Region 5
Owner/Handler: Timothy Goodell
AKC UKC ADBA Hopyard's N Fourpaws La Raven "Raven" WD-W/S,
Raven is a UKC, AKC, ADBA registered Staffordshire Bull Terrier. Raven was rehomed to us at 1 year of age, after being surrendered back to her breeder. After a brief adjustment period, she began weight pull training. Initially, she didn't take to pulling very well, but we kept it fun, and she began to catch on. In her first season of pulling, she began to excel. Raven has always been very independent, and pulls on her terms, meaning, when she's done…she's done. Outside weight pull, Raven has an extremely high prey drive, which allows her to enjoy activities like lure coursing, chasing her flirt pole, and hanging on her spring pole. She also enjoys running on the slat mill and hunting and scavenging through the house.
Raven has competed in weightpull in IWPA, APA (American Pulling Alliance), UPF (United Weight Pull Federation), IDWP (Irondog Weight Pull), and the NWDA (National Working Dog Association). She has competed in 203 competitions across the 5 organizations, on every legal surface (even though she has an extreme dislike for pulling on snow..lol)
Her first competitions were in early 2015 with the NWDA, when Raven was 2 years old. Her final pull was at an APA pull in May 2023. Raven's best pulls were: Rails-3540#, wheels-1699#, and snow-410#.
In the end, Raven really did have an outstanding career. Raven earned her IWPA WD (Working Dog) on both wheels and snow, WDE (Working Dog Excellent) on wheels, and WDS (Working Dog Superior) on wheels. She has earned her APAR1-5 (APA Rails 1 thru 5), and STAR 9 (900 points in APA). She also earned her PRO 1 (100 points in UPF).
Raven is currently number 11 All-Time Points earner in the 40# class of the APA.
In IWPA, at the regional level, she earned:
2015-2016 40# Wheels Gold
2016-2017 40# Wheels Bronze
2017-2018 40# Wheels Gold
2018-2019 40# Wheels Bronze(tie) & 40# Snow 4th (invite to Championships)
2019-2020 40# Wheels Silver & 40# Snow Gold(tie)
2021-2022 40# Wheels Gold(tie) & 40# Snow Gold(tie)
In IWPA, at Championships, she earned:
2015-2016 40# Wheels Gold
2017-2018 40# Wheels Silver
2018-2019 40# Wheels Bronze
In other organizations:
2018 Irondog Nationals, Raven was in the 40# class, and finished 2nd on Wheels
2019 Irondog Nationals, She was again in the 40# class, finishing 2nd on wheels and 3rd on rails