangeway 0.5(101) 0.5(102 ) 0.5(112) 0(111)
1.5 Nicolai Carole Parsons 1(12) 0.5(13 ) 0(1) 0(2)
0.5 Spirit Donna Daymude 0.5(1) 0(2 )
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
100 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 2
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 2 Outside
44.0 Smudge Steve Russell 8(32) 8(33 ) 7(47) 6(48) 15(56)
31.0 Ripper Craig Hohnbaum 8(82) 6(8 ) 6(83) 6(101) 5(9)
19.0 Cain Shane Goin 9(12) 8(13 ) 2(32)
13.5 Sequoia Carole Parsons 7(2) 4(1 ) 2(13) 0.5(12)
11.0 Nuka Tu Donna Daymude 7(1) 4(2 )
11.0 Boomerang Devin Crouch 6(12) 5(13 )
4.0 Goliath Jeff Russell 3(12) 0.5(32 ) 0.5(33)
4.0 Big Boi Brian Allen 4(47)
3.0 Cola Jaci Rodgers 3(101)
3.0 Rino Aron Emerson 3(8)
2.0 Tazmarie Judith McCauley 1(1) 1(2 ) 0(8) 0(9)
1.5 Caty Bear Carole Parsons 1(12) 0.5(13 )
0.5 Shadow Walt Valentine 0.5(82)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
125 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 2
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 2 Outside
35.0 Sabastion Steve Russell 8(82) 7(83 ) 6(101) 5(47) 9(56)
34.0 Smudge Steve Russell 8(12) 7(2 ) 7(8) 6(1) 6(102)
29.0 Shank John (Woody) Armour 8(13) 7(9 ) 5(12) 5(32) 4(8)
7.0 Zeus Ebrahim Aljarmouzi 4(2) 3(1 )
4.0 Cola Jaci Rodgers 2(82) 1(2 ) 1(83)
2.0 Brick Joseph Brown 1(8) 1(9 )
1.0 Vader Devin Crouch 0.5(12) 0.5(13 )
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
150 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 2
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 2 Outside
35.0 Badger Nathan Sellers 9(83) 8(111 ) 6(12) 6(13) 6(32)
32.0 Kayla Nathan Sellers 9(82) 6(33 ) 6(47) 6(83) 5(111)
22.0 Avalanche George Ferrari 7(102) 6(82 ) 4(101) 3(83) 2(111)
21.0 Coca Jaci Rodgers 5(2) 5(8 ) 5(9) 3(1) 3(12)
13.5 Big Thunder Sue Ferrari 7(101) 4(102 ) 1(82) 1(83) 0.5(111)
3.0 Sitka Walt Valentine 1(101) 1(102 ) 0.5(82) 0.5(83)
3.0 Shanga Nathan Sellers 3(32)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
Unlimited Class -- Wheels -- Region 2
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 2 Outside
15.0 Coca Jaci Rodgers 5(82) 5(83 ) 5(101)
15.0 Rebel Nathan Sellers 5(47) 5(48 ) 5(111)
5.0 Kiska James Charles 5(13)
Region 3 -- Wheels
60 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 3
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 3 Outside
6.0 Juneau Roger Bramson 5(21) 1(34 )
3.5 Chinook Roger Bramson 3(34) 0.5(21 )
0.0 Tokk Kay Bramson 0(21)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
80 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 3
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 3 Outside
16.0 Rambo Darryl Williams 5(21) 4(34 ) 5(24) 2(70)
9.0 Chena Roger Bramson 7(34) 2(21 )
Region 4 -- Wheels
20 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 4
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 4 Outside
23.0 Dino Jan Frey 5(15) 5(16 ) 5(109) 5(110) 3(97)
22.0 Liberty Brant Ungerer 6(97) 6(98 ) 5(27) 5(28)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
40 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 4
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 4 Outside
36.0 Dodger Timothy Hiltz 9(16) 7(15 ) 7(97) 7(98) 6(109)
19.0 Gizmo Jan Frey 6(16) 5(110 ) 4(15) 3(109) 1(97)
15.5 Cookie Tim Cunningham 6(27) 6(28 ) 3(45) 0.5(46)
12.0 Cutter Jan Frey 4(97) 4(98 ) 3(16) 1(15)
1.0 Dare Terri Hiltz 1(16)
0.5 Winston Rob-Lyn Hiltz 0.5(16)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
60 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 4
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 4 Outside
27.0 Betty Daryl Anderson 7(98) 7(109 ) 7(110) 6(97)
13.0 Sky Barbara Gage 6(16) 4(98 ) 3(97)
10.0 Chili Daryl Anderson 4(109) 4(110 ) 2(56)
4.0 Dexter Rob-Lyn Hiltz 4(7)
2.0 Kayma Kevin Tomaszewski 1(109) 1(110 )
0.0 Angel Steven Holford 0(27) 0(28 ) 0(45)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
80 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 4
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 4 Outside
41.0 Dixie Daryl Anderson 9(7) 9(15 ) 9(16) 7(97) 7(98)
26.0 Hammer Mike Swenson 9(28) 5(27 ) 4(97) 4(98) 4(110)
13.0 Cayanne Dirk Critser 6(28) 4(45 ) 2(27) 1(46)
11.5 Leila Tim Cunningham 8(27) 2(45 ) 1(28) 0.5(46)
9.0 Tucker Chris Blocker 5(45) 4(46 )
7.0 Kayma Kevin Tomaszewski 3(15) 3(16 ) 1(7)
4.0 Kitty Kitty Steven Holford 3(28) 0.5(27 ) 0.5(45)
1.5 Ranger Barbara Gage 1(97) 0.5(16 )
1.0 Gunner Barbara Gage 1(98) 0(16 )
0.5 Betty Daryl Anderson 0.5(7)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
100 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 4
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 4 Outside
33.0 Stone Mike Swenson 8(27) 7(28 ) 7(110) 6(15) 5(16)
27.0 Bodacious Kelly Swenson 7(109) 5(97 ) 5(98) 4(28) 6(56)
21.0 Babe Sybil Drowns 11(27) 10(28 )
12.0 Moose Tim Cunningham 6(27) 5(28 ) 0.5(45) 0.5(46)
6.0 Hanna Connie Mclean 3(27) 2(28 ) 1(46)
5.0 Jazz Tim Cunningham 3(46) 2(45 )
4.0 Mogley Daryl Anderson 3(15) 1(7 ) 0(16)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
125 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 4
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 4 Outside
24.0 Brady Tim Cunningham 8(28) 7(45 ) 6(46) 3(27)
16.0 Bogey Kevin Tomaszewski 6(16) 5(7 ) 5(15)
10.0 Stone Mike Swenson 5(97) 5(98 )
5.5 Hammer Steven Holford 3(46) 1(27 ) 1(45) 0.5(28)
5.0 Drego Jeanna Koski 5(28)
3.0 Gamble Terri Hiltz 3(16)
2.0 Kia Connie Mclean 2(28)
0.0 Dakota Kelly Swenson 0(7)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
150 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 4
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 4 Outside
38.0 Junior Daryl Anderson 8(97) 8(98 ) 7(109) 7(110) 8(56)
31.0 Neeko Mike Swenson 8(27) 6(15 ) 6(16) 6(28) 5(56)
21.0 Rikki Timothy Hiltz 5(7) 5(97 ) 4(109) 4(110) 3(15)
1.0 Zura Rob-Lyn Hiltz 0.5(97) 0.5(98 )
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
Unlimited Class -- Wheels -- Region 4
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 4 Outside
20.0 Joker Rob-Lyn Hiltz 5(97) 5(98 ) 5(109) 5(110)
Region 5 -- Wheels
40 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 5
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 5 Outside
29.0 Nicia Richard, Sr. Dunn 7(41) 6(77 ) 6(78) 5(64) 5(65)
27.0 Boomer Vicki Palinkas 6(25) 6(26 ) 6(118) 5(44) 4(41)
25.0 Terra Daniel Plosila 5(4) 5(22 ) 5(23) 5(35) 5(36)
16.0 Tucha Beverly Detwiler 8(22) 8(23 )
2.5 Mouse Wendy Leister 2(22) 0.5(23 )
2.5 Journey Debi Pruznick 2(23) 0.5(22 )
0.0 Weasal Frank Caldwell 0(36)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
60 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 5
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 5 Outside
70.0 Jewel Steven Pirmann Jr 17(117) 17(118 ) 13(77) 13(60) 10(61)
66.0 Rasta Richard, Sr. Dunn 19(77) 19(78 ) 14(117) 7(64) 7(65)
52.0 Nikkie Phil Kanakis 16(77) 16(78 ) 10(25) 10(26)
49.0 Starbuck Steve Jackson 13(23) 12(22 ) 9(35) 8(4) 7(3)
48.0 Angel Ronn Kurt Poitras 14(118) 11(78 ) 11(117) 8(77) 4(64)
43.0 Tiquaq Mary Anne Allen 11(118) 10(77 ) 10(78) 6(22) 6(117)
31.0 Czar Nicholas Mary Anne Allen 9(77) 9(117 ) 6(35) 4(22) 3(41)
30.0 Etah Daniel Plosila 7(23) 6(10 ) 6(78) 6(118) 5(4)
29.0 Ghost Kari Hunyadi 9(78) 7(77 ) 7(118) 5(23) 1(64)
25.0 Zeus Beverly Detwiler 9(118) 8(117 ) 3(23) 3(78) 2(22)
24.0 Rohn Diane Geitzenauer 8(118) 7(78 ) 7(117) 2(77)
21.0 Tucha Beverly Detwiler 8(78) 6(77 ) 4(118) 3(117)
19.0 Kindr Debi Pruznick 10(23) 9(22 )
12.0 Solo Kari Hunyadi 5(78) 4(77 ) 3(118)
12.0 Cody Carol Kinne 4(78) 3(77 ) 2(117) 2(118) 1(22)
6.5 Uky Steve Jackson 4(36) 2(4 ) 0.5(35)
5.5 Taiga Daniel Plosila 3(10) 1(78 ) 0.5(25) 0.5(117) 0.5(118)
5.0 Ace David Gallagher 5(117)
2.0 Xanny Leslie Haller 1(25) 1(26 )
1.5 Kiska David Gallagher 1(3) 0.5(4 )
1.0 Ruffy Stephen Palinkas 1(117) 0(36 ) 0(118)
1.0 Sonia Carol Kinne 0.5(22) 0.5(23 )
0.5 Dezzy Bobbie Morehouse 0.5(26)
0.0 Tiaqa Daniel Plosila 0(26)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
80 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 5
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 5 Outside
65.0 Clea Richard, Sr. Dunn 16(64) 14(65 ) 12(77) 12(117) 11(78)
50.0 Gandolf Ronn Kurt Poitras 13(64) 10(35 ) 9(43) 9(77) 9(117)
50.0 Babe Ron Poitras 13(35) 11(65 ) 10(44) 9(25) 7(42)
37.0 Holley Regina Caldwell 14(36) 8(3 ) 8(4) 7(64) 0(65)
36.0 Takani David Gallagher 11(36) 10(41 ) 5(3) 5(4) 5(10)
31.0 Eve Todd Sheehan 10(64) 7(35 ) 6(65) 4(60) 4(61)
30.0 Nanuk Stephen Palinkas 9(26) 8(36 ) 5(35) 4(41) 4(42)
26.0 Bijou Ron Poitras 8(64) 6(26 ) 5(65) 4(77) 3(117)
17.0 Shadow Jane Palinkas 6(36) 3(26 ) 3(35) 3(64) 2(117)
12.0 Borei Ninon Hutchinson 6(22) 6(23 )
11.0 Buster Regina Caldwell 5(36) 2(3 ) 2(4) 2(64) 0(65)
11.0 Hemi David Gallagher 4(64) 2(35 ) 2(41) 2(65) 1(117)
6.0 Laika Ninon Hutchinson 3(22) 3(23 )
4.5 Tuxedo Jane Palinkas 1(25) 1(35 ) 1(36) 1(42) 0.5(26)
3.0 Willow Regina Caldwell 3(36)
3.0 Ace David Gallagher 2(36) 0.5(4 ) 0.5(35) 0(41)
1.0 Adrian Bobbie Morehouse 1(26)
0.5 Yukon Diane Geitzenauer 0.5(77) 0(78 )
0.0 Ruffy Stephen Palinkas 0(64)
0.0 Chili Susan Gallagher 0(35)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
100 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 5
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 5 Outside
47.0 Josh Todd Sheehan 10(26) 10(118 ) 9(25) 8(41) 10(61)
32.0 Apollo Rene Rodriguez Jr 9(35) 7(118 ) 6(25) 6(117) 4(26)
31.0 Gabe Ron Poitras 9(117) 7(77 ) 6(78) 5(65) 4(118)
22.0 Eve Todd Sheehan 7(26) 5(10 ) 5(11) 3(25) 2(41)
22.0 Puck Regina Caldwell 6(3) 6(4 ) 5(36) 4(64) 1(118)
18.0 Yuengling Steve Jackson 5(22) 5(23 ) 3(3) 3(4) 2(36)
5.5 Glory Bonny Moore 4(77) 1(117 ) 0.5(118)
5.5 Muddy Ben Palinkas 3(78) 1(77 ) 0.5(25) 0.5(26) 0.5(35)
5.0 Rowdy Barbara Lichota 3(40) 2(39)
4.0 Magnus Steven Pirmann Jr 2(60) 2(61)
1.0 Thunder Bobbie Morehouse 1(26)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
125 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 5
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 5 Outside
36.0 Red Ron Poitras 8(42) 8(117 ) 7(11) 7(118) 6(25)
23.0 Buddy Todd Sheehan 6(41) 5(64 ) 5(117) 4(118) 3(65)
20.0 Rolli Dan Viele 6(23) 5(26 ) 3(10) 3(25) 3(35)
11.0 C J Joost Postma 6(36) 5(42 )
10.0 Josh Todd Sheehan 6(10) 4(11 )
1.5 Sampson Todd Sheehan 1(118) 0.5(117 )
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
150 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 5
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 5 Outside
35.0 Luke Todd Sheehan 7(25) 7(26 ) 7(42) 7(43) 7(44)
23.0 Buddy Todd Sheehan 7(10) 7(11 ) 4(43) 4(44) 1(25)
17.0 Grizzly Robert Wilson 4(25) 4(26 ) 3(35) 3(41) 3(117)
9.0 Halle Pat Postma 5(36) 4(42 )
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
Unlimited Class -- Wheels -- Region 5
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 5 Outside
25.0 Grizzly Robert Wilson 5(22) 5(23 ) 5(77) 5(78) 5(118)
5.0 T.J. Joost Postma 5(36)
Region 6 -- Wheels
20 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 6
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 6 Outside
32.0 Gingersnap Donna Libbey 7(19) 7(30 ) 7(31) 7(113) 4(20)
19.0 Jill Donna Libbey 7(20) 4(19 ) 4(30) 4(31)
12.0 Lancer Kyle Blackburn 8(114) 4(113 ) 0(7)
10.0 Bridget Jenny Cousino 5(77) 5(78)
6.0 Mouse Diane Krupski 5(114) 1(113 )
4.0 Rickocett Mark Krupski 1(19) 1(20 ) 1(30) 1(31)
0.5 Magnum Ken Blackburn 0.5(114)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
40 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 6
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 6 Outside
30.0 Six Pack Annie Sherri Radle-Allen 7(113) 7(114 ) 6(20) 5(89) 5(90)
8.5 Jetta Kyle Blackburn 4(113) 4(114 ) 0.5(7)
8.0 Digger Nicole Djordjevich 8(46)
6.0 T Stephanie Pitz 3(20) 1(19 ) 1(113) 1(114)
5.0 Bam Nicole Djordjevich 5(7)
2.0 Licker Nicole Djordjevich 2(46)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
60 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 6
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 6 Outside
35.0 Nunee Jenny Cousino 11(113) 13(78) 11(77)
24.0 Orphan Annie Sally Cole 8(30) 7(31 ) 6(20) 2(114) 1(19)
21.0 Princess Danny Bessant 8(90) 8(46) 5(45)
16.0 Do I Hafta Nicole Djordjevich 11(114) 5(113 )
15.0 Kirby Shirley Webber 5(30) 4(31 ) 3(113) 3(114)
13.0 Digger Nicole Djordjevich 8(113) 5(114 )
12.0 Asher Robin Clark 7(89) 5(90 )
11.0 Jigsaw Trisha Blackburn 8(114) 2(113 ) 1(7)
7.0 Devil Stephanie Pitz 4(19) 3(20 )
7.0 Mickey Nicole Djordjevich 7(7)
5.5 Lea Robin Clark 4(89) 1(114 ) 0.5(90)
4.0 Casey Willie Adams 2(45) 2(46)
3.0 Emma Alicia Woodson 2(30) 1(31 ) 0(19) 0(20)
3.0 Baby Pay Jenny Cousino 0.5(113) 2(78) 0.5(77)
2.0 Jaba Danny Bessant 2(90)
1.5 Jake Robin Clark 1(89) 0.5(114 )
1.0 Ringo Willie Adams 0.5(45) 0.5(46)
0.5 Alante' Mark Krupski 0.5(30)
0.0 Reese Shirley Webber 0(113)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
80 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 6
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 6 Outside
30.0 X-Caliber Stacy Bowers 8(19) 8(114 ) 6(90) 5(113) 3(46)
22.0 Grace Sherri Radle-Allen 8(20) 6(89 ) 5(19) 3(90)
14.0 Choombay Jenny Cousino 8(113) 3(77) 3(78)
13.0 J.J. Danny Bessant 7(45) 6(46)
10.5 Bulldozer Donna Libbey 5(30) 5(31 ) 0.5(20) 0(19)
5.5 Lexis Ken Blackburn 5(114) 0.5(113 )
5.5 Kirby Shirley Webber 5(20) 0.5(19 )
5.0 Tigar Danny Bessant 3(45) 2(46)
4.0 Rosie Sherri Radle-Allen 2(19) 2(20 )
2.5 Mona Charles Bowers 2(113) 0.5(114 )
2.0 Asher Robin Clark 2(114)
0.0 Chance David Lutke 0(30) 0(31 )
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
100 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 6
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 6 Outside
22.0 Maxine Shirley Webber 6(19) 6(30 ) 5(20) 5(31)
15.0 Hawk Ken Blackburn 6(113) 5(114 ) 4(7)
3.0 Rosie Sherri Radle-Allen 3(113)
3.0 Abby Stephanie Pitz 3(19)
3.0 Cloe Lindsey Lutke 3(30)
2.0 Big Boi Olivia Lutke 2(33)
0.0 Slugger Ken Blackburn 0(113) 0(114 )
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
125 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 6
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 6 Outside
29.0 Lily Todd Allen 7(19) 6(89 ) 6(90) 5(113) 5(114)
16.0 Tank Sherri Radle-Allen 6(20) 4(19 ) 3(89) 3(90)
11.0 Brandy Brandon Krupski 5(30) 5(31 ) 1(19)
9.0 Dakota Jonathon Shorter 6(27) 3(28)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
150 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 6
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 6 Outside
16.0 Wilber Stephanie Pitz 8(19) 8(20 )
14.0 Rosie Stephanie Pitz 5(113) 5(114 ) 2(19) 2(20)
11.0 CJ Donna Libbey 5(30) 5(31 ) 0.5(19) 0.5(20)
10.0 M.J. Stephanie Pitz 5(19) 5(20 )
5.0 Tundra Jonathon Shorter 3(28) 2(27)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
Unlimited Class -- Wheels -- Region 6
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 6 Outside
10.0 Wilber Stephanie Pitz 5(30) 5(31 )
Region 7 -- Wheels
20 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 7
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 7 Outside
22.0 Hokie Tracy Lee 8(84) 4(18 ) 3(39) 4(5) 3(6)
1.5 Rosco Debbie Lee 0.5(17) 0.5(84 ) 0.5(85) 0(18)
1.0 Dee Dee Debbie Lee 1(5) 0(6)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
40 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 7
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 7 Outside
27.0 Swampdog's Spike Todd Pederson 6(39) 5(18 ) 4(84) 4(85) 8(61)
2.0 Swampdog's Dutchess Brandon Pederson 2(61)
2.0 Smoke William Wiggins 1(84) 1(85 )
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
60 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 7
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 7 Outside
22.0 Titan Dustin Johnson 5(39) 10(60) 7(61)
17.0 Swampdog's Belle Todd Pederson 9(85) 8(84 )
13.0 Swampdog's Dutchess Brandon Pederson 8(39) 5(18 )
6.0 Tator Scott Roberts 4(60) 2(61)
0.5 Gigget Jamie Conrad 0.5(60)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
80 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 7
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 7 Outside
30.0 Swampdog's Nala Todd Pederson 7(40) 7(84 ) 2(85) 14(61)
17.0 Ozzy Bryan Tuttle 10(6) 7(5)
14.0 Other Renee Roberts 8(61) 6(60)
3.0 Jenny Jennifer Blevins 2(6) 1(5)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
100 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 7
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 7 Outside
15.0 Odin Jamie Conrad 6(85) 3(84 ) 5(61) 1(60)
10.5 Ozzy Bryan Tuttle 10(103) 0.5(104)
9.0 C.J. Holliwood Steve McPeak 7(103) 2(104)
3.0 Swampdog's Bugg Tina Pederson 3(18)
1.0 Sybil Steve McPeak 1(103)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
125 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 7
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 7 Outside
28.0 Abby Normal Debbie Lee 5(39) 4(40 ) 4(84) 8(103) 7(61)
25.0 Swampdog's Bugg Tina Pederson 7(40) 7(84 ) 7(85) 4(61)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
150 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 7
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 7 Outside
37.0 Rochelle Debbie Lee 8(17) 8(18 ) 7(39) 7(40) 7(84)
8.0 Abby Normal Debbie Lee 5(17) 2(18 ) 0.5(5) 0.5(6)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
Unlimited Class -- Wheels -- Region 7
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 7 Outside
32.0 Festus Terry Lee 7(39) 7(40 ) 6(17) 6(18) 6(60)
9.0 Mol-lee Terry Lee 3(17) 3(18 ) 1(39) 1(40) 1(84)
Region 8 -- Wheels
125 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 8
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 8 Outside
5.0 Mouse Jennie Chen 5(29)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
150 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 8
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 8 Outside
24.0 Mouse Jennie Chen 6(52) 6(53 ) 6(119) 6(120)
Region 9 -- Wheels
20 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 9
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 9 Outside
15.0 Kala Angela Felice 5(57) 5(107 ) 5(108)
6.0 Harry Houdini Mark Landers 6(56)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
40 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 9
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 9 Outside
34.0 Crusher Brian Hosfelt 7(38) 7(56 ) 6(37 8(7) 6(45)
23.0 Rose Grant Menke 6(91) 5(57 ) 4(38) 3(37 5(34)
19.0 Diamond "Lil" Dean Mircos 7(107) 6(70 ) 6(108)
7.0 Jitterbug Jim Walters 3(91) 3(108 ) 1(107)
5.0 Abner Mark Landers 4(107) 1(38 )
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
60 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 9
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 9 Outside
41.0 Shelby Chris Stock 11(56) 10(108 ) 7(57) 7(27) 6(28)
39.0 German Gabe Casas 9(107) 8(56 ) 8(91) 7(38) 7(70)
31.0 Road House Kevin Hybeck 10(38) 9(37 3(56) 9(34)
29.0 Razzor Rodney Martin 7(24) 5(56 ) 5(91) 4(38) 8(21)
22.0 Granite Nora Walters 7(108) 6(107 ) 4(70) 3(37 2(38)
15.0 Silver Rodney Martin 4(24) 2(91 ) 1(57) 6(34) 2(21)
3.0 Jumbo Mark Landers 3(107)
1.0 Adam Ant Kevin Hybeck 1(38)
1.0 Rose Grant Menke 1(24)
0.5 Princess Alie Terence Reed 0.5(91)
0.5 Hank Richard Sr Felice 0.5(108)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
80 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 9
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 9 Outside
62.0 Tabby Brian Hosfelt 14(107) 12(56 ) 11(108) 13(45) 12(46)
56.0 Jane Brian Hosfelt 18(56) 11(107 ) 8(108) 10(45) 9(46)
40.0 Stryker Jim Walters 10(70) 8(91 ) 8(107) 7(38) 7(56)
31.0 Sasha Richard Jr Felice 8(24) 7(70 ) 6(57) 5(56) 5(91)
21.0 Junior Daren Webb 10(56) 6(107 ) 5(108)
19.0 Duke Jonah Terence Reed 4(70) 3(57 ) 2(24) 2(91) 8(21)
4.0 Barnaby Chris Kopecky 4(107)
3.0 Shelby Chris Stock 3(107)
3.0 Shadow Nacho Alvarado 2(108) 1(107 )
2.0 Clancy Chris Kopecky 2(107)
2.0 Brick House Mark Landers 2(38)
2.0 Princess Alie Terence Reed 0.5(24) 0.5(37 0.5(38) 0.5(21)
1.0 Kona Tracy Selis 1(70)
0.5 Duchess Brindie Sue Terence Reed 0.5(70) 0(91 ) 0(107)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
100 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 9
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 9 Outside
48.0 Utah Brian Hosfelt 12(56) 10(37 10(107) 8(38) 8(45)
38.0 Shaq Chris Stock 11(56) 14(27) 13(28)
33.0 Ozzy Melinda Hosfelt 10(56) 5(38 ) 4(37 9(46) 5(45)
31.0 Renegade Tim Long 13(56) 7(24 ) 7(37 4(107)
28.0 Neebles Mark Landers 21(56) 7(107 )
23.0 Shadow Nacho Alvarado 6(91) 4(24 ) 4(56) 3(57) 6(21)
20.5 Zevon Rick Williams 8(56) 5(70 ) 2(37 0.5(38) 5(34)
16.0 Chubbs Nacho Alvarado 6(57) 3(91 ) 3(108) 1(24) 3(21)
10.0 Snowman Kevin Hybeck 7(56) 2(38 ) 1(37
2.0 Dutch Mark Landers 2(107)
1.0 Albert Mark Landers 1(107)
0.0 Kane Kitty Alvarado 0(91) 0(107 )
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
125 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 9
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 9 Outside
32.0 Stomper Chris Stock 6(56) 6(57 ) 11(28) 9(27)
23.0 Queen Sarah Robbie Reed 5(70) 5(91 ) 4(24) 4(37 5(34)
13.0 Chester Brian Hosfelt 7(37 6(38 )
13.0 Baron Baxter Robbie Reed 7(24) 6(21)
10.0 Red Brian Hosfelt 5(107) 5(108 )
3.0 Sticker Mike Bunch 3(56)
2.0 Trinity Karen Becker 1(24) 1(37
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
150 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 9
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 9 Outside
30.0 King Dukes Terence Reed 6(57) 6(91 ) 6(107) 6(108) 6(34)
22.0 Baron Baxter Robbie Reed 6(38) 6(70 ) 4(37 3(57) 3(34)
13.0 Kai Karen Becker 7(37 6(24 )
0.5 Angus Linda Hickmon 0.5(27)
Region 10 -- Wheels
20 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 10
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 10 Outside
5.0 Dalwhinnie Bravehart Liz Carter 5(14)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
60 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 10
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 10 Outside
10.0 Missy Michael Profunio 5(49) 5(50 )
5.0 Toro Ernesto Arriaga 5(14)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
80 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 10
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 10 Outside
24.0 Belle Lynn Stimpel 9(14) 7(50 ) 5(49) 3(56)
19.0 Isis Lynn Stimpel 8(49) 4(50 ) 3(14) 4(56)
15.0 Tundra Michael Apaga 15(56)
6.0 Siren Skip Russell 6(14)
3.0 Reese Michael Profunio 2(49) 1(50 )
1.0 Tank Craig Healy 1(14)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
100 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 10
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 10 Outside
16.0 Donny Lynn Stimpel 7(14) 3(49 ) 3(50) 3(56)
13.0 Goonie Gilbert Espinoza 6(49) 6(50 ) 1(14)
4.0 Psycho Gerardo Garnica 4(14)
2.0 Siren Skip Russell 2(56)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
125 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 10
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 10 Outside
15.0 John Deere Steve Lewis 7(49) 7(50 ) 1(56)
11.0 Nikki Carlos Holt 4(49) 4(50 ) 3(14)
6.0 Shaman James Galli 1(49) 1(50 ) 2(12) 2(13)
6.0 Scisero Skip Russell 6(14)
Region 11 -- Wheels
20 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 11
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 11 Outside
36.0 Squiggy Carol Dodds 7(5) 7(60 ) 7(61) 8(17) 7(18)
27.0 Iddy Biddy Garrett Kelly 7(103) 7(104 ) 8(85) 5(84)
14.0 Bam Bam Pam Wilson 4(60) 4(61 ) 5(17) 1(18)
0.0 Pinta Angela Cockburn 0(60)
0.0 Hamilton Kim Downing 0(61)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
40 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 11
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 11 Outside
32.0 Big Block Emmanuel Faxio 6(60) 6(103 ) 6(104) 7(84) 7(85)
6.0 Eisiss John Martin 3(103) 3(104 )
3.5 Playdoh Angela Cockburn 3(60) 0.5(61 )
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
60 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 11
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 11 Outside
30.0 Serena Raymond Beach IV 7(103) 5(60 ) 4(61) 8(18) 6(40)
20.0 Faith Mary C. Beach 7(104) 4(103 ) 1(60) 5(84) 3(85)
18.0 Little Mary C. Beach 7(60) 1(61 ) 1(103) 6(85) 3(40)
14.5 Snow Larry Brillhart 6(5) 3(6 ) 3(60) 2(18) 0.5(17)
9.0 Mickey Phil Christian 6(6) 3(5 )
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
80 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 11
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 11 Outside
49.0 Popeye Kevin Cook 14(60) 8(103 ) 8(104) 10(84) 9(39)
39.0 Daisy Duke Garrett Kelly 11(60) 11(61 ) 3(103) 8(17) 6(39)
36.0 Cody Larry Brillhart 10(5) 8(60 ) 6(61) 4(6) 8(18)
33.0 Diva Garrett Kelly 11(103) 11(104 ) 11(85) 0(84)
24.0 Spanky Lisa Cook 5(60) 5(103 ) 5(104) 5(85) 4(84)
16.0 Katy Pam Brillhart 7(6) 3(60 ) 2(5) 2(61) 2(18)
15.0 Haus Ron Kemp 4(5) 1(6 ) 5(17) 5(18)
4.0 Zero Mary C. Beach 1(60) 1(61 ) 1(39) 1(40)
3.0 Samson Justin Dalton 0.5(5) 0.5(6 ) 0.5(103) 0.5(104) 1(84)
1.0 Bluff Raymond Beach IV 0.5(61) 0.5(39) 0(40)
0.5 Bubba Cecil Berry Jr. 0.5(60)
0.0 Juice Michael Hodges 0(60)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
100 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 11
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 11 Outside
44.0 Grim Chris Brennan 13(61) 12(60 ) 11(17) 8(39)
30.0 Swamper Barry Turner 9(5) 7(61 ) 0(6) 9(18) 5(17)
26.0 Honey Mark Pickrel 8(104) 6(6 ) 4(103) 6(84) 2(17)
25.0 Tyler Larry Brillhart 9(6) 5(104 ) 4(60) 4(61) 3(5)
20.0 Shasta Valarie Thawley 3(60) 3(61 ) 8(36) 6(40)
7.0 Popeye Kevin Cook 6(5) 1(6 )
5.5 Budda Carol Dodds 3(6) 1(5 ) 1(17) 0.5(18)
1.0 Hot Chick Rachel Cook 0.5(6) 0.5(17)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
125 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 11
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 11 Outside
28.0 Tye Mark Pickrel 7(104) 6(5 ) 5(6) 5(103) 5(17)
6.0 Tucker Beth Hogge 0(60) 0(61 ) 5(18) 1(40)
3.0 Torah Mark Pickrel 3(5) 0(6 )
0.0 Wookie Doris Mow 0(17)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
150 # Class -- Wheels -- Region 11
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 11 Outside
23.0 Moses Mark Pickrel 8(6) 5(5 ) 3(103) 3(104) 4(84)
14.0 Tynee Brian Weldin 2(5) 2(6 ) 1(60) 5(18) 4(39)
13.0 Layla Carol Dodds 8(5) 5(6 )
10.0 Chewy Beth Hogge 4(60) 4(61 ) 1(39) 1(40)
Jump to region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 , Snow Standings , Pull Index , Home
Unlimited Class -- Wheels -- Region 11
Total Dog's Name Owner In Region 11 Outside
27.0 Layla Carol Dodds 6(103) 5(61 ) 3(60) 7(84) 6(85)

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