International Weight Pull Association
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IWPA - International Weight Pull Association

Regional Hall of Fame 2013 - Big Thunder

Big Thunder

Region 2
Big Thunder
Owner/Handler Sue Ferrari

Big Thunder, aka Precious was a giant Alaskan Malamute. With his one broken ear, you would know him anywhere. Of course, his personality was right there along side. Big T allowed Sue Ferrari to be his care taker; he was truly her heart dog.

Big T was retired after the 2006-2007 Championships. He started to have some issues with his spine deteriorating past his hips. The vet had commented that weight pulling was probably a large factor in his good health and well-being.

Pretty much everyone in Region 2 knew of T's antics. From getting past the dog barrier in the car, and leaving Sue a wet muddy seat to sit in, on the way all 3 plus hours. He was also known for eating a pound of chocolate covered apricots before pulling his best on snow. He was also known for being very well groomed on one side as he leaned on the fence when pulling.

When Big T retired he had many ribbons, including a purple one from the Luxton County Fair in Canada at his very first pull. His many regional medals include in the 2002-2003 he was bronze medalist on snow and silver medalist/bronze medalist on wheels. In 2003-2004 he was the bronze medalist on snow and silver medalist on wheels. In 2004-2005 he took the bronze medal on snow. In 2005-2006 he was the silver medalist on snow. His last year 2006-2007 he took the gold on both wheels and snow. At the 2006-2007 Championships he won the Bronze medal on wheels.

The Ferrari family lost Big Thunder in 2008, when he died at home. Forever loved and never forgotten.

Regional Hall of Fame       National Hall of Fame       International Hall of Fame

Address further questions about IWPA to: Trisha Porter
or Membership questions to: Mary Felice
or Web site questions/comments to Sheryl Franklin

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