Region 9
Lacy "Lou Lou" Felice
Owner/Handler: Richard Felice, Mary Felice and Julian Felice
The 2022/2023 season ended not only Lacy's 8th year of her pulling life but also saw her crossing the Rainbow Bridge January 17th 2023, as she lost the unknown battle she was fighting with cancer. It has been said that even her worst day at pulling was better than some dog's best day at pulling. Lacy was always a beast at pulling, making it to five championships and bringing home a total of 1 gold, 2 silver and 2 bronze on snow and 1 gold and 2 bronze on wheels. Just like championships ever year she pulled as a member she placed in the top 3 in snow and or wheels with a total of 2 gold, 4 silver and 1 bonze on snow and 2 gold, 1 silver and 4 bronze on wheels. Over the last few years her sister Hope and her kept fighting for who was on top for reginal placement with the 2021/2022 season being the last championship either one would be making it too. Lacy personal best on wheels is 3,250 pounds and 1,550 pounds on snow.
Lacy always greeted each pull day with tons of energy and while waiting for her turn or walking to the cart she could be seen "biting" at Richards pant legs. While sitting in her kennel to pull she could also be heard crying as any little dog would walk by as she thought they were all hers to protect and play with. Weigh ins was same way, she had to say hi to everyone and happy to get on the scale, this is how she even started her evening January 14th at the stock show pull sadly while waiting for others to weigh in she did a turn for the worse and we pulled her from pulling. Besides her love for pulling, she was known for being a pillow to her 4-legged siblings Midus and Grimmloc and a few two-legged children. At the same time, she enjoyed using large stuffies as her pillows, escaping from her kennel, chasing the cats, wearing hats, cuddling, and watching any movie or TV show with dogs on it. Even though Richard was her owner she favored Mary, including believing she had a job as Mary's personal security guard and must sit in front of the office door and watch down the hallway and out the kitchen window for any danger.
Lacy did end her 2022/2023 season with a 3rd place in region 9 wheels, and a large 119-pound hole in our hearts, but much comfort knowing she was greeted at the rainbow bridge by her siblings Sasha, Alex, Zena, Galyith, Hope, and Ceasar.