International Weight Pull Association
International Weight Pull Association


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IWPA - International Weight Pull Association


International Weight Pull Association
Competition Scoring System

  1. For a dog to earn points, they must be owned by a member and handled by a member; not necessarily the same member.
  2. To earn points, a dog must successfully pull one of the rounds during their weight class.
  3. Dogs only compete within their own weight class; even if weight classes are combined in a set of rounds.
  4. Dogs not handled by a member or owned by a member are "provisional". They contribute points, but earn no points. (On occasion, a pull will allow a novice dog (or one just wanting working dog points) into the pull. In this case, the dog will not even show in the sanction pull records. The dog will contribute no points, nor earn any points.)
  5. Dogs not successfully pulling at least one round contribute no points, and earn no points.

Points Earned at a Pull


Last place dog if not in 1st 3 positions


For each dog beat that successfully pulled.


For 3rd place


For 2nd place


For 1st place


Total Points for a Season

Snow pulls and wheel pulls are totaled separately.

Total points are not just the simple sum of all points earned for the appropriate surface. Instead, the top five pulls determine your season total.

But this has a constraint. Only two out-of-region pulls (pulls you attended in a region other than your home region) may be used in the top 5.

In RegionOut of RegionPoints used










You are ranked only within your weight class and within your region; with separate ranking for snow pulls and wheel pulls.

What happens if you dog varies between 79 lb. and 81 lb. during the season (80 lb. class and 100 lb. class)? Well, you pull in the appropriate class at an event and earn points for that class. You will have totals in each class.

At the end of the season, there is a National Championships. Top 3 dogs from each class in each region are invited to attend and compete against each other.

Points definition in the rules

Address further questions about IWPA to: Melissa Kehler
or Membership questions to: Mary Felice
or Web site questions/comments to Sheryl Franklin

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International Weight Pull Association
© 1999-2024