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Regional Hall of Fame 2024 - Aubyrne
Region 7
Owner/Handler: Sheryl Franklin
Aubyrne was an Alaskan Malamute, owned, handled and loved by Sheryl Franklin.
Aubyrne earned his CGC and his Rally Novice & Intermediate titles, and had a leg toward his Rally Advanced title. He and his sister, Mariko, came to me when they were 2 ½ years old. They'd had very little training, their sits and downs were glacial. He always tried for me and was still learning new things in Rally when he was almost 11 years old.
In weight pull, Aubyrne was initially scared of the cart behind him, but once over that he was very enthusiastic about the sport. I had to run to get out of his way in his first years in the sport. He and Dave's Lilly traded MWP on my track in those years. He was also very vocal in the chute. He slowed down as he aged, but always wanted to be involved and had some spurts of his former glory. His September 2021 pull at Missy's was one of those. He loved being at her events. His final pull was in March 2023. He was acting like he wanted to pull more than the empty cart, but on that attempt just stood in the chute talking smack. Sweet old boy just wanted to be involved. He loved weight pull events. Aubyrne passed away in May 2023 and will forever be missed.

Regional Hall of Fame
National Hall of Fame
International Hall of Fame
Address further questions about IWPA to:
Melissa Kehler
or Membership questions to:
Mary Felice
or Web site questions/comments to
Sheryl Franklin
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